These are the revealing signs of Monkeypox, doctors warn

The first case of the virus in the last epidemic was recently reported in the United States

In terms of imminent health problems, it is not an exaggeration to say that COVID-19 has largely dominated public attention over the past two years. And while theThe virus remains a serious problem, he also did not prevent other potential health crises from developing. This includes the recent monkeypox epidemic that drew the attention of health officials in some countries. But what is this virus and what kind of threat poses? Read the rest to find out more about Monkeypox, including its revealing signs and the symptoms it causes.

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An epidemic of Monkeypox has led to dozens of cases in five countries.

A scientist completing a study in a lab looking into a microscope while wearing full protective gear

The virus that causes monkeypox wasDiscovered for the first time in 1958 When an epidemic occurred in a colony of research monkeys, giving it its name, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As close compared to the now eradicated smallpox virus, it is believed that generalized vaccinationHelped to brake human cases For decades, according to an article written by researchers in 2005. However, scientists also applied that decreasing immunity in the population caused resurgence in human cases. The disease has since been reported in several central and West African countries, according to the CDC.

The most recent epidemic started when a case wasreported in the United Kingdom. May 7 with a person who had just returned from a trip to Nigeria. Since then, 68 cases reported have spread in Portugal, Spain and Canada. More recently, a case has been confirmed in the United States at a Massachusetts patient after returning from a trip to Canada, reports the BBC.

Experts say that the virus generally does not spread this from one person to another.

Young businesswoman coughing into elbow in the office. Her coworker is in the background.

Typically,Monkeypox spreads to people Thanks to a bite, a scratch or close contact with an infected animal, reports NPR. But while Monkeypox can spread by direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person, in particular through contaminated clothing or bedding - the CDC writes that "human transmission to humans occurs mainly by large droplets Respiratory "" which "cannot generally travel more with a few feet, a prolonged face -to -face contact is required."

Fortunately, unlike COVID-19, theVirus transmission From person to person is relatively rare, according to the United Kingdom of Health Health (UKHSA). ButSusan Hopkins, MD, the agency's chief medical advisor, described the recent epidemic as "rare and unusual", adding that he "quickly studied the source of these infections because the evidence suggests that there can be transmission From the MonkeyPox virus in the community, distributed by close contact. "

More specifically, the agency seems to examine whether atransmission shape is possible. "What is even more bizarre is to find cases that seem to have acquired sexual contact infection", "MATEO BROKING, an epidemiologist at UKHSA, tweeted, by NPR. "This is a new transmission route that will have implications for the response and control of epidemics."

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Monkeypox generally causes several notable symptoms in those he infects.

Young man suffering with fever and chills while sitting wrapped in a blanket on the sofa at home

According to the CDC, there are some signs that someone has becomeInfected by Monkeypox. The agency claims that the virus causes symptoms similar to the smallpox that are sweeter in comparison, generally starting with fever, headache, muscle pain, back-magcks, chills and exhaustion. A notable difference is that Monkeypox also causes swelling in the lymph nodes, unlike the smallpox. The agency also notes that the infection incubation period in the first signs of illness generally varies from seven to 14 days but can reach five to 21 days.

One to three days after the start of initial symptoms, infected people will start to develop a rash with lesions that often start on the face before spreading to other parts of the body. As a rule, pustulas will burst and mix before falling. The virus normally follows its price from two to four weeks for most patients, according to the CDC.

Officials still investigate the risk factor for the virus with the public but remain optimistic.

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Even if most patients are recovering from Monkeypox, the virus can still be fatal. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),Two main strains of the virus Different in patients' results: the more serious strain of the Congo basin, which is fatal in one in ten people, it infects, and a lighter West African strain, which kills one in 100, byThe Washington Post.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Fortunately, UKHSA reports that the seven cases reported in the United Kingdom have so far been caused by the lighter version of the virus. And according to Massachusetts health officials, "poses the caseNo risk for the public, and the individual is hospitalized and in good condition. ""

While experts still have questions about the new forms of potential transmission, most of them remain carefully optimistic that the recent increase in cases probably does not poseA threat of serious health. "I think the risk for the general public at this stage, according to the information we have, is very, very weak", "Tom Inglesby, MD, director of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, saidThe post office.

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