5 side effects not to go outside enough

Sleep problems with difficulty remembering things, here's why too much time inside is unhealthy.

Among the many challenges faced by people around the world because of thecoronavirus pandemic, spend a disproportional duration inside has been revealed one of the most difficult. Not only theIsolation of life in the lock Present an emotional struggle to maintain its mental health, but too much time spent inside - and not enough time spent outside - also has serious consequences for your physical health. A major problem is a potentialImpairment of vitamin D, a critical nutrient that your body passes from sunlight and that we now know plays an important role in yourAbility to fight Covid-19. Read more about the important side effects that do not go enough outside your health. And for more ways to combat coronavirus, learnThe habit of daily hygiene that you must do right now.

Your cerebral function decreases.


If you want to stay sharp and keep your mind active during your age, it is important to spend as much time outside as possible. In fact, a 2018 study published inEnvironmental Health Outlook suggests that people over the age of 45 should consider retiring in a place that gives them the opportunity tospend time in nature. Indeed, participants who showed a significantly lower cognitive decline rate over a 10-year period that those who lived in more urban environments.

You feel the depression.

Depressed woman on couch

Life in isolation has beenHard on mental health Countless people for a number of reasons, including the fact that not going out enough outside can have a significant negative impact on your mood.

According to a 2018 meta-analysis published inThe British newspaper of psychiatry who examined 31,424 participants, low levels of vitamin D areassociated with depression. And for other means, the insulation can pass his toll on your well-being, here is15 subtle signs Your loneliness hurts your health.

Your joints badly.

Man experiencing joint pain in his knee

Although many factors and conditions can prevent you from having uncomfortable common problems, one of the most common is the lack of nutrition only supplied by sunlight and be outside.

"Low vitamin D levels in the blood cause an inflammatory response, causing pain and inflammation in the articulations", "Kelly Springer, MS, RD,Founder of Kelly's Choice, previously saidBetter life.

You can not sleep.


We all know how muchGet a good night's rest is both a mental and physical health, but for many of us is something that is difficult to achieve with any consistency. There are a variety of reasons why it could be the case, including too much time spent inside.

For example, after a thorough observation of 9,397 subjects, a 2018 meta-analysis published inNutrientsconcluded that vitamin D deficiency is associated with ahigher risk of sleep disorders. And for tips for getting more attention, check these20 advice approved by the doctor to get a full night's sleep tonight.

Your immune system weakens.


In a time when doing things toPromote a strong immune system Maybe more important than ever, spending time outside and getting a sufficient amount of vitamin D becomes more and more essential.

By not praying these two things, a study of 2010 published inMolecular nutrition and food research found, you run the risk ofLower the capacity of your immune system React effectively to infections and viruses. In addition to this, in a notable 2008 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, endocrinologists concluded thathave inadequate levels of vitamin D was associated with increased risk of cancer, autoimmune diseases, hypertension and infectious diseases. And stay healthy, be sure to avoid these7 bad mistakes that weaken your immune system.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, the facts You must know, the risks you should avoid, the myths You must ignore, and the symptoms to know. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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