It is food n ° 1 that increases your risk of stomach cancer, say the experts

You need to eat a game - it's how sure it is.

Each year, doctors diagnose more than 25,000 newStomach cancer case, the fifth plusCommon cancer type worldwide. And although many factors can increase your risk of being included in this number, experts say that one of them is linked to your diet. Read the continuation to find out what type of food is linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer, and why the limitation of your contribution could help bring this risk back.

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Some factors may increase your risk of stomach cancer.

Doctor using digital tablet and talking to patient at home

Stomach cancer generally occurs when malignant cells develop in the inner mucosa of the stomach. Although anyone can develop this form of cancer, your risk is higher if you have family history of stomach cancer or if you have one of the following underlying conditions: an infection of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria (H . pylori), certain hereditary genetic disorders, enemia pernious, anterior cluster of the ESTOLL or obesity.

Some demographic factors also seem to be at stake. People over 55 run an increased risk, as are men, who are twice as likely to develop stomach cancer compared to women. Your racial experience also seems to influence your statistical risk. ""Stomach cancer is more common in black, Hispanic and Asian people than in whites, "said Cleveland Clinic.

Finally, the use of tobacco and alcohol consumption are considerably linked to the risk of stomach cancer. Limiting your contribution or fully returning their use can considerably reduce your chances of developing stomach cancer.

Read this then:Eating this only thing can reduce your risk of cancer in half, says a new study.

Eating this type of food can increase your risks, warn experts.


In addition to these risk factors, experts say that your diet can have an impact on your risk of stomach cancer. "While eatingA rich salt diet was linked to an increased risk of stomach cancer, "said the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)." This includes foods preserved by drying, smoking, salting or stripping and high food in added salt. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

The World Cancer Research Fund International explains the link: "Scientists believe thatIncreased risk of stomach cancer Foods preserved with salt, they contain a large amount of salt, which permeates food during the preservation process. Experimental research has shown that salt damages the lining of the stomach and causes lesions which, if it is allowed to develop, can become stomach cancer. ""

Most of us eat more salt than we think.

Women hands in a white shirt holding a bowl of cream soup

Salt is asignificant part of our diet- One that our bodies cannot do without. "It is necessary to transmit nerve pulses, contract and relax muscle fibers (including those in the heart and blood vessels) and maintain an appropriate fluid balance", explainsHarvard Health Publishing.

However, your body only needs a little sodium to fulfill these essential functions, and most of us get more than what we need thanks to our diet. "Salt consumption is notoriously difficult to measure in this way because most of our salt consumption is" hidden "in food without us being aware of it," explains the global cancer research fund. Their report "has a shown an increased risk of stomach cancer in people who have a preference for savory foods ", whatever the amount of salt they have declared to have eaten." This may be a better indicator of the quantity of salt that we really eat, because our taste for salty foods adapts over time, "note their experts.

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Limiting your salt consumption can help reduce your risk of cancer.

Salt Added to A Pot
Vasiliybudarin / Shutterstock

To reduce the impact of this particular risk factor, limit your salt consumption and eat less food preserved in salt. The World Health Organization recommends eating less than five grams of salt per day - a quantity that should allow your body to perform its essential functions without increasing your risk of stomach cancer and Other health conditions .

"If we are able to reduce the amount of salt we eat, we could considerably reduce our risk of stomach cancer," said World Cancer Research Fund.

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