If it's your language of love, you are more likely to remain single

Identifying it could help you with the game game.

It is not a secret that dating is difficult, especially when you want to find your match, including the first strange impressions, clumsy conversations, andFirst clumsy kisses. Or maybe you just can't wait to meet "the one" or be nervous to get back again after a divorce or separation. Fortunately, research on the five love languages ​​can help - and can even explain why you have been single. Here, the experts in relation tell us the language of love which generally remains single the longest. In addition, how you can use the lessons of the five love languages ​​during meetings.

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How to use the five languages ​​of love by dating.

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The five languages ​​of love are a concept developed byGary Chapman, an author, pastor and advisor, to describe the way people give and receive love in relationships. Languages ​​are gifts, quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation and a physical touch.

Although love languages ​​can look like something you would only use in a long -term relationship, experts say they can also be useful for singles. "If you are not currently in a relationship, it is an excellent idea to train to express languages ​​of love with friends and family, so that you are comfortable expressing the love freely, "saidSandra Myers,,expert expert and co-founder of Select Date Society. For example, if the love language of your best friend is words of assertion, you can train yourself to give them significant compliments. Or, if your mom's love language receives gifts, you can give her a little sign of affection every time you visit, suggests Myers.

You can also use the five love languages ​​while planning the dates at the start of a relationship. "Think about what your date can be interested and try to express yourself in this language," saidValentina Dragomir,,Psychotherapist and founder PSihosensus therapy. If you know that your appointment appreciates quality time, you could plan a fun experience so that you can share. If they react positively to the words of affirmation, you could relay them how much you like their business. "No matter the language of love you or your appointment speak, being reflected and attentive will greatly contribute to showing your interest and your care," explains Dragomir.

This language of love can find it more difficult to find a match.

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Each of the love languages ​​reacts differently to dating and to be in a relationship. And because of this, some are more inclined to remain single than others. "According to my experience, individuals who appreciate quality time because their love language can have the most difficulty in relationships and can find themselves single more often than other languages ​​of love," explainsJacob Brown, apsychotherapist in San Francisco. "I often find that these individuals carry with them a feeling of being unloved, unclean and invisible." Consequently, he says, they can feel more jealousy than those who have other languages ​​of love and arouse the fear that their partner leaves them. This style of attachment can make it difficult for the new love to flourish - and can even scare potential suitors.

A second romantic language can also find difficult encounters.

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Those who have quality time because their love language are not the only ones to be single longer than the others. Experts say that those who prefer service acts can also find difficult meetings. The reason? It is difficult for partners to meet their standards. "My observation is that most people find that other" easier "love languages ​​to execute", saysclinical sexologist Rachel Sommer, Phd. "However, when it comes to taking responsibility and helping your loved one with tasks and other tasks, most people fail terribly." So, as soon as the person who appreciates this language of love spots you, they could cut things before they even have the chance to develop.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Understanding how to use love languages ​​can help.

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In the end, it is not your love language that keeps you single - it is your communication skills. "It is important to recognize that your partner will not automatically know how you want to feel love on their part," explains Myers. "You will learn from each other and you will teach your language of love." As you advance in a relationship, take the time to discuss your love languages ​​and make sure you give and receive affection in a way that seems good. This could get you in a happy partnership before you know.

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