If you notice it in your kitchen, clean it with a mask and gloves

Experts warn that you will need protection while taking care of this dangerous mess.

Keeping your house clean is more than making sure that things seem to be treated for customers. Wiping dirty areas and using a disinfectant on surfaces can be vital to protect you, you and your familyStore, manipulate and prepare food And the drinks you like throughout the day. But while spraying your counters andStay on dirty dishes Can feel like a simple routine, experts warn that you may want to take additional caution by putting a safety mask and gloves before cleaning something in particular. Read the rest to see what type of mess could put your health at serious risks.

Read this then:You should never clean your toilet with this, warn the experts.

You must always be sure to take certain cleaning precautions.

woman pouring cleaning chemicals in mop bucket
Shutterstock / Vgstockstudio

Let's face it: Most people fear having to take out the broom or reach the bleach when the time comes to clean their houses. But even if everyone has their own style and their levels preferably regarding everything, to wash windows to sweep the dust rabbits, some cleaning habits could really put your health in danger if you are not too careful.

Although Bleach can be one of the most common and effective household cleaners, centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) warn that you should never use itat the same time as ammonia. Even if it may seem easy to avoid mixing the two chemicals, the agency warns that ammonia can be a common ingredient in products such as window cleaners, pet movers and cleaners of cleaners Toilets, which makes it possible to accidentally double in an area with an area with a different product containing bleach. When the two chemicals combine, they produce a toxic gas called chloramine which can be dangerous for your health.

The CDC suggests that any person cleaning with bleach should take additional measures to protect themselves by wearing safety glasses and robust gloves to protect their skin. It is also preferable to open windows or run a rotation fan to increase ventilation and reduce exposure to dangerous smoke.

Identifying a apparently small thing in your kitchen should be a warning panel to enter a protective mask and gloves.

Mouse in a house

It is one thing to enter your kitchen and meet a major food waste or an overflowing trash can be treated immediately. But according to experts, if you notice rodent excrement, you must be sure to put a respiratory mask and a pair of gloves before solving the problem. The spots - generally a quarter of thumb long and look like black rice but are smaller - have a larger health risk than their small size suggests.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Many rodents common to North America can unfortunately be carriers of Hantavirus who can hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)"David Floyd, founder ofThepestinform, recountBetter life. "HP can be fatal in humans and will cause symptoms such as fever, serious muscle pain, fatigue and possibly difficulty breathing."

Floyd warns that surfaces that show signs of mouse poop could also be covered with mouse urine, which can also pose serious health problems if you try to wipe it without taking care. "HPS transmission from rodents is caused by a provision or manipulation of urine and rodent excrement.

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The CDC warns that there are additional steps that you should take during the cleaning process.


In addition to linking protective equipment, the CDC has also described a few other essential steps forClean the disorder of pests. The agency recommends opening windows and increasing ventilation 30 minutes before going to remove all waste. From there, you should spray the area with a mixture of whitening and disinfectant water or ten years before leaving it for five minutes or as long as specified by the disinfectant product you use.

The agency then says to wipe the whole area using paper towels which should be thrown immediately. Once the visible signs of the excrement has been removed, disinfect all the surfaces once again before taking a major cleaning of your entire kitchen by sponge your floors and wiping the counters.

Inspect your cabinets for other signs of contamination once you have cleaned the mess.

family of mice eating cheerios in kitchen
Shutterstock / Landshark1

Unfortunately, your cleaning work does not end once the excrement and the urine have disappeared. Experts say that finding such damage is a sign of an infestation that could affect other areas that you have not yet noticed.

"While rodents often enter the house in search of food, we also recommend that you browse your pantry and your cupboards and throw all the products that could be in contact with pests, because they could also be contaminated , " Charlie Church , president of Getem Services , recount Better life .

Read this then: 7 cleaning habits that attract mice .

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: cleaning / Home / News / / Safety
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