Drinking this popular drink can reduce your bad cholesterol, say the experts

Making a simple exchange can improve your heart health.

Every 36 seconds,Someone dies of heart disease In the United States, taking into accountOne in four deaths Of all the causes, according to the centers for Disease Control (CDC). This is why it is so crucial to take care of your heart health byLower your blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Bringing changes to your diet can help you reach these heart health benchmarks, reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, aneurysm and other acute threats. In particular, experts say that a popular drink could reduce your cholesterol up to 15%. Read the rest to know how alcohol consumption could put you on the right track for a much healthier heart on the road.

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All cholesterol is not bad for your health.

doctor consulting elderly patient
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Cholesterol is a waxy substance formed in the liver, which helps protect the nerves and build cell membranes. But too much of the bad type of cholesterol - that is to say, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) - can lead to an accumulation of plaque in the arteries, by strengthening your risk of risk ofheart disease and stroke.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

However, all cholesterol is not bad for you. A second type of cholesterol - Cholesterol of high density lipoproteins (HDL) - actually absorbs bad cholesterol and leads to the liver for treatment. The CDC explains that the liver then goes to workempty And the accumulation of arteries' plaque, a process that helps reduce your risk of cardiac health episode.

You can optimize this process and work towards better heart health by eating foods that include HDL cholesterol, but lower your LDL cholesterol, they say.

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Drinking this can reduce harmful cholesterol.

Man drinking a glass of orange juice

There are several foods that can help lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol, including oats, nuts, olive oil, avocados, fatty fish, etc. In addition, there is one thing you can drink that is knownReduce your LDL levels At 15%, according to the Mayo clinic: fortified orange juice with plant sterols or stanols.

"Plant sterols and stanols are natural substances that can help block the absorption of cholesterol,"Elliott Torsney, RDN, dietitian, nutritionist and educator certified in diabetes atFitness lair recountBetter life. The addition of two grams of sterol to your daily diet can have a positive effect, according to Mayo Clinic.

You can also get sterols and stanols from these natural sources.

Person eating almond nuts from the palm of their hand

Sterols and stanols plant in tandem to help limit the amount of "bad" cholesterol that your body keeps. "These natural plant compounds areStructure similar to cholesterol. When you eat them, they help limit the amount of cholesterol that your body can absorb, "explains the American department of health and social services (DHHS)." Sterols and plant stanols are in an increasing number of products food [enriched] such as deviations, juices and yogurts. "

You can also get plant sterols and stanols from natural food sources. "Good sources include almonds, peanuts and vegetable oils," says Torsney. Seeds, cereals, fruit and unprocessed vegetables are also known to contain sterols and stanols, adds DHHS.

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Additional research is necessary to determine exactly how these substances affect heart health.

young female nutritionist working in her office

The Mayo clinic notes that more research is necessary to determine how the consumption of sterols and stanols directly affects heart health, if at all. "It is not clear if food with plant sterols or stanols reduces yourRisk of heart attack Or a stroke - although experts assume that foods that reduce cholesterol reduce risk, "write their experts.

However, they say that there are few drawbacks to add sterols and stanols to your diet. "Plant sterols or stanols do not seem to affect the levels of triglycerides or lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL)," good "cholesterol".

Speak with a doctor or nutritionist to learn more about how a diet rich in plant sterols or stanol could help reduce your cholesterol and put yourself on the right track for better heart health.

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