7 ways to change bad karma

Karma is not a destined fate and not an evil rock, from which there is no getting anywhere. In fact, this is the result of our thoughts and actions.

Karma is not a destined fate and not an evil rock, from which there is no getting anywhere. In fact, this is the result of our thoughts and actions. If it suddenly began to seem to you that the earth was leaving under the feet, and life has ceased to bring pleasure, you need to urgently start cleaning the karma. We advise you to use the following tips.

1. Live consciously and set your goals

To get rid of bad karma, you must first learn to live meaningfully. Do not float with the flow - set specific goals. To begin with, let it be the simplest tasks. Gradually increase bets. You will not even notice how over time you will learn to overcome difficulties, and your plans will become global.

2. Give love to others

Start doing something good for people, even in small things. Give them joy and make them smile. At the same time, act disinterestedly, not expecting something specific in return. Soon you will understand what to do pleasant to people and get sincere gratitude in response - real happiness. Such a strategy is the best method of improving karma.

Young Couple Huging Each Other on Beach, Tel Aviv, Israel

3. Ask for forgiveness from those who were offended

Throughout life, we commit actions or say words that offend other people. Sometimes we do it purposefully, sometimes completely unconsciously. One way or another, the consequences of any conflict lie on a burdensome cargo on our karma. Cleaning the soul will help sincere apologies.

4. Keep calm

Purification of karma is a long process. Do not be surprised if at some point you begin to break, be annoyed and afraid to take the next step. This is a natural reaction of the body. The main thing is not to retreat back. The practice of meditations will help you remain calm and not succumb to momentary fear in any, even the most hopeless situation.

5. Expand your horizons

The world is much more beautiful than you imagine. Just look around! The sky, stars, trees, birds, surrounding people - everything that surrounds us is incredibly beautiful. When you learn to see this beauty, you will immediately feel like a part of this, let your imperfect, but surprisingly multifaceted world. As soon as this understanding comes to you, you will become a little happier.

6. Avoid lies

Engaged in deceiving other people, we do not gain happiness. Although in the short term this can bring some satisfaction. Nevertheless, the sooner you realize that, telling the truth is the best way to live in harmony with yourself, the cleaner your karma will be, and, consequently, life.

7. Have patience

Few people know how to wait. Most of us are used to getting an instant reward for the efforts made. We advise you to develop perseverance and patience. Having strengthened these qualities, you will automatically switch to a new level of development. Naturally, this will favorably affect your karma.

Categories: Lifestyle
By: rob-upton
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