It used to be very beautiful now, Alyssa Soebandono got a domestic violence?

There was a slanted gossip that Alyssa Soebandono looked thinner because he had domestic violence until it was seriously ill, is it true?

Do you remember the beautiful artist Alyssa Soebandono? Yes, the woman born in 1991 is famous as a talented actress who has starred in dozens of soap opera titles and FTV. He also often nominated at various prestigious awards, such as the Panasonic Gobel Awards, the Panasonic Awards, and the Indonesian Drama Series Awards.

It turned out that around 2013, Alyssa Soebandono was attracted to the handsome pesinetron Dude Harlino. Their relations ended happily over the aisle on March 22, 2014. Their marriage lasted smoothly and until now far from slanted news.

But apparently, just heard a slanted gossip that Alyssa Soebandono looked thinner because he had domestic violence until he was seriously ill. Is this gossip true? Then what is the real facts? Let's discuss more deeply!

1. Judged to be thinner

Alyssa Soebandono or familiarly called Icha often upload photos on Instagram. He often uploads happy moments with his family, Dude Harlino and his two children. Their faces look happy and loving. But lately, Icha looks thinner when compared to previous years.

For example as in Icha's post on April 20, 2022. He posted a photo with his family and wrotecaption, "After such a long timeGa There is a photo of a family wearing matching clothes. Looks more cheerful right? "

In that post, Icha's body looks thinner. Changes in body shape then made some netizens could not stand to comment spicy. For example like netizens with the initials L who commented, "Really tight." And there are those who commented very cruel, "Like a life skull .... live bone."

In addition, many netizens are prejudiced when Icha is sick, stressful in taking care of children, even Dude Harlino does domestic violence. Wow, the heart of netizens dared to comment spicy like that. Then are all netizens like that? No, there are still many netizens who defended Icha.

2. Many are defending

Among the various kinds of spicy comments, it turns out there are still many netizens who give positive comments and defend Icha. Examples like the initials netizens A commented, "Sis Ichaaaa is beautiful." And the initial C netizens who defended, "Can netizens be hereno effortbody shaming? "

Meanwhile, there are also many netizens who say that Icha is more beautiful and sweet. Some are even fascinated by the warmth of the family headed by Dude Harlino. Like netizens H who commented, "The couple is suitable and harmonious."

There are even netizens who remind thatbody shamingand evil comments can trip over a legal case. Many have gone to prison because of hate speech, for example like Ahmad Dhani. Then what is Dude Harlino's response to netizens' views that Icha is thinner? Straight toscrolldown yes.

3. Dude Harlino intervened

Although there are some netizens who suspect that the household of Dude Harlino and Alyssa Soebandono is cracked, it turns out that their household is fine. In fact they look happy with two hearts named Rendra and Malik who are in a teenager.

Responding to netizen spicy comments, Dude Harlino tried to be patient and gave information with a cool head. He revealed that his wife was thin not because of a diet program, but indeed because he always had a thin body. He also revealed that Icha's body did not go up dramatically despite being pregnant.

"Even though it's the sameno There is a diet, it is precisely every day Icha is really a hobbyjogging sometimes swimming. So actually the activities are ordinaryjust And what is the same weight as weightjust. Innate from the firstlike this (thin). When you get pregnant too. Gain weightno Many, "said Dude Harlino to the insertlive team.

4. Harmonious family

In fact, the families of Dude Harlino and Alyssa Soebandono are very harmonious and have never been hit by the issue of cracks. Even after 8 years of building a household ark, they look happier from day to day.

The couple Dude and Icha have also been blessed with two cute and funny hearts. His eldest son whose full name is Muhammad Dirgantara Ariendra Harlino or often called Rendra was born on February 19, 2015. While the second child named Malik Mahendra Harlino or familiarly called Malik who was born on August 2, 2017.

The latest news, they have just enjoyed the delicious culinary typical of Bandung, namely Batagor Yunus. It was very happiness that radiated from the faces of the two of them. It was even very visible that Dude Harlino was a figure of father and husband who was soft and loving. See, there's just a gossip. Luckily Icha and Dude patiently, if not all of them have been put forward, the comments are spicy!

5. Married Without Dating

How is the love journey of Dude Harlino and Alyssa Soebandono before marriage? It turns out they have never been dating, but directly to the application and get married. This was revealed in "a thousand times love the series" episode 5 on the YouTube channel Kapanlagidotcom which aired on March 3, 2021. The show was revealed that Dude Harlino did not want to date, but immediately asked for permission from Icha's parents to get married immediately.

"Long story short, ask,‘ Brother (Dude)want to Seriously, butno want to date. If you are allowed, you want to meet Papa immediately. If his fatherpermission, just get married right away. Long story short, eh accepted. Yes, we finally got married, "explained Dude Harlino to Christie.

Dude Harlino has always been known as a man who is polite, religious, and wise. This was once revealed by Icha in the 2014 interview. He said, "Sis Dude is a figure of Soleh, who is definitely good, authoritative, wise. Indeed, as a man he can be used as a role model. "

6. Both of them just starred in soap operas

Then after their household relations were fine, are Dude and Icha still playing soap operas often? It turned out that the two of them had just starred in the soap opera that aired on SCTV you know! Wow, what is the soap opera title and how is the synopsis?

The soap opera was titled "Love Amara" which aired on SCTV since August 9, 2021. This soap opera tells the story of a little girl named Amara (Ciara Nadine Brosnan) which is separated from her biological parents namely Afandi (Dude) and Miranti (Icha).

Various winding obstacles must be faced by Amara to meet again with Afandi and Miranti. The soap opera lasts 40-60 minutes with a total episode of up to 148. The last episode was completed on January 9, 2022 and ended happily. Are you following the soap opera?

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