If you notice it with your audience, check a brain tumor

Do not ignore this if it happens to you.

Many people do not consider their brain health as long as a problem occurs. But experts say that there is a form of slow growth tumor that is unlikely to cause symptoms in its early stages, and only subtle symptoms after that. When this particular type of mass is formed, it can affect your audience - which could make you switch to the problem and allow you to obtain treatment earlier.

Read the rest to find out which symptoms related to hearing couldsuggest a brain tumor, and what other surprising symptoms can also appear.

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The acoustic neurrome is a benign form of brain tumor.


The acoustic neurome, sometimes called vestibular schwannome, is a type of slow growth tumor that can develop on the vestibular nerve, which leads from your inner ear to your brain. Because this particular type of tumor is non -cancerous, it does not spread from the vestibular nerve to other areas of the body. However, it can cause certain symptoms as the tumor becomes greater if it presses on surrounding nerves or brain tissue.

Read this then:Wayne Osmond says it was her first sign of a brain tumor.

This symptom can point out an acoustic neurome.

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People with acoustic neurome can notice two key symptoms thataffect their hearing: hearing loss and ringing in the ears - also known as tinnitus. This happens because as the tumor develops on the vestibular nerve, increasing pressure can start to interfere with its function.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

These symptoms tend to worsen over the months or years and will only affect the ear on the side the tumor. Once the hearing is lost in the acoustic neurrome, it will not come back.

Hearing loss and tinnitus are common and can have other underlying causes, including ear lesions or infection, circulatory problems, interior lesions of the ear or blockage. However, if the problem occurs on one side, your doctor will probably want to check an acoustic neurrome.

Monitor these other symptoms of acoustic neurome.

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If you suspect an acoustic neurome, it may be useful to be aware of corroborating symptoms, which can help indicate a diagnosis. Experts say that people with this particular brain tumor form may experience instability or loss of balance, vertigo, facial numbness or weakness, or loss of movement in facial muscles. Small acoustic neuromas are generally asymptomatic, causing any significant sign of problem.

However, there are good news. While acoustic neuromas can cause lasting complications to his hearing and coordination, "The death of these tumors is rare If they are properly diagnosed and treated, "said experts from Johns Hopkins Medicine.

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Several treatment options are available.

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If you are diagnosed with an acoustic neurome, some different treatment courses will be available for you. In case your tumor is smaller and less advanced, your doctor may recommend monitoring growth using MRI or trying radiotherapy.

In cases of larger or more advanced acoustic neuromas where symptoms are present, surgery may be necessary to eliminate the tumor. "If an increasing acoustic neurrome is not treated, it can cause a dangerous accumulation of liquid in the brain or compresses the cerebellum and the brainstem, which can be fatal," explains the experts of Johns Hopkins. "The goal of surgery is theComplete withdrawal of the tumor Without harming the seventh cranial nerve (which controls the facial movement) or to cause hearing loss, "adds the National Brain Tumor Society.

Talk to your doctor if you feel symptoms of acoustic neurome or any other condition that affects your hearing or your neurological health.

Read this then: Maria Menounos says it was the first symptom of her brain tumor .

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