If you sleep in this way, your risk of dementia soars, the study warns

Do your sleep habits put your brain in danger?

Sleeping enough is important for all kinds of reasons: our body and our brainsimply works better When we are well rested. "Sleep affects almost all the fabrics of our body,"Michael TWERY, MD, told National Institutes of Health (NIH). "It affects growth and stress hormones, our immune system, our appetite, our breathing, blood pressure and cardiovascular health." NeuroscientistMerrill Mitler, MD, adds: "Sleep serves all aspects of our body in one way or another: molecular, energy balance, as well as intellectual function, vigilance and mood."

The amount of rest we need every night varies from person to person. Although some can feel good with only six hours of closing, others need eight complete - or even more - to have the impression of working at their best. A recent study, however, raises a red flag on the link between obtaining a certain number of hours of sleep per night and the risk of developing dementia on the road. Read the rest to find out what sleep experts say could put you in the danger zone.

Read this then:Doing this at night can help you keep dementia away, the study says.

Millions of people receive a diagnosis of dementia each year.

Caregiver daughter hug and help Asian senior or elderly old lady woman holding red rose on wheelchair in park.
Sasirin Pamai / Shutterstock

More than 55 million people worldwide areLive currently with dementia, and nearly 10 million new cases are diagnosed each year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The first symptoms may include forgetting, waste time and lose in places where you have been several times before, write their experts. As the condition progresses, people with dementia will have increasing difficulties in communicating and taking care of themselves, and ultimately, they will not be aware of their place, behave irregularly and will have harm in recognizing dear beings.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Dementia can be the result of Alzheimer's disease - which is the main cause of the disease - or it can result from a stroke, a traumatic cerebral lesion or another disease. Sometimes the exact reason for dementia is unknown. Whatever the cause, it is said, dementia is the seventh cause of death in the world, and there is currently no remedy.

Read this then:Doing this at night makes you 30% more likely to develop dementia.

Taking a good night's sleep helps your brain better work.

man sleeping in bed
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

If you worry about your cognitive function and want to stay alive for as many years as possible, you rest well is one of the best things you can do for your brain. "The loss of sleep alters your higher levels of reasoning, problem solving and attention to detail," Mitler told NIH. "The fact is that when we look at well -rested people, they work at a different level from those who try to manage on one or two hours of sleep less at night."

Studies have linked common sleep problemslike snoring andSleep Apnea With an increased risk of dementia, so if you fight with one or the other, it is crucial that you talk to your doctor in the best way to solve and solve them.

Too much sleep can be a red flag, however.

researcher examining brain scans
Chinnapong / Istock

Although a lot of sleep is important, two relatively recent studies have raised concerns about sleeptoo Many and what it could mean for your cognitive health.

A February 2020 study published in the journalAlzheimer's and dementia noted that sleeping for more than nine hours a night was linked to a decrease in memory and difficulty learning, including dementia. ""Insomnia and the prolonged sleep duration seem to be linked to a drop in neurocognitive functioning which can precede the start of Alzheimer's disease, "the main author of the study,Alberto R. Ramos, Said MSPH, in a press release.

A previous study, published in the February 2017 issue ofNeurology, found that older adults who were sleepingMore than nine hours per night- But which had only started to sleep recently for so long - was more than twice as likely to develop a dementia a decade later. However, the researchers said that they did not know if the excess of closure was to blame for the diagnosis of dementia, or was only a symptom of the cognitive decline which was already beginning to settle.

"We don't suggest that you wake up grandfather,"Sudha Seshadri, MD and the main study of the study, said inNeurology. "We think it could be a marker for the risk of dementia, not a cause."

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A healthy lifestyle can help to ward off dementia.

A senior couple smiling and dancing with each other

Although the prospect of potentially developing dementia is certainly frightening, it is important to understand that certain lifestyle habits could help keep it at a distance . Things like doing regular exercise and eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and unsaturated fats can help, according to the National Institute of NIH on aging. Managing your blood sugar and maintaining healthy weight can also help, as is the treatment of hearing problems - if you have been told You need hearing aids , carry them - and Stay logged in With friends and family. And of course, sleep a lot, but maybe not too Lots of sleep - will also help you keep on your guard.

Categories: Health
Tags: / Health Advice / News / sleep
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