11 Salmon myths you shouldn't believe

Salmon is one of the healthiest shapes of protein you can consume. Whether it is being poache in butter, steamed with green or raw vegetables in a poke bowl, it is also an incredibly versatile food. However, there are many myths and false ideas surrounding this tasty and tasty fish.

Salmon is one of the healthiest shapes of protein you can consume. Whether it is being poache in butter, steamed with green or raw vegetables in a poke bowl, it is also an incredibly versatile food. However, there are many myths and false ideas surrounding this tasty and tasty fish. Here are all the myths you need to stop believing in salmon.

1. He has a fish taste

If you encounter this problem, cook your fish via vacuum, which is softer than cooking or grills. When the salmon is too cooked, it can take these flavors and smells of fish that could dissuade you from eating these seafood.

2. The color dictates how healthy it will be

Some salmon shapes have colors and food colors added depending on the fact that dark colored salmon with this rich red shade is better sold. However, the salmon is not naturally dark red all the time - even healthy varieties can be naturally gray. So, for this reason, the color of your salmon does not dictate nutrition inside.

3. The salmon must be leafed through

How many people have told you that when the salmon is completely cooked, it flakes easily? In reality, the salmon does not always cook evenly. It is often thicker in certain parts (pectoral fins) and thinner in others (tail), which means that even if the tail of your salmon is cooked, the middle can always contain raw meat. Use a digital food thermometer to make sure that the thickest part of your salmon is fully cooked.

4. Salmon skin is non -edible

The salmon skin is filled with nutrients, and it is 100% edible! You can even find specialties in the world of crispy fried salmon skin, such as sushi rolls. The skin contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, and it also protects salmon against drying too dried or burned when cooked. Many people like to cook the skin of the salmon upwards, which keeps moist fish.

5. All the salmon is the same

You don't like salmon prepared in a sense? Then you probably did not have in its myriad of forms, including all the different ways which can be used in sushi or lox on a bagel with a myriad of garnishes. If you have tried this fish and you do not like it, try it in another form of preparation - each gives a completely different food and flavor.

6. You have to scratch this white thing

Do not panic - white stuff is completely normal. This is called albumin, and whatever the type of salmon you buy or order in a restaurant, it is likely to come. It's just a white protein, and it appears when the muscle fibers of the salmon are heated and contract, pushing albumin. This is naturally part of the body of the fish and is sure for humans, but cooking fish at a lower temperature can prevent this.

7. It's a expensive fish

It is not a form of seafood elite! Of course, if you opt for rare and wild salmon, it could become expensive. But if you buy high salmon on the farm instead of savages or Coho, it's not too bad. Of course, with wild fish, the flavor is less diluted. Buying salmon in season can also help - you can freeze fresh nets for times when they are more expensive or unavailable. Canned salmon is also more affordable.

8. It is difficult to cook

With all the different methods that you can cook salmon, it is actually one of the easiest fish. Cook the foal, poaching it or grill - the high fat content makes this fish more indulgent, so even if it is a little exaggerated, it will not be destroyed.

9. Breeding salmon is bad for you

If it is high in a sustainable way, the Atlantic salmon that is cultivated should not use chemicals or antibiotics. It is an incredibly popular fish, and wild populations cannot follow. Rather than putting these specimens in extinction, breeding salmon with ethical and ecological practices is an excellent alternative.

10. The cooked salmon is not as healthy

Cooking the salmon can be healthier. If you fear killing nutrients, cook it at low temperature. But raw salmon can potentially make you consume a dangerous bacteria or parasite. Of course, this is different with sushi salmon, which must be Sashimi grade and which can often be purchased at a higher price.

11. The frozen salmon is not as nutritious

Like frozen fruits and vegetables, salmon is frozen at its peak of nutrition. In this sense, frozen salmon could be the healthiest variety you can get. Often, the "fresh" fish is presequently frozen and thawed unless it is directly purchased from a fishmonger out of the boat. Fish rich in fat can be well frozen without having an impact on taste.

Categories: Food&Travel
Tags: Fish / health / salmon
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