11 Meanings of the Mendi design that you should know

The antique practice of henné tattoos dates back to thousands of years. Some believe it's as old as Mahabharata itself, a legendary Hindu epic that has been written five thousand years ago. Today, henna tattoos, also known as Mehndi, are used to express happiness and love in various ceremonies such as weddings, blessings and birthday celebrations. Here we present you 11 Meanings of Mehndi Design Secret Secret that you should know.

The antique practice of henné tattoos dates back to thousands of years. Some believe it's as old as Mahabharata itself, a legendary Hindu epic that has been written five thousand years ago. Today, henna tattoos, also known as Mehndi, are used to express happiness and love in various ceremonies such as weddings, blessings and birthday celebrations. Only Mehndi Masters know all the secrets of the henna tattoo fabrication! But today, we present 11 Meanings of Mehndi Secret Design that you should know.

Lotus is a symbol with hundreds of meanings, but it is mainly used to represent the purity and awakening of a soul. This also represents sensuality, beauty, femininity and grace.

The henna flowers symbolize happiness and total joy. This is the type of design you will see on beautiful brides during wedding ceremonies.

Another popular element for the design of henna wedding is a beautiful peacock. This bird is really exquisite and beautiful, so no surprising that its secret meaning is also beauty.

Henné bird conceptions require a lot of incident and careful placement. Birds like sparrows and parrots generally symbolize freedom.

You can see vineyards and all kinds of Creepers on most Mehndi's designs. This beautiful leafy element symbolizes longevity, vitality and strength - the essential qualities for a relationship to thrive.

Butterflies and dragonflies
Butterflies represent transformation, while dragonflies symbolize rebirth and change.

The fish element is not as common as other Mehndi designs, nevertheless, you can always see them from time to time. The fish in Mehndi recall the eyes of a woman, which is exactly used for henna fish!

Sun (or Surya) is one of the most powerful henna tattoo symbols. Being the ultimate source of energy, the sun means knowledge, love and immortality.

The water
In Henna Designs, the water is represented by a flow of fun ripples. It is a symbol of purification, but it could also mean the eternal change of its emotions. He describes life itself!

Moon symbolizes love that will last forever, as well as change and protection of evil. When a baby is due, Mehndi Masters uses the design of the moon Crescent to indicate the event.

Mandala is a symbol considerably used in Hinduism and Buddhism. This conception of henna represents the universe itself, making it one of the most used elements of Mehndi's designs.

Categories: Beauty
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