Carlotta Bertotti: how difficult is it to accept to be unique?

Carlotta, her Nevo of Ota and her life as a model

For those who still do not know her, Carlotta Bertotti is a 22 -year -old Torinese girl with a peculiarity that does not go unnoticed: she has a nevus of OTA on her face. A hyperpigmentation of the skin that is not dangerous, but which looks like a dark desire that affects the whole left side of her face, including eye. Since she was only 8 years old, she has always covered that nevus with her make-up, that desire that she did not allow her to be like everyone else, but one day, on the return from high school everything has changed. Today she Carlotta works as a model forVogue And what was before her was the greatest weakness of her today she turned into her particularity bigger than her. Let's find out together the story of her.

Make-up at 8 years

Carlotta was born with a nevus of OTA, a hyperpigmentation of the skin that at the beginning presented itself only as a small black dot in the eye which, however, with the passage of the time, involved the whole eye and the left side of the faceSince she was just 8 years old, she was unable to understand and accepted how her image could be so different from that of others and she has always covered this peculiarity with the make-up. Two hours of makeup before going to school, plus various touches during the day. A little job to avoid the judging looks of the people she met.

Nobody knew it

As she told in an interview, the Nevo put Carlotta so uncomfortable that to cover the hyperpigmentation of the eye, she had even bought a particular contact lens that hid everything. None of her schoolmates knew it, only her family. A construction elaborated to hide what caused her most discomfort and made her feel different from others. For a long time she avoided shaking friendships and attending hypothetical boyfriends. She even gave up going to the sea for fear that she could wash her makeup away.

One day everything has changed

Also in one of her numerous interviews, Carlotta said that, one day, on the return from high school something took place within her that made her change perspective on the problem. The effort that he needed to hide him, to keep the stain constantly hidden on her face, was greater than the job that she should have done on herself to accept herself as she was. The tiredness of her hiding for all those years has led her to get rid of the judgment of others and to embark on a complex path of acceptance of itself that has led her to be today one of the models of the body positiveness ofVogue

The first photo (natural) on social media

When she decided to take her life in her hand, Carlotta showed herself to the world as she is, without retouching, without make-up. In all her beauty. She said that her first photo of her appeared on social networks took her a friend of her. She posted it with a simple caption and then ignored social media for days. Fortunately, when she checked she found no hatred message.


At just 22 years old, Carlotta already has one of her fashion agency, a little particular. Is calledI’mperfetta Project And she works with women of a wonderful imperfection. It tells the story of those who, like her, have decided to love each other as it is and to propose itself as a concrete and positive example of how beautiful and satisfying the life of a person who loves you are. Carlotta has repeatedly declared that she did not have the magic formula to accept itself, because each story is in itself and everyone follows a path of different acceptance, but listening and comparison can make a big difference and she, with its history, has All the intention to help as many people as possible to accept their uniqueness.

Vogue and Alessandro

Carlotta's beauty and determination led her to participate in a casting forVogue, that she chose her as an ambassador of the Body Positivity. The photos of the service were so beautiful that Carlotta herself convinced herself even more to follow this path, to love her uniqueness to use her "discouragement to do good to other people", just as she has told. In addition, her work then brought her to meet Alessandro, her boyfriend. The umpteenth demonstration of how much the courage to follow one's instinct and to be oneself can transform the uniqueness of each into strengths to make their own dreams come true.

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