This zodiac sign is the greatest pleasure of people, say astrologers

It's not always good to have a "yes" in your corner.

We all know people who always say what you want to hear - also known as "yes men". Their intentions are generally not unclean. Instead, they may just want to boost you on a decision ormake you feel better On a difficult situation. In some situations, you will want - and, in others, you will not do it. To help you choose your loved ones wisely, read the rest to discover the six signs of the zodiac which are the greatest Plaisir pleasures, from moderately pleasant to a little spin.

RELATED:The least reliable zodiac sign, according to an astrologer.


Two female friends talking at a coffee shop

You probably know Léos to be the zodiac showmen, alwaysRead for the spotlight And the opportunity to play. But do not let these charismatic qualities deceive you - this sign is also aFairedly faithful friend And you will feel like a million dollars each time you discuss, even if you have come to them with a serious problem. "Their excellent intuition will help them with clues on the situation you are talking about - and this can help them read between the lines and make you feel understood," explainsJill Loftis,,astrologer and founder Night astrology.

Sometimes they will verbally agree with you even if they don't think you are right. Fortunately, however, this is never done with a bad intention. "Their advice will not guide you," confirmsAuthor and astrologer Lisa Barretta.


friends having dinner

This joyful sign always predicts his next watered brunch, his tapas tasting and his holidays across the country. But if you have a serious problem on which you need advice, you may want to jump them - unless you are looking for a distraction. "Saggies have an incrediblesense of humor And will tell you what you want to hear so that you can both jump the problem and continue the right time, "explains Barretta. After all, who cares about the way you managed a difficult situation at work when there is Cocktails being done right now? Probably not a sagittarius. You better meet this signafter You have sorted your feelings.

RELATED:The worst signs of the zodiac with which travel, according to astrologers.


two friends talking on the stairs

The zodiac mother, cancers feed, sensitive and emotional. Because of this, "[they] are very likely to tell you what you want to hear because they want to support you," saidCroissant,,Professional tarot reader and astrologer to the divination of the croissant. However, they do not do this to deliberately injure you or lose you - although their actions can take you on a bad path. "In their minds, there is rarely trouble telling you what you want to hear, and if things don't work, they will be there to help you save," said Crescent. "They tell themselves that you have to learn certain lessons to the hard, and that's how they do." If your best friend is cancer, it might be better to get a second opinion.


Older women on Bench

Sensitive, imaginative and wise, your fish boyfriend is probably one of the first people you turn to to get advice. Due to their very intuitive abilities, they can sympathize with the way you feel at some point. "They have a very soothing and moving way to calm you down and find exactly the right words to use when you say to yourself what you want to hear," says Barretta.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

In this way, this sign transforms people who please a positive. "They will feel the energy around the situation and adapt their words of wisdom to everything that will bring you the most comfort", "Andrea Scalisi,,astrologer and owner Haven Shoppe. If you need to confirm that you are on the right, then they will give you that. If you need hard love, well, you may have to look elsewhere.

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Mid adult business colleagues taking a walk through the city and communicating.

The Geminis haveGab's gift. They are, of course governed by Mercury, the planet of communication. When you chat with a twin, you will often find yourself more and more, potentially because they tell you several times exactly what you want to hear. "They love tea, and they don't want you to cut them by stopping instantly," said Crescent. However, if they think you have misunderstood a situation, they can try to orient you in a different direction. If this happens, however, they will do so with so much tact that you will believe that it was your idea in the first place. "However, if you have really spoiled, they will not be respectful about it," explains Crescent. In the end, they may well be the sign you want in your corner in the face of a difficult situation.


group of people networking

Libras are led by Venus, the planet of love and harmony, and are best known to be communicators, diplomats and charms with tact. This makes it the most pleasant zodiac sign. "Libraries do not like conflicts and tend to be" yes "people, even if their entrails shout" no "," explains Loftis. "Not wanting to make waves or causing you distress, they will listen carefully , nodding and trying to make you feel heard and comfortable. "You can also expect this trait to come out during networking events and in commercial situations." Libras can be Glib and Schmoozy when They want to earn social points or get into another person or group, "saidJetta Moon,,astrologer and blogger in Astroligion.

When the roles are turned over, the balances prefer that you are turning the truth to protect their feelings. "They are the most likely to be upset if they said something they don't want to hear because they expect you to do the same," said Crescent.

Read this then:The luckiest sign of the zodiac, according to astrologers.

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