16 Characters of Thrones, imagined as Disney Princesses

The digital artist Gregory Masouras is simply amazing art mash-ups, combining our favorite female characters from Trônes and Disney princesses. Do you want to see him?

If I were a Disney princess, I think I would be jasmine. If Daeneris Targaryen was a Disney princess, she would be frozen. Because I'm not famous enough (still?) No one bother them from Jasmine's head on my body, butGregory Masouras Just that with thronic game characters. His work is presented below, with a note from the closure of his assessment at home.

1. Elsa like Taenens Targaryen
Badass direction of everything and head of Badass du Cold and Ice and everything. Seems to be a pretty observation on the spot. This one gets a 10/10!

2. Rapunzel like Sansa Stark
Sansa really spent a transformation into the world of the game of thrones. Rapunzel also had a transformation quite a transformation, but not so much. Save for pretty hair, I do not want to have enough common. 5/10

3. Beautiful like Margaery Tyrell
A note of 100% 10/10 for this one!

4. Merida like Ygritte
Red hair. Incredible skills with an arc and an arrow. Always be in total control of the situation, no matter what? Yeah, it's incredibly spot-on! 10/10

5. Jasmine as sand Elllaria
Jasmine is my favorite Disney princess (for obvious reasons) and Elllaria Sand is my least favorite character in the set of thrones. Based on personal feelings on this issue alone, I would give this a note 3/10, but Masouras is also a little despite its work. Objectively, it's an observation 7/10 on his part.

6. Aurora like Cersei Lannister
Miblonous Etation that tries to control everything, but fails from time to time from time to time. SOLID. 10/10

7. Grandma FA like Olena Tyrell
Mulan's grandmother was still full of joy and wisdom, and also, Olena Tyrell seems to have a lot of wisdom. Great observation! 8/10

8. Queen Elinor like Catelyn Stark
I'm going out on a member here and guess that brave is Gregory Masouras's favorite movie, Gregory Masouras's Disney / Pixar movie, because every character he chooses to compare to the set of thrones is 10/10. Loving mother who puts his family first and foremost? True for Elinor and Catelyn.

9. Mulan like Arya Stark
Small apparently weak guide-director who manages to take a complete control of his life to become a powerful, intelligent and brave warrior? Check, check, check, check! 10/10

10. Pocahontas like Missandei
I have no opinion on this issue. Pocahontas is my favorite disney movie and I never really pay attention to the history of Missandei. No note for this one. I will leave it to you. Please let me know what you think about comments!

11. Ariel like Yara Grayjoy
Gregory was very intelligent with placing this character in the water. He immediately gave me the impression that it was a solid comparison. However, I thought a little more, I have to ask, is Yara Grayjoy really the type of character who would sacrifice everything she must be with the love of his life?

12. Mother Gothel like Melisandre
Bad diabolical character that manages to manipulate everyone around them to get what they want? Yup, it's true for Gothel and Melisandre.

13. Snow White like Shae
I do not remember that Shaè is asleep for most of the game of thrones. However, if you intend to be dead as sleepy, any set of thrones can be compared to the white snow. I will give this a 6/10

14. Cinderella like Tarth Brienne
Brienne is a powerful warrior who does not take any shit of anyone. She is loyal, she is brave and she did things when the situation becomes difficult. I do not know that I can say the same thing for Cinderella, but I guess Gregory knows better. 7/10

15. Meera Reed like Jane
I do not know if Jane can actually be considered a Disney princess. I mean, I know she was the leading woman in Tarzan, but in my opinion, the true meaning of Disney Princess is when she is the main character of her own story. I feel like we did not see enough character development in Jane to form a solid opinion on this subject.

16. Tiana like Osha and Meera Reed like Jane
Once again, the choice of Jane seems questionable, but Osha and Tiana is a solid comparison! 10/10 for OSHA and? / 10 for Jane!

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