All the truth about Vanessa Incontrada

Again in the eye of the cyclone, the beautiful Vanessa continues to amaze.

That of Vanessa Incontrada with keyboard lions that populate social media seems to have become a fixed appointment of every summer. As has already happened other times, the Incontrada has been the subject of the attention of that (thick?) Affective of people who delight in dispensing judgments - pungent and not requested - on the body and on the aspect of others. And also this year, some simple photos of the presenter, at the sea in swimwear, gave her a long series of considerations that are not very pleasant on her body, which does not adapt to the most common beauty standards. Instead Vanessa, who according to haters has a nice face "but she is full of freckles, spots and wrinkles", continues to show herself serene, combative and radiant as never before.


2008 is the year in which everything began, the year in which ISAL came to the world, Vanessa's son. When a life grows inside you, it is inevitable that the body changes and turns. And precisely at that time, in pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, criticism on social networks began. Free and unjustified criticisms, very often simply cruel and ferocious, as Vanessa himself defined them in more than one interview.


Vanessa's life changed when she, immediately after pregnancy, started posting her photos at the sea, as she had always done every summer. But that year, however, she not only received messages of appreciation from those who estimated her as a professional of the show. A subtle and constant rain of criticism on her body and her beautiful face began, but she was not valued by a body still too soft and in flesh.

A battle for men and women

By telling her experience, Vanessa said she had lived a very complex moment, during which she felt "disappointed, wounded and disoriented" because she could not explain in any way the cruelty of those people who seemed not to care in the least of evil that They did to a woman who, after all, did not even know. In addition to pregnancy, there are numerous reasons why a body can change: moments of strong stress can lead to gaining weight because you eat more or to lose weight because the body refuses food. Sometimes you feel good with your body despite the extra pounds, sometimes you feel uncomfortable despite a perfect body. It is a natural condition that unites everyone, men and women, and it is something that must be simply accepted and nobody has the right to judge another person for how it is or how he chooses to be.

The cover ofVanity Fair

The powder of the continuous social criticism received from Vanessa led to share her thought in a very strong and clear way. She chose to publicly show her mother's body, with a naked on the cover ofVanity FairHer's body turned into a message for everyone: it is necessary to understand, welcome and celebrate a new beauty. The photo on the cover, accompanied by the title "Nobody can judge me", was a strong and clear message for both haters and their victims.

Vanessa in Rubens' paintings

We should really commit yourself to finding a disconnected note in this authentic celebration to beauty. Vanessa's reaction to the attacks and offenses received after ISAL's pregnancy has transformed it into a real champion of self -acceptance and respect that is due to each. Such a beautiful and powerful message as to induce Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana to choose Vanessa Incontrada as the protagonist of the recreation of the canvases of Pieter Paul Rubens, the Baroque artist famous for his female nudes shown in the most realistic truth: soft bodies, to create the Which, sometimes, the painter even used overweight models. A real tribute to real, normal and beautiful women, capable of attracting and seducing, even without respecting the beauty fees imposed by society in the least.

You are very beautiful

After some criticism received also this summer for the photos taken on the beach and published on social media and for those stolen by the paparazzi, Vanessa has almost no need to defend itself. She thought about it the ordinary people who with a gesture as simple as it is beautiful, she paid homage to him during the Gigi d ’Alessio concert in Piazza Plebiscito in Naples. In fact, during the event organized by the singer for her 30 years of career, among the numerous artists invited to the stage there was also her, Vanessa Incontrada and, at her appearance, the public started singing "you are beautiful" by Loredana Bertè. A real success for the showgirl who was able to savor the fruit of her civil commitment.

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