If you have this tree in your yard, kill it and cut it, experts warn

He threatens surrounding wild animals and even the basics of your home.

There is no doubt thatThe trees are a crucial part From our ecosystem, cleaning the air we breathe and providing houses for surrounding fauna. They also offer a natural playground and picturesque landscapes-maybe you have good memories of climbing a tree in your backyard as a kid, or you like to lean against one to read a book in the park. But although the trees are clearly beneficial overall, not all are created equal. In fact, there is a particular variety of trees that constitutes a threat to other plants and species, as well as the bases of your home. Read the rest to find out which tree you will want to kill and cut immediately if you spot it.

Read this then:If you have this tree in your courtyard, cut it now, those responsible warn.

Invasive species are dangerous for native ecosystems.

blooming callery pear tree
Thread creators / Shutterstock

Invasive plants can make significant damage. Experts have issued warnings to other invasive trees, including Bradford's pear. Although its decorative white flowers are a nice view to see, these trees can really "stifle other plants," accordingUnited States today. They also produce a rather unpleasant odor, which has been compared to dead fish and urine, and when they go through other pear varieties, their offspring (called call tire pear. You have a Bradford pear in your courtyard, you should cut it as soon as possible.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Experts warn that other vegetable varieties such asgarlic andReady to poison should also be pulled, but a different invasive tree makes this process a little more difficult.

Keep an eye on this tree in your courtyard.

tree of heaven
Guentermanus / Shutterstock

Heaval tree (also known asAianthus) is actually an improper term, because this plant tends to be more demonic than anger. According to Conservancy nature, this factory was first brought to the United States of China in theEnd of the 18th century. Similar to other invasive plants, this tree has no natural predators in the United States and has the capacity to spread quickly. As North America and China have similar climates, Heaven's tree has managed to infiltrate 44 American states, according toCharles Van Rees, PHD, conservation scientist, naturalist and founder of theGulo in nature Blog.

"You can meet this plant, especially in urban areas, everywhere in the continent in the United States, with the exception of Montana, Wyoming and Dakotas," said Van ReesBetter life.

You can recognize this tree by its leaves. Van Rees explains that its individual leaves are long stems "with a bunch of small things in the air of the leaves that grow along these" placed on the opposite sides. Also check the hair on the twigs of the tree, which is blurred and reddish brown in color, as well as "clusters tight of small wind seeds".

"The leaves of the Heaven tree have clear lance -shaped leaflets, and they roughly smell if you crush them," said Van Rees, adding that it is a good way to distinguish the tree from the native species from which It resembles, including black walnut, various ashes and some varieties of sumac.

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The Heaven tree can threaten other plants, as well as the structure of your home.

tree-of-heaven growing out of pavement
Maljalen / Shutterstock

In addition to congestion of other pants, the current tree weakens and kills other species by secreting chemicals in the ground, known as Van Rees, a process called allelopathy.

"The aggressiveness and allelopathy of the Time Tree makes them extremely disruptive with existing vegetation, which disturbs the structure of the habitat for other plant and animal species, and disrupts the food network by changing food plants available, "explains Van Rees, adding that it also acts as a reproductive ground for thespotted lantern, a harmful invasive insect.

To worsen things, Heaven's tree does not only target other species - it also constitutes a threat to infrastructure, in particular concrete structures, and root growth can even damage the road and plumbing.

"This is particularly problematic because it can live almost anywhere, even in poor quality soils, and in all kinds of shaded or sunny environments," explains Van Rees. "In addition to its impacts on ecosystems and native species,Aianthushas a fairly ugly smell, so it's a bit of a pest. ""

There are different approaches to kill this tree.

axe in tree
Porkaliver / Shutterstock

According to Van Rees, there are different ways to tackle a problem of the hour tree, depending on the stage of the plant's life. When it is young, the tree can be removed from the ground, but if you face with an older tree, the process becomes more complex. It is thanks to a "strong and thick" tapot that the plant grows deep into the soil, which makes it difficult and sometimes requires mechanical elimination.

"People generally resort to the drop in the plant at this stage, but it is unlikely that this kills the plant, which can spread through its roots (called success in this case) underground," explains Van Rees. "To ensure that it is killed, some people will cut all the trunks or the stem above the ground, then tumble a herbicide directly on the cut rod so that it penetrates the vascular tissue and then in the root. That. can stress and kill the plant. "

Van Rees explains that this is a better approach than simply propagating herbicides, which can actually kill plants in the surroundings. However, he adds that some experts recommend another approach. "Experts in the fight against pests of Pennsylvania State Plants Plants Extension recommend treating well -established plant roots with specific herbicides, pending until the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn for Apply at the right time, "he said. "For the owners, the simpler" hacking and squirt "method can be the best, where you cut a notch in the upper of the plane and apply herbicide to the wound so that it enters the vascular tissue."

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