If you feel this in your stomach, call 911

When it comes to this symptom, rental is Everything.

Whenstomach doesn't feel well, it can be difficult to distinguish between passing discomfort and serious sickness. However, Say There's one Symptom You Should Never Experts Onhen It Comes To Your Abdomen, Especially If It Happens To Be in One Specific Rental. Bread in this Particular Place Can Tip You Off To A Pressing Problem-izan That Considered A Medical Emergency With Potentiallly Life-Threating Results. Read on to Learn What Feeling in your stomach means you should seek help Immediately, and which already symptoms to look out for.

RELATED:3 Ways your stomach is telling you that your heart's in trouble.

Abdominal Pain Can Signal A Wide Range of Health Problems.

young man bent over with stomach pain
Shutterstock / Prostock-Studio

Everyone Experiences Abdominal Pain from Time to Time, with varying underlying Causes. "Most of the time, a serious problem problem is not the cause, andHow Bad Your Pain is doesn't always reflect the seriousness