Tom Hanks just admitted that he would never be allowed to play this role now

"We are beyond that now," said the Oscar-winning actor.

Throughout his five decades cinematographic career,Tom Hanks Roma novels to the Biopics War Epics appeared in everything. And although he has embodied many beloved roles - vain Oscars for two of them - there is a role that Hanks would not play today. And it is not only because he would not want to do it, but also because he does not think he would even be asked.

Hanks opened his CV in a longnew interview withThe New York Times. And speaking of one of his most famous films in the 90s, the actor admitted that the game would not be his if the film was made today - and for a good reason. Read the rest to see what role the Major Hanks would not have taken place in 2022.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Read this then:The worst film by Tom Hanks of all time, according to criticism.

He directed a revolutionary film in 1993.

Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington in
Tristar photos

Almost 30 years ago, Hanks played inCream Philadelphia As a gay lawyer, Andrew Beckett, who continues his business, saying that he had been dismissed because of his diagnosis of AIDS. For this role, Hanks won his first Oscar for the best actor. (His second would come the following year toForrest Gump.)Cream Philadelphiawas one of the first Hollywood films to center HIV and AIDS, and Hanks would haveHard campaign for the role, wanting to prove himself as a serious actor, because he had mainly made comedies until that time.

SpeakingNew York Times, Hanks said ofCream Philadelphia and 1994Forrest Gump, "Exhibited films, at the time, that you may not be able to do now."

He doesn't thinkCream Philadelphia would be done in the same way today.

Tom Hanks with his Oscar for
Fotos International / Getty Images

TheNew York Times The interviewer highlightedForrest Gump Would not be a success today because it "would be mocked and separated on social networks even before anyone who has the chance to see it". Hanks replied: "There is nothing you can do on this subject, but let's say" a hetero man could do what I did inCream Philadelphia now?' No, and rightly so. ""

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He thinks it shows progress.

Tom Hanks at a UK screening of
Cubankite / Shutterstock

Hanks continued theJonathan Demme-Figment directed, "the setCream Philadelphiawas not afraid. One of the reasons why people were not afraid of this film is that I played a gay man. "But, added Hanks, times have changed and this kind of casting is not necessary or accepted.

"We are beyond that now, and I don't think people accept the inauthenticity of a hetero guy playing a gay," he said. "It is not a crime, it is not Boohoo, that someone would say that we are going to demand more a film in the modern field of authenticity. Do I look like I preach? do not want."

He recognized that the film was also controversial among homosexuals at the time.

In 2013, Hanks participated in the event A Life in Pictures de Bafta anddiscussed the entire career. When we talk aboutCream Philadelphia, he noted that the reaction at the time of his release was divided into three segments.

"A third of the reaction was a revolutionary film," he said. "A third of the reaction was that it is nothing other than a lukewarm potboiler that does not really touch on the subject that it pretends to touch. And a third set came mainly from the gay segment of the world that said That this film has nothing to do with us and what we were confronted with. "

But, said Hanks, after the activistLarry Kramer wrote an article on Why he hatedCream Philadelphia, the film "has become controversial", which made more people will see it so that they can weigh with their own opinions. Hanks added: "It really bought a ton of these Americans who thought:" I don't know anyone who is gay and AIDS has not touched my life ".

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