6 signs your cough is a symptom of heart disease, warns the doctor

If one of these things happens when you cough, it could report heart problems.

ContagiousEarly symptoms of heart failure Can make the difference between life and death, but the signs are often so varied and subtle that people can often miss warning signals.

Some of the best known symptoms of heart failure include shortness of breath, difficulty breathing when it is lengthened and a cough, according toEva Shelton, MD, aInternal medicine doctor in Brigham and Women's Hospital. "There are two main types of physiology of heart failure, heart failure on the left side and on the right side," explains Shelton. "When heart failure on the left side occurs, blood and liquid, it contains backups in the lungs, causing shortness of breath and cough."

But as a cough can indicate the beginning of many conditions, ranging from colds tothyroid problems, how can you know when it is actually a sign of heart disease? Keep reading to find out.

Read this then:If your legs feel like that, have your heart checked.

Wet cough

Senior woman with her hands on her chest
Pixelseffect / Istock

When the blood decreases in the lungs due to heart failure, the fluid discloses "essentially makes the lungs as they drown," says Shelton. "The lungs feel irritated and try to expel this water, so the natural answer is to cough. Because this cough is the result of an accumulation of liquid in the lungs, it generally seems" humid ". It seems that There is water [and / or] expectations in cough. "AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Dry cough

Doctors analyzing a medical scan
Emirmemedovski / Istock

Although wet cough can indicate heart disease, dry and whistling cough can also be a symptom. "There are also situations in which the lungs are unable to go out as much liquid, so the cough seems dry," warns Shelton. This is known as heart asthma.

"Heart insufficiency can cause liquidaccumulate in the lungs (pulmonary edema) and in and around the respiratory tract, "according to the Mayo clinic." This can cause shortness of breath, cough and whistling breathing similar to the signs and symptoms of asthma. ""

Pink mucus

Woman coughing into a tissue
Ponywang / Istock

If your cough producesBloody or pink mucus, this could be a symptom of heart failure, reports the American Heart Association. This happens when your heart cannot follow the supply of blood, which "backs up" in the veins (pulmonary veins) which transfer blood from the lungs to the heart. The mucus can also appear frothy or white.

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Sleepy sleep

A man lying in bed feeling sick.
Simonskafar / Istock

When the lungs are affected by the fluid construction and the resulting coughYou wake up during the night, this can be a paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) according to very Well Health: "[PND] is characterized by a awakening during sleep with severe shortness of breath, hacking for air, coughs and feeling the need for S ' Sitting, standing and / or opening a window for air, all of this can help improve breathing after a few minutes. "

Sustainable cough

Medical professional listening to a patient's heart
SDI Productions / Istock

"I have encountered patients who were diagnosed for the first time as having a respiratory problem," said the heart failure specialistMIRIAM Jacob, MD, told Cleveland Clinic. "Over time, when their symptoms did not improve with appropriate treatment, heart failure has been entertainedas diagnosis. ""

The most common reasons for a long -term cough are asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - two conditions that cause inflammation in the lungs that can be treated, reports the Cleveland Clinic. If a persistent cough continues even after the treatment of these problems, heart disease can be the cause.

A "bubbling" feeling in the chest

Doctor speaking with a patient
Geber86 / Istock

The same accumulation of liquid that makes you coughcan also cause a feeling This new medical, describes today as "crunchy, gargling, or as if a bubble was about to burst".

Shelton recommends that if you feel this or any other symptom of heart disease to speak with your doctor to assess, and possibly treat the condition. "In the interval for symptoms management, he can help tilted sleep so that you do not have as much breathlessness, raising your legs to help edema, oxygen therapy to help the lungs to oxygenate , don't exercise too much, etc., "she advises.

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