A deadly snake bit a 5 year old child at home - here is where he hid

This venomous creature can remain sneakily out of sight at this place.

You would have trouble thinking about everything you prefer to meet less in your home thanpoisonous serpent. Unfortunately, these frightening creatures could be attracted to your court by something likeSimple as mulch, and they can make their way in your house in several ways, evenThrough your toilet.According to experts, there are more than 30 species ofvenomous snakes wandering across the country. Recently, a 5 -year -old child faced a serious danger when he met a copper snake in his own house. Read the rest to know where the snake was hiding and how you can avoid running.

Read this then:If you live here, pay attention to this poisonous snake in your backyard.

A young boy was just bitten by a deadly snake in his Texas house.

Hand of the sick child with saline solution with Space for text.

On June 1, a 5 -year -old boy "without mistrust" named Daniel was bitten by a copper snake inHis house in Texas, theFort Worth Star-Telegram recently reported. Copper snakes are one of theThe most commonly seen snakes In the United States, and they are also "most likely to bite," said Live Science. This snake belongs to the family of pit vipers: these poisonous snakes which have "heat pits between the eye and the nostril on each side of the head" which help them in a potential prey with precision.

According to the newspaper, Daniel was transported urgently to Houston's emergency room after the serpent bit it and injected venom into his hand. In a viralJune 2 on Facebook publish,,Brandy Madrid Smith, the aunt of the child, wrote that he had been treated by toxicologistSpencer Greene, MD. "I have never really been so afraid of my life," wrote Smith, adding that she was "so grateful" for Greene and other health professionals because Daniel was able to go home the next day of his attack after being treated with six bottles of antivenom.

Copper snakes are easily able to hide out of sight.

copperhead snake in leaves
Dennis W Donohue / Shutterstock

Daniel picked up leaves in front of his house with his uncle when he accidentally caught the copper snake that attacked him, according to theFort Worth Star-Telegram. It is likely that the 5 -year -old boy did not even see the snake before picking it up. On its website, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department explains that the gray and brown bands of a copper snake, as well as its copper -colored head, allow it toEasily mix With leaves fallen on the ground - so easily, in fact, that "it is possible to look directly at the copper without seeing it," say the experts.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Because they are so well camouflaged, most bites occur when a snake is accidentally picked up or seated or posed," said the ministry. "Always use care when picking up or overturning logs, boards, old tin or other articles where copper can rest."

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The venom of this snake can be more harmful for some people.

Grandfather and grandson playing in backyard with gardening tools

Copper snakes have hemotoxic venom,Jeff Beane, a herpetologist and director of the amphibian and reptile collections at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, told Live Science. This means that a snake bite "often causes temporary tissue lesions to the immediate bite area", according to Beane.

"Unlike most poisonous snakes, Copperheads do not give any warning sign and hit almost immediately if they feel threatened," he told Live Science.

On a positive note, the venom of a copper snake ismuch less powerful that that of other poisonous snakes, according toNational Geographic. Although their bite is probably painful, it is "very rarely (almost never) fatal for humans," said Beane. You should always be careful around copper snakes, of course, and you will need medical care if it is bitten by one. Some people in more vulnerable groups can have particularly strong reactions to venom, including children like Daniel, the elderly and immunocompromised people.

There are certain things you should do if you are bitten by a snake.

copperheard snake

About 7,000 to 8,000 people arebitten by poisonous snakes In the United States, each year, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (Niosh). While only about five of these people eventually die, the agency warns that "the number of deaths would be much higher if people did not provide medical care".

In his article on Facebook, Smith offered advice given to him on how to respond to a snake bite. According to the toxicologist, there are a number of things you should not do if they are bitten, even if they may seem useful actions. This includes not cut or exhaust the affected area, do not put a tourniquet in it, and not put ice on a snake bite, as this "actually does more damage to the fabric". Instead, Greene advised Smith that you should immediately raise the area at 60 degrees, because "you want the venom to dissipate as quickly as possible".

Read this then: Snakes n ° 1 like to hide in your house .

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Tags: animals / Home / News / Safety
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