If this happens to you in the bathroom, make your thyroid, doctors warn

Do not ignore this potentially serious symptom.

Your thyroid is a butterfly -shaped gland that is responsible for regulating your metabolism, which in turn provides energy to maintain crucial bodily functions such as breathing, digestion and circulation. He deservesAttention and care, to take preventive measures to keep healthy to monitor the warning signs that something might not be. But around 60% of people with a thyroid conditionDo not realize that they have a problem, reports healthy women and therefore do not seek treatment. Know thetraffic signs Of a thyroid condition is a crucial means of taking care of this vital organ - and a symptom that can appear in the bathroom can mean that it is time for a trip to the doctor. Read the rest to discover what it is.

Read this then:If you can't stop doing this at night, do your thyroid.

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are the two most common thyroid conditions.

Doctor checking the thyroid of a patient.

There are different forms of thyroid problems; The two most common types are called hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. "A slowed thyroid gland is known as hypothyroidism, the condition in which your thyroid does not make enough thyroid hormones", explainsYasmin Akhunji, MD, acertified endocrinologist from the board of directors With Paloma Health. "You might feel symptoms that have the impression that the body slows down, like dry skin,brittle nailsor weight gain. ""AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"A hyperactive thyroid gland is known as hyperthyroidism, the condition in which your thyroid does too much thyroid hormone," explains Akhunji. "In this case, you might feel symptoms that have the impression that the body accelerates, such as excess perspiration, agitation or a rapid heart rate."

Thyroid problems can manifest themselves with gastrointestinal symptoms.

Woman in her kitchen holding her stomach.
Anut21ng / Istock

Although you cannot immediately associate your thyroid with your stomach, both are inextricably linked. "The thyroid gland can haveA significant impact On the gastrointestinal system, "according to the endoscopy center of Washington, D.C." When the thyroid gland does not work properly, it can cause a wide range of problems, including digestive problems. ""

An under-active thyroid slows down the different processes of your body, and this may include one of the many functions carried out by your digestive system. "Hypothyroidismslows the movement of food Thanks to your stomach and your intestines, "advises Healthline". "Slowed digestion can cause symptoms such as stomach burns, constipation and bloating."

When the thyroid is hyperactive, this can cause different types of problems in the digestive system.

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A hyperactive thyroid can speed up the functioning of your body.

Patient talking to doctor about stomach problems.
Pornpimon Rodchua / Istock

Just as hypothyroidism slows down the body, hyperthyroidism accelerates things. "At first, symptoms of hyperthyroidism can be vague and easy to reject", endocrinologistShiri Levy, MD, explained to Henry Ford Health. "Leave untreated, a thyroid thathas worked overtime Can pump thyroid levels so high than organs like the heart and the liver are shocked. ""

Some of the symptoms linked to hyperthyroidism makes sense when you think of the body during extension. A rapid heart rate, an increase in metabolism resulting in weight loss, excessive sweating and anxious and trembling sensation are all symptoms of hyperthyroidism cited by the Cleveland Clinic. (These are just a few signs of warning thyroid problems - others may includeHair changes or extreme sensitivity to heat or cold.)

And although diarrhea and frequent stools can report many different conditions, they can also be caused by hormones produced by a hyperactive thyroid.

Monitor the changes in your stool.

Woman feeling unwell with hand on her mouth.
Fizkes / Istock

The "frequent stools" can mean different things for different people. "While everyone makes stools, the frequencyvaries considerably, "According to Healthline." There is no generally accepted number of times that a person should poop. "However, the site notes that most people have their own regular stools scheme. And although there are many factors that can affect changes in your bathroom habits - ranging from the side effects of drugs to an illness 'stomachFood origin—Ealthline recommends talking to your doctor about changes that last more than a week.

Also look for changes in theAppearance of your stools, as hyperthyroidism can affect color and coherence as well as the frequency of your stool. "Your stool must be brown, without pain to eliminate and soft to firmly," explains Akhunji.

"TheClassic symptoms of hyperthyroidism Include heat intolerance, tremors, palpitations, anxiety, weight loss despite normal or increased appetite, increased frequency of stools and shortness of breath, "writes Douglas S. Ross , MD, in an article published by Uptodate. If you notice one of them, make an appointment with your health care provider.

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