20 things I learned when a cancer diagnosis

Life is precious. Thus are these invaluable ideas.

The meaning of life never focuses in a brush with death. This is why the remedy spoke to the survivors who faced their mortality after a diagnosis of cancer. What they learned will give you a new new perspective on life.


It gave me an instant perspective

Happy guys in casual hugging each other.

"Cancer gives you an instant perspective. I am a pretty empathic person to start, but it simply reinforces the idea in my mind that you really have no idea what someone next to you go." - Jackie, New York, NY, Rectal Cancer


The control is largely an illusion

Silhouette of a woman jumping, starry night background

"One of the greatest lessons was of the Spirit. I had to confront my type - a tendency to the head after making how unhealthy my state of mind. I grew up a control control - obsessed with The will to do exactly the way I had considered ... and the cancer forged me to let go. It taught me that the control is largely an illusion. Then there was the flea in a Type of different spirituality, learning to encourage and learn to move away from external validation to trust myself and my instinct. The only way to solve the mental and spiritual problems - was through patience, some something I was missing all my life. I had to learn to stay still. I had to learn to live in the present. "- -Stephanie, 34, San Francisco, CA, Non Hodgkin lymphoma (step 3)


What is the strength of my faith

A tourist girl looking mountain landscape at the sunset time

"I just think that all this experience really showed me how strong my faith in God. I did not know it was so strong, but I just think my body is healed and I'm going to be healed and This experience was really for me to share with other people just to raise awareness. "- Maurissa, 56, Los Angeles, CA, Ovarian Cancer


Ask for help Do not make you weak

Close-up of psychiatrist hands together holding palm of her patient

"Aspirated Chemo, sucked surgery, physical therapy sucks, but mental things are much worse in my opinion. There are many people who have crossed the same thing. Talking to someone or make a medicine to help you during A moment does not make you a less or weak person. - Steve, 26, Brisbane, Australia, Testicular Cancer


Do not bother the therapy

Top view on difficult youth talking to a therapist while sitting in a circle during meeting

"The effects last emotionally and physically forever; it is not finished when all the treatments are completed or even years later. It has not been spoken. So, I learned that it is so important to Do not try to deny this, get a therapy at any time. Time that you feel that you need it, do not feel guilty of feeling sad, or angry or frightened. "- -Nanette, 51, Austin, TX, Breast Cancer


Your outfits can communicate your mood

woman wearing mantra scarf in the city with breast cancer awareness

"I noticed that when I was in treatment, when I wore black or gray vs colors, people / friends / family have reacted better to the situation, which could offer me what I needed. Colors have almost worked like an open door. I am make sure the colors have communicated hope and then with this opening, the positive energy has entered and provided support. It was like a real circle of communication, But on a non-verbal level. "Gari, 63, Philadelphia, PA, breast cancer


Let others love me and help you

A woman with cancer is sitting in a wheelchair

"I had to stop everything I did and let the people love me help me. Stop forced me to take a look at my life and discover my superpower - my goal in life - the reason to get out of bed in the morning. " -Kara, 46, Riverside, CA, Breast Cancer


You can love yourself as you are

Beautiful woman with a headscarf looking on mirror

"I learned to love my body as it was. I remember seeing my body in the mirror shortly after being diagnosed. I felt like a fool not to appreciate my body. Instead of choosing On my thighs, I showed them a gratitude for all they have done for me. If there was always a time that my body needed an extra love, it is now. Learn to love my breasts After the surgery helped me heal the physical scars as well as the cancer of the mental scars left. "- -Christine, 51, Bayport, NY, Breast Cancer


It highlights what really matters to you

happy family spending time together

"Everyone can be diagnosed with cancer ... The really important things of life monument at the top and the rest falls by the way. It was really important for me to rest and heal after treatments. All energy. All energy that I left was spent with my family. "-Christine


Stay out of the interwebs

Male Patient Being Reassured By Doctor In Hospital Room

"Do not look for your condition online. It will only make you panic and add to the confusion ... If you have any questions or concerns, do not be afraid to be vocal with your doctors and ask for a second or third opinions, but not the Internet. "-Sabrina, 31, Acute myeloid leukemia


You look like the way you feel

Portrait of a bald woman in a living room in a cozy house in the morning.

