The beer you need to order according to your zodiac sign, say astrologers

Find out which Brewski suits you best, according to the experts.

A bit like yourFavorite show Or food, your favorite beer says a lot about your taste and your personality. Some people appreciate a daring and opposite flavor profile, while others like a light and sparkling infusion to sip with casualness. Whether you are new in the beer world or you are looking to change your regular drink, why not turn to astrology for answers? Here we are talking toAstrologist and successful author Lisa StardustOn the type of beer you need to order according to your zodiac sign. Read the continuation to "hops"!

Read this then:The cocktail you need to order according to your zodiac sign, say astrologers.

Aries: wear

porter beer

Bravo to you, Aries! As a daring and dynamic leader of the zodiac, you are always looking to make a statement and maintain good times. If there isA party that goes, you are there to add personality and a rich conversation. A porter, with his rich and complex flavor profile, corresponds perfect to your personality greater than life.

"Porter is the best choice for Aries, due to its burned flavor which aligns well with the sign of exuberant and tenacious fire," explains Stardust. This delicious infusion was one of the first to be produced and to brew on a global scale, which makes it as much a pioneer as you.

Taurus: Ale Brune

pale ale beer

Defective by the world to the rapid rhythm around you, Taurus prefers to savor the small moments. You are the type thatcalmly and deliberately Built the life of your dreams, collecting quality experiences along the way. And after a long day of hard work, you like to relax with a treat.

A brown beer, with its grilled and caramel finish, is the perfect decadent beer for you to sip with casualness a beautiful conversation with friends. "Brown beers have a silky and soft finish, which is ideal for the bull because they have an indulgent sweet tooth", shares Stardust.

Read this then:The wine you should drink according to your zodiac sign.

Gemini: pale ale

pale ale beer

Geminis arepuppets, which allows you to easily adapt to any situation. You like variety in life and don't just stick to the status quo. A delicious pale beer embodies your ventive nature; Like you, this beer is available in a variety of flavors so that you can always find something that suits your current mood.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Pale beer can actually be a dualist beer because of its copper color and its fruity taste which can deceive the drinker so as not to expect the flavor," explains Stardust. You will appreciate how it keeps you on your guard.

Cancer: Pilsner


Comfort and consistency are among the most important things for you, cancer. You like to surround yourself with people and things that engage in your interior home and makes you feel a little nostalgic. You are the kind of friendsConfidence for advice Since you always seem to know what to say. The pilsers are loved for their sweet and refreshing taste that brings warmth to the cheeks and a smile in the face - a bit like you.

"Pilsner is the ultimate summer beer (that's why she aligns about cancer because they start the season), because of her citrus flavor and her light," shares Stardust. The effervescent infusion is also among the most popular beers in the world.

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Leo: season

saison beer

If life is a party, you aredancing on the table Ask the DJ to reactivate music. Nothing prevents a lion from having a good time. And when it comes to an evening with friends, you like a beer that is just as fun and daring. A seasonal beer, with its impactful and aromatic flavors, is the perfect match for you.

"The season is French beer which contains a lot of spices and carbonation - like the lion which is known for its brilliant nature," explains Stardust. The deep flavors make a season difficult to ignore, and you will find yourself embraced by its spicy kick.

Virgin: wheat beer

wheat beer

You are a lover of the classics, Virgo. Once you have found your favorites, you tend to stay with them. And as a sign with a little a perfectionist sequence, you prefer a simplistic flavor profile that can remain alone. This is why humble but always popular wheat beer should be your go-to.

The refreshing drink is the perfect complement to yourhassle -free attitude. "Wheat beer is ideal for Virgo. Just like the sign of the earth, it is easy to live and has a relaxed finish that will give everyone that everyone wants," said Stardust.

Read this then:The best date of date for your zodiac sign, according to astrologers.

Balance: Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest beer

Let's be honest, balance, you are more a champagne person. But the balance you like in booty (after all, you are the symbolized sign and governed by scales) can also be found in a beer. A seasonal infusion of the Oktoberfest, which is technically a pilsner, is equal to daring and smooth, which is suitableYour wise personality Perfectly.

"The best beer for Balance is Oktoberfest because it is full -bodied and drunk in October, at the height of the balance season," explains Stardust. And since you are an engine and a shaker that likes to rub the elbows with people from different backgrounds, enjoy this drink gives you an excuse to go to the cafe outdoors.

Scorpion: big

stout beer

There is nothing sweet in the personality of a scorpion. Like the enthusiast andIntensely romantic sign From the zodiac, you are looking for experiences that allow you to deepen with others. And even if you could be a little difficult to read at the beginning, you are one of the most loyal and consistent people once someone has won your confidence. Robust beer, with its equally complex flavor profile, should therefore become a regular on the rotation of your drinks.

"Stout has a more bitter taste, what all Scorpion will appreciate because it is an oceanic animal that loves more salty flavors", shares Stardust. This daring flavor is not for the weakness of the heart, which makes it like you.

Read this then:The most undecided zodiac sign, according to astrologers.

Sagittarius: India pale ale

india pale ale

As thecurious adventurer From Zodiac, it is likely that you have already tried a number of beers on this list during your getaway and travel. You are still in motion and looking for something new, so remember to grasp a pale India beer for a quick and refreshing drink.

"India pale ale ... mixes ordinary beer with exotic ingredients like pink species, which Globetrotting [sagittarius] will love," explains Stardust. This clear infusion will be the ideal companion when you make new friends in your travels.

Capricorn: barley wine

barley wine

As a mature sign and zodiac responsible, Capricorn needs a drink with the same old and daring tasting notes. Your confident, direct andIntense aura Maybe a little intimidating for some, but you like to have fun as much as you work hard. Consider a barley wine the next time you are ready to relax.

"Due to its historical nature, barley wine is perfect for Capricorn who likes to respect and try traditional dishes and old recipes," explains Stardust. In addition, this delicious drink contains a nice punch, so you will only need one or two to spend the night.

Read this then:The scent you should wear according to your zodiac sign.

Aquarius: Belgian Ale

belgian ale

Unique and unusual, there is nothing predictable in a Aquarius. As a sign of intellectual air, you like to keep your options open and always look forDevelop your horizons and experience. The next time you are for a drink, try to change things by ordering a Belgian beer.

"The Belgian beers are light and airy, this is how most would describe the Aquarius - with a little orange zest for the spice on the side", shares Stardust. This delicious beer will make you guess until the very last sip.

Fish: Bock Beer

bock beer

People often classify you as a dreamer and lost in space, fish. However, you have a lotdeep layers under the surface Water that would even surprise your closest friends. As a sign led by Neptune, the planet of illusions and spirituality, you change and always evolve when you go through life.

The ideal beer for you reflects your rich and constantly evolving personality, which is why a Bock beer is the best choice. "Like fish, Bock Beer has a wide range of qualities and flavors that make each SIP more special," explains Stardust. The black German lager is daring and malted but has surprisingly clear nuances.

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