The most pessimistic zodiac sign, according to astrologers

Some people can only see the glass half empty.

It can be quite exhausting to expect constantly at worst, and an empty attitude can put pressure on your relationships. You plan a indoor wedding since you assume it will rain? Do you have trouble giving others the benefit of doubt? Your horoscope can be the reason for your inability to putpink glasses. Read the continuation to hear astrologers on the signs of the most pessimistic zodiac, from slightly cynical to the defeatist outright.

Read this then:The most bitter zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


angry white grandma scolding young teen
Shutterstock / Fizkes

The bull, a fixed sign, prefers routine and comfort, so "they are not too wild on change", "says astrologerJoanne Lara. "Faced with an obstacle or someone who does not agree with them, their natural reaction may be to feel a feeling of pessimism that may seem overwhelming."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Healer and spiritual astrologer Emily Newman Describes the bulls as "in a bad mood and stubborn, which makes them feel depressed and as if their world is coming to an end". Because theyso voluntary, it can be difficult to convince them that things are not really so bad.


A woman sleeping on her side with a sad look on her face

These signs of analytical earth do not know how to look at the right side, because they are too busy while waiting for the worst. "The Virgin is often considered one of the most negative signs of the zodiac," said Lara. "People born under this sign are natural concerns that endeavor for perfection."

Psychic astrologerAngelSaid Virgo is "never completely satisfied with nothing ... constantly researching and refining". Because theseHumans in a bad mood are always looking for importance, when things are just below 100%, they can easily become negative.

Read this then:The most ruthless zodiac sign, according to astrologers.


A young man looking at his laptop with a confused and angry look on his face

Capricorns can be perceived as super serious, so they are not full of hope. They are so focused ongo to the office that they do not think much about their personal life, leading to dark moods.

Directed by "Stern, Stern" Saturn, Capricorn ", tends to be a worker and worker, internally mature" sign, says Dawn. And when their well thought out objectives do not go exactly as planned, they become easily demoralized. This rigid attitude can be difficult for those around them who consider their achievements as something to celebrate.



Thisvery sensitive sign Constantly fear that something goes wrong and achieves all the worst scenarios to prepare. This does not help Libras are also nervous about what others think.

"They are very judged, so when people ignore them, they believe that the world has ended," said Newman. Unfortunately, this means that they spend a large part of their time wary of certain situations. Libras want to find the balance in everything they do, and when they can't, they can become desperate.

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Angry woman talking on smart phone on street. Wears casual clothes.

This water panel easily changes their mood and tends to think too much. Although cancers can be optimistic, they will quickly change your mind and act discouraged. "They generally have the impression that everyone is there to obtain them, even if it is not true," explains Lara. "[They] do not realize that this trend sometimes leads them to read too much in a given situation."

Dawn says thatEmotional Crab sign is likely to "withdraw into the safety of your shell" when the world around them seems too dark. "Their private world can sometimes raise emotional dysfunctions such as paranoia, pessimism and distrust," she explains.


serious conversation. Concentrated young man sitting with a cup of tea and frowning while listening attentively to his girlfriend and looking at her

Mysterious scorpions keep secrets, so they still look for other peoplewho lie just as easily. "Due to their intimately intuitive nature which includes the weaknesses of human nature, they understand the dark side," says Dawn. "This knowledge can easily make them deeply pessimistic." After all, it is natural to be suspicious when you are always tight yourself.

Lara says that the intuitiveness of scorpios means that their judgments are often right, even if she warns that being so suspicious is "not the best way to live life". There is always a slippery slope to keep you away from others.

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