6 ways that make tan skin beautiful Without hurting the skin

That natural sunlight Create vitamin D That is beneficial to the growth of bones, teeth, hair and nails and also make your skin Looks beautiful and healthy as well.

The sunlight is useful. But must be the exact sunlight There is no amount of radiation that hurts the skin too much. Because of that natural sunlight Create vitamin D That is beneficial to the growth of bones, teeth, hair and nails and also make your skin Looks beautiful and healthy as well. And in today's article, we have 6 techniques that will make the skin beautiful Without hurting the skin

Avoid making the skin instead of laser.

Currently, the skin is provided at the clinic. By using the UV rays to the skin and will make the skin become a tan In fact, there are 2 types of UV rays, and the clinic will pay UV rays A, which is a stimulant that can cause skin cancer.

Use the correct sunscreen

While we are looking for sunscreen at the shop We would probably compare only SPF's numbers, but I didn't know that Just the amount of SPF is not enough anymore. Because in that sun There are a lot of dangerous radiation. Which we should look for the word "Broad Spectrum" in order to protect your skin from radiation during the wide wavelength And covers more dangerous radiation

Should know the appropriate time for the sun

Skin pigment production Or melanin of each person is limited And each person has different creation times So you don't have to sleep all day. To make tan skin Because that will increase the risk of skin cancer

Should restDuring the sun

For beautiful and consistent skin color, you should take a break. Looking for an umbrella while sunbathing Because it will allow your skin cells to rest And will make the skin tan Live longer

Use a body to cover the body while resting in the shade.

If you feel that the skin starts to burn Should find an umbrella and use a blanket to cover the skin in the burning area Because it will help the skin cells to rest And not too burn

Eat foods that help with skin

Do you know? Food that makes beautiful skin exists. For example, the lycopene found in tomatoes, fruits and vegetables that are red-orange. Is a sunscreen of natural skin And after you sunbathe You should eat foods that have antioxidant properties. For example, green tea and dark chocolate have a lot of flavonoids. Which can reduce the occurrence of skin burns

Categories: Beauty
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