Beautiful inside or beautiful outside: what does it count more?

What is the beauty that is most successful?

We live in a world where the way we appear is almost as important as what you are. And it is increasingly difficult to establish what the part of our being is worth paying more attention to. To reflect us a little, talking about inner beauty is almost an oxymoron because when it comes to beauty we immediately think of something that is seen with the eyes, something tangible that through the senses is able to satisfy the soul and to generate Wellness and complacency. Inner beauty, however, is not something that cannot be seen with your eyes, you cannot touch with your hands, it is not a perfume that fills the nostrils. A beautiful person inside is a person with whom he will gladly spend time, who knows how to create a pleasant and positive atmosphere around him. Then? What is the beauty to which more attention should be paid? Let's find out together!

Beautiful inside

No, being beautiful inside does not mean having beautiful X -rays images. Being beautiful inside is equivalent to having beautiful ways, having a nice way to think, to do, to relate to others. Is equivalent to having a nice character. And so far, at least in words, everything seems simple. In fact, however, everything is not so linear. It's all much more complex than you think because the beauty and kindness exercises of the ego are sometimes much more demanding than an hour in the gym.

Beautiful outside

It is no coincidence that in ancient times the emperors, leaders and the greatest prominent figures in society were never depicted or carved in a faithful way to the original, but always improved according to the most classic and shared beauty canons. For the ancients, external beauty was necessarily a symptom of an equally inner beauty, moral qualities and virtues and sometimes to make them visible even in a work of art it was enough that the subjects were beautiful.

The search for beauty

The words we choose to use have always been the mirror of the society in which we live. Have you ever noticed how many ways of saying are used that concern beauty? "Everyone likes the beauty", "beauty lasts little" or "half beauty height". "It is difficult to be beautiful" or "in front of a nice face, Cascan the right and the farmer". We refer to beauty every day even without wanting it. An example? Let's talk aboutbeautiful orugly news, of onebeautiful surprise or augly vote, of anice glass of wine or oneuglyday. We look for beauty constantly, even without realizing it.

How to be beautiful outside

Self -care is a form of respect for oneself and towards others. Everyone likes to be beautiful to feel comfortable and admired and everyone likes to surround themselves with pleasant people also to see each other. To be beautiful people there are two conditions: the first, it does not depend on us, is to have enough luck to be born with a beautiful physique and beautiful features; The second, depends on us, and is to always take care of your body, to indulge its physiological needs - such as sleeping the right now, avoid smoking, alcohol and sweets, having fun - to indulge in without too many regenerating hesitation sitting by the hairdresser e of the beautician.

Beauty is in the eyes of those who look

Beautiful people in the recognition immediately: they have eyes that smile. Inner beauty is something that concerns the heart, mind, soul. He has nothing to do with the beautician, but he has to do with the way we relate to the others (including beautician) and is closely related to the way we look at the world. Not surprisingly, it is said that "beauty is in the eyes of the viewer". If you bring in your heart the beauty of what surrounds you, your life will also be brighter and the more you will be serene and bright the more you will be able to see the inner and external beauty of the people surrounding you.

Beautiful inside or beautiful outside?

What we can say with certainty is that beauty is total. Giving absolute priority to one of the beauties we have spoken today is equivalent to being incomplete, half beautiful. If you want to beBeautiful people You have to treat all parts of your being. The external beauty is certainly the part that is noted before and more, but the inner beauty helps you to enjoy the beauty of the world to surround you with positive people with whom to build ... something beautiful in your life.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: psychology /
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