The most reliable zodiac sign, according to astrologers

Need to reverse beans to someone? Your secret is sure with these signs.

If you are thinking of reverse a secret, some people are much loose than others. We all know this person who leavesGossiping Slip immediately Or who will quickly tell your indiscretions to make yourself more beautiful. So before letting the cat come out of the bag, consider with whom you will share your most intimate thoughts. To help you understand who to trust, we turned to astrology. Read the rest to hear professional astrologers on the most reliable zodiac signs, generally reliable to unwavering.

Read this then:The most monogamous zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


young woman telling a secret to friend

Sagittarius is a sign that is at the dawn of reliability. Their search for thrills andadventurous personality Makes them very open -minded, but this lifestyle always on the go can sometimes lead them to be a little imprudent and loose. The key is to make sure that sagittarius in your life realizes the importance they are silent.

Psychic celebrity and astrologer Inbaal HonigmanDescribes the Sagittarians as "open, honest and sure in whom they are". This is due to the fact that they are "led by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, so everything they do, say or think," she explains. They are confident to express themselves and do not understand why people try to hide the truth. Therefore, they prefer to hold your secret that you lied.

It is also a sign that likes to forge their own path, hoping that others will want to follow their traces. "They perceive themselves as leaders and gurus, they therefore always feel responsible for their loved ones," saidFuturio application astrologerAlice Alta. Sagittarians do not like to fail, so when you share confidential information, they will avoid dropping you.


happy couple smiling on a date

If you have wronged a virgin, they will probably hold a grudge and, after all their over-analysis, canbecome a bit bad. But with regard to those in their inner circle, they are extremely based on principles.

"You can depend on a virgin [because] they are well known to be meticulous, workers and organized," explains Honigman. Since they paySo much attention to details, they are able to overcome your most intimate thoughts and feelings - and which should not be shared elsewhere.

This critical approach also makes it a stable and rational presence during periods of chaos. Alta says that as long as you are honest with them, "they will answer in kind." What you see is what you get with this sign, so do not hesitate to speak frankly to the Virgin in your life.

Read this then:The most passionate zodiac sign, according to an astrologer.


friends gossiping while sitting on a sidewalk

Scorpions arefamous mysterious, and part of the maintenance of this elusive air means keeping your secrets for themselves. "They are fantastic to share problems, problems and difficult times, even if they have problems of trust," saidAimi Davis, an astrologer atOnline mediums.

These signs are intrinsically without confidence in others, they therefore know how important it is to be trustworthy and faithful. "The secrets of people will follow them in the afterlife," says Davis.

Although they take your deepest and darkest words at the grave, don't expect to get the same franchise in return. They are led by Pluto, the planet of secrets and things hidden below the surface, so it is difficult for them to lower their guard.


employees gossiping about young female colleague by whispering to each other

Capricorn is a sign that does not like to share their own emotions, and it pours what you have entrusted to it. "Extreme measures would be necessary to force them to open," explains Davis. "[They] act not only as your support pillar if necessary, but will also keep your darkest secrets under their thick exterior." She says they are extremely reliable, and when they make you a promise, they "follow and signify it".

Apart from simply keeping secrets, it is a sign in whom you can have confidence to be moral and ethical in all aspects of life, especially in the workplace. Honigman notes that although Capricorn appreciates a lot of money, status andtop at the top, "They are very based on principles and will not lie and will not cheat to arrive where they go." They know that all indiscretions will end up catching them and hinders their success plans.

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Like the zodiac signconsidered the most faithful, Cancers put friends and family above themselves and have a natural tendency to feed these people in their lives. Although they have hard shells, "[cancers] take everything to heart and ... do others as they wish," explains Honigman.

The deep cancer empathy is also equivalent to being trustworthy. "Their high level of emotional intelligence allows them to understand the suffering of others at best of their capacities," explains Davis. "They have a keen sense of good and evil," she adds, and they really want their friends to behave. Droping someone close to them is completely out of the question for cancer.


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The bull likes to take care of people and would never betray their closest friends and family. Honigman says that the energy of this terrestrial panel leads to a strong desire for "comfort, security, security and confidence". To get there, they do not chat or speak behind people's backs, because it welcomes unwanted negativity.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Like cancer, bullfighting is extremelyfaithful and united person have in your corner. In this case, theirstubborn side is paid, because they are firm to give the same comfort they want to those who are close to their hearts. This understands being a confident of trust and someone you can count when things become difficult. As Alta says, those of the Circle of the Taurus "are unlikely to be disappointed or installed".

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