If this happens to you in the bathroom, check for heart failure

This condition is not only annoying - it could indicate a serious problem.

LikeAverage life expectancy continues to increase in the United States, heart failure is becoming more and more common. Laisée untreated, this type of heart disease tends to progress quickly, making the early diagnosis significant. Unfortunately, heart failure can be difficult to detect in the early stages, as its more subtle symptoms are easy to miss or ignore.

Since certain symptoms of heart failure are obviously not linked to a heart problem, they can be confused with signs of a different health problem, or simply rejected within the framework of the normal aging process. Some of these surprising heart failure symptoms include swollen feet or ankles,Skin anomalies, stomach burns, lack of appetite, overall fatigue and even jaw or neck pain. But there is another symptom of heart failure that you can miss, and that has to do with your bathroom habits. Read the rest to find out which surprising symptoms could indicate heart failure and when consulting a doctor.

Read this then:4 ways that your legs tell you that your heart is in trouble.

This bladder problem could be a sign of heart failure.

Woman Holding Bladder
Anetlanda / Shutterstock

If you find yourself making excessive trips to the toilet throughout the day or night because you should pee, you might feel a symptom of heart failure. According to a study published in the June 2018 issue of theInternational Neurourology Journal, up to 50% of patients with heart failuresuffer from a hyperactive bladder and urinary incontinence.

Why? Heart insufficiency weakens your heart and reduces its ability to effectively pump blood, which can cause multiple problems, including an accumulation of liquids. "One of the main conclusions of heart failure is the accumulation of excess liquid in the body," saidEdo Paz, Md,cardiologist and medical vice-president to K Health. "This can lead to typical symptoms of heart failure such as swelling of the legs and difficulty breathing. One of the ways that the body reacts to this excess liquid is to increase the amount of urine produced by the kidneys."

This additional urine in the kidneys then heads towards the bladder, causing the need to pee more often.

What is a frequent urination?

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So how many bathroom trips arealso Many bathroom trips? According to the bladder and intestine community, urinateSix or seven times in 24 hours is almost average. However, this number is obviously affected by other life and health factors, including age, level of physical activity, volume and type of liquids consumed, certain drugs and other health problems. They say that using the bathroom four to ten times a day is in the normal beach.

If you regularly pee more than ten times a day, going more often than usual unrelated to other factors, or if you just feel that something is disabled, you may want to visit a cardiologist.

"Most people know their bodies better than any doctor,"Parag Joshi, MD, told Johns Hopkins Medicine. "In general, if you constantly feel that something is not" fair "or is not what you are used to, thatjustify medical care. ""

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Heart insufficiency drugs can worsen this symptom.

Stethoscope and Heart Pills
Shidlovski / Shutterstock

For those who are already diagnosed with heart failure, several types of treatments widely used for the condition can also affect the bladder and its functions. "Doctors frequently prescribe drugs such as diuretics that encourage an increase in urine production to improve symptoms," said PAZ.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Because their main function is to relieve part of the accumulation of liquid caused by heart failure, these drugs can cause people to pee more often. It is generally more visible andannoying at night, called nocturia, which is why doctors generally recommend that patients avoid taking them in the evening before bedtime.

Frequent urination has many other causes.

Woman Holding Swollen Leg
GallggSphoto / Shutterstock

According to PAZ, there are many other conditions or factors in addition to heart failure that can lead to frequent urination. It lists excessive consumption of liquids or caffeine, diabetes, urinary tract infections, benign prostatic hyperplasia, interstitial cystitis and hyperactive bladder as some alternative causes.

Examination any other symptom that you may feel can help identify the underlying cause of frequent urination, explains PAZ. And if necessary to pee is your only complaint, your heart is unlikely to be the culprit.

"Heart insufficiency is less likely to cause frequent urination in isolation," he explains. "Instead, heart failure is generally associated with other symptoms such as shortness of breath, swelling of the legs and fatigue. If a frequent urination is the only symptom, it is more likely to be another cause that heart failure. "

Read this then: The 3 signs that your chest pain is not a heart attack, say the experts .

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