"I learned very little time after my diagnosis that the way you look like a considerable impact on how you feel. When I've" "like a cancer patient, I felt emotionally and physically sick that I was really. When I started taking care of myself and I looked more like my usual self rather than a patient, I felt instantly more energetic and optimistic. My advice To all those who crosses cancer treatment are: wear your own clothes if you can for all long hospital stays, continue with good personal hygiene practices and use makeup when you need. When you have the 'look good, you feel really better. "- Sabrina


You have heavy medical decisions to do

Tourist in squatting position on peak of sandstone rock and watching into colorful mist and fog in morning valley

"When you land in cancer, you often have to make difficult decisions about cancer treatment when you have no idea what's going on and there are advantages and disadvantages for each option. Ask to Difficult questions. Ask difficult questions, look for different perspectives and make difficult decisions, because no one knows you know yourself. "- -Joe, Melbourne, Australia, Testicle Cancer


Communicate to your support system

Cheerful diverse people huddling in the park

"Most people in your life want to support you, but they have no idea how ... an email that clearly explains where you are and what specific things you want (or you do not want) to do them Facilitate your friends and family to be there for you. "- Joe


When you are ready, you are in control

female hands with pen writing on notebook on grass outside

"With cancer, there are so many things about that, it's easy to lack crucial detail or forget to ask an important issue. Here is something that can help-hinder a newspaper of your evils, pain and worries (even if I just noted only in your phone.) And write questions that you need answers to. In this way, when going to see your specialist, you do not have to think instead or worry, you will miss something important. "- Joe


Hope is stronger than fear

Purple flower growing on crack street

"With or without cancer, we can never predict what will happen - but we can only hope that things will get better, we can only hope that there is only a brighter future because Hope is the only thing stronger than fear. " - Joe


He can test marriages

Supportive husband kissing his wife, cancer patient, after treatment in hospital

"I hate hearing the assumptions of people that because you have crossed cancer and you're married, you have to have the strongest wedding. In theory, saying that you are better after spending together, but it was Extremely difficult. My husband is a very head and in a kind. All this experience has forced him to imagine me not to be around, and that caused a lot of depression and anxiety for us two. " - Kristine, 36, Columbus, Oh, cervical cancer


Choose the right team

Cancer patient visiting doctor for medical consultation in clini

"I had to change your doctor to find the right fit. It's incredibly important for anyone who crosses this trip - you must be your own lawyer, you have to ask questions, you must be ready because this trip is difficult and Medical with this effect on people where you have all these questions and forget what you need to add. - Greg, 38, Wharetown, NJ, Thyroid Cancer


He puts everything in perspective

Beautiful view of young woman swing on the top of the mountain

"Everything seems cliché, but I live every day and I appreciate every day. It sounds stupid, but it's true. I do not really transpile little things as much. If I meet a new experience or something difficult I think: "I do not have cancer. It's not going to put me in hospital "and I feel better. Things are not as great of a case." - Christine, 36, Washington DC, Leukemia (acute leukemia lymphoblastic)


I am more widespread

Patient standing and telling her problems to therapy group

"I use my time more wisely that I did before. I have unique experience and perspective about things, so I use that more than I've already done so. If I can use what I went To help someone else, it's great. I was not good. 'T Really an outgoing person before, and I feel like I'm a lot more outgoing and talkative now. I share more personal things As me before. I realized how little I knew that little I knew leukemia and cancer in general, and after the connection with people, I was able to meet a lot of people. Nobody really speaks, so I decided to be open on my business. You can make so many links with people by being vulnerable and real. "- Christine


Layer up!

Businessman reading a newspaper and leaning on the frame of a door

Here's a professional advice that is useful for everyone to know, cancer or no cancer: "Wearing a dress at the hospital does not work. Take a second dress to wear in the opposite direction to protect yourself from the project. "-Eric, Millersburg, PA, anaplastic grade III pebendymoma.

And live your happiest and healthiest life, do not miss these101 The most instance habits on the planet.

Categories: Health
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