The story of Dhea Ananda for almost 13 years of waiting for children, sweet fruit!
What is the story of Dhea Ananda while waiting for the baby to finally give birth? What efforts did he do during the wait?

Dhea Ananda, artist and senior singer of the country just announced happy news. The reason is he and her husband, Ariel Nidji has been blessed with his beloved baby after almost 13 years of waiting. The baby was born in the world and was warmly welcomed by Indonesian netizens.
What is the story of Dhea Ananda while waiting for the baby to finally give birth? What efforts did he do during the wait? Instead of being curious, let's immediately discuss the full below!
1. Waiting for almost 13 years of marriage
Andi Ariel Harsya or Ariel Nidji and Dhea Ananda were married in August 2009. They married at the residence of Dhea Ananda and invited around 100 guests. During the wedding period, this couple is far from slanted gossip even though it has not been blessed with a baby. In fact they look very intimate like ABG who is still dating.
After waiting for almost 13 years, finally Dhea Ananda gave the happy news of her first child's pregnancy at the age of 36 years. He announced through the Instagram social network in December 2021. He wrotecaptionTouch the liver about problems with reproductive organs that are challenges during the pregnancy program. What is the full story? Carry onscrollbelow!

2. Following various pregnancy programs
Through Instagram's post on December 12, 2021, Dhea Ananda announced the happy news of her pregnancy and told about the various efforts she did during the pregnancy program. He told me that he had problems in reproductive organs such as PCOS,endometriosis, andhydrosalping.
In addition, the husband, Ariel Nidji also has a hormonal problem, namely the amount of sperm that is lacking due to an unhealthy and overweight lifestyle. So that during the pregnancy program, Ariel underwent a consultation and routine examination with a specialist Andrology. In addition, he also carried out drug therapy and was monitored for its development.
The Dhea-Ariel couple also underwent a IVF program through the help of a team of Embryology, Andrology Specialists, and Kandi Specialists. The result is really sweet, they are blessed with the pregnancy of the first child. Not to forget, Dhea also encouraged the fighters of two lines throughout Indonesia to never give up and despair. According to him, age is not a barrier to continuing to fight.

3. Exposed to blood thickening
After pregnancy, it turns out that Dhea Ananda experienced blood tracing you know! This was revealed this on May 17, 2022 where he posted his struggle when facing blood thickening. He wrotecaption,"Blooding during pregnancy? Yes it's me!"
In this post, Dhea tells her story when facing blood thickening. He undergoes injections every night in the first trimester. Whereas in the second and third trimesters, the dose is reduced to 3 days at the same time. In addition, women who are familiarly called Badea also cannot consume several types of foods such as beef, eggs, broccoli, and spinach.

4. Attend the class of breastfeeding and caring for the baby
When pregnancy stepped around 37 weeks, Dhea Ananda and Ariel Nidji apparently attended the class of breastfeeding and caring for babies. This was revealed through Dhea Ananda's post on Instagram, where he and her husband were present in the lactation class, where they learned how to breastfeed babies, bathe babies, and how to store breast milk (ASI).
In the post, Dhea and Ariel bathed the baby using a props. Their faces also look happy when receiving education about caring for babies. Badea's stomach also looks big enough, and approaching the period of childbirth.

5. Had a Maternity Shoot session
During pregnancy, Dhea Ananda repeatedly underwent a sessionMaternity Shootor photo of pregnancy. Examples such as when invited by Mother Therapy Beyond to undergo a photo shoot with Ariel Nidji with the concept of black and white.
The pregnancy photo session was conducted in early April 2022 withcaption Touching the heart, "After 12 years of marriage, business@dea_ananda and@arielnidji To be able to get offspring finally paid off. Not an easy journey for this musician couple. Both Dhea and Ariel have experienced a saturation point. The point where they decided to stop, but not to give up. "

6. Decide on Cesar Operation
A few weeks before giving birth, Dhea Ananda and Ariel Nidji decided to perform operationscesarean.Dhea claimed to be very nervous before being taken to the hospital to give birth in a surgery. In fact, he claimed he could not sleep until 4 in the morning so tense.
"At first it was alreadyscheduled, indeed on June 14, 2022 at 9 pm. Yesalready so from noon we've beenstand by. We are preparing until close to 8 pm continue to enter the operating room, and at 9 o'clock (the baby) was born, "said Dhea Ananda when asked by reporters at RSIA Grand Family, North Jakarta.

7. The baby is named Sanne El Azhar
After the waiting period of almost 13 years, and the pregnancy period of about 9 months, Dhea Ananda and Ariel Nidji welcomed their beloved baby on June 14, 2022. The female baby was born in RSIA Grand Family, North Jakarta. Mother and child come out of the operating table in a healthy and spiritual state of good health, thank God!
"When I was born weighing 3.02 kilos, the length was 48 cm. Named Sanne El Azhar, "Ariel Nidji told the media crew. It is known that their baby's full name is Sanne El Azhar with a face of his father's blend of. Netizens also react positively and make congratulations to the Dhea-Ariel couple.

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