Expert Virus Problems Warning for all Americans

The Delta variant costs lives.

ThecoronavirusRefuses to leave this summer, because a new variant of Delta is more aggressive and more communicable than any respiratory virus in recent memory. Disturbing, only half of the country has beenvaccinated. Former FDA Commissioner, Mr. Scott Gottlieb, who is also the board of directors of Pfizer, appeared onFace the nationyesterday to explain howKeep yourself safe given increasing cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Read on its five essential tips - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Expert virus warns this variant can "submerger" your body

Female doctor talking to a patient who is lying on hospital bed amidst essential workers.

"The virus levels you develop early during the infection have considerably higher with this delta virus than with old strains," said Gottlieb. "And that's why people are more contagious. That's why it spreads more quickly. But the other thing we know about it is that these levels of viruses rise very quickly. And that's why we think we think that it is easier for this virus to overwhelm system immunity. So, for example, if you have a vaccine that you had seven or eight months, and that your antibody levels decreased, if you get this new Delta variant, it is easier for this delta variant to overwhelm small levels of antibodies. And that is why we consider that some people could or may not need boosterboosters to increase their levels of Antibody. We know that you have more viruses on board at the beginning of the infection. We know that you likely to lose more viruses that makes you more contagious. It also makes it more likely that you are going to develop an infection of this new variant. "


Expert virus affirms wearing a mask here and wearing this kind of mask

Medic, nurse with face mask and blue nitride gloves sharing a N95 mask.

"If you are in a high prevalence environment where there is a lot of infection, a mask can always be useful against this new variant," said Dr. Gottlieb. "The physical characteristics of this virus have not changed. The reason it is more transmissible is that there is simply more. When people are infected, they get more viruses, viral levels Higher and exuded more viruses. They are therefore more contagious.. But the characteristics of the virus have not changed as far as we know it. So it's not more volable is no more likely to be permeable through a mask. A mask can be helpful. I think if you go to consider wearing a mask, the quality of the mask imports. So, if you can get their hands on a mask N95, that will allow you a lot more protection. "


Expert virus warned that you should not feel "waterproof" even after vaccination

Senior woman with caring daughter at home

"The question I get a lot is if you are vaccinated, can you still broadcast the virus?" said Gottlieb. "We had very good data with the old coronavirus strains, that if you were vaccinated, you were much less likely to transmit the virus. It's probably always true. You are probably less likely to transmit the virus, but if You are vaccinated and if you are vaccinated and you develop an asymptomatic or slightly symptomatic infection, there is probably a higher chance that you can transmit this delta virus that some of the old strains, because there is just more of this virus, the virus that was higher on the part of the infection. So, if you are around vulnerable people, if you take care of a newborn or an elderly patient, and that you are vaccinated, you do not feel Well, you should probably make you check, do not assume that you "reserve to any type of infection, even if you are vaccinated."

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Expert virus says that here is the "first thing" he wants to exhort right now

Doctor Giving Older Woman Corona Virus Vaccine Injection In Hospital

"How should Americans think about what is happening now and how they should make their own risk judgments," the host asked. "The first thing I urge to Americans do is to be vaccinated," Gottlieb said. "We know that vaccines are very effective. Even against this delta variant. There were data in theNew England Journal of MedicineThis week, showing that vaccines are effective 88% against symptomatic diseases. And certainly anyone out to get vaccinated right now will have a vaccine that protects them across autumn and winter. So, they will have a wide and sustainable protection of this vaccine. "

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How to stay safe out there

Young man wearing two face masks.

Follow the public health fundamentals and help put an end to this pandemic, no matter where you live-get vaccinated. If you live in an area with low vaccination rates, wear afacial maskwhich adapts perfectly and is double layered, do not travel, the social distance, avoid the big crowds, do not go inside with people you do not fit with (especially in the bars), practice a good hygiene of hands and protect your life and protect your life the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

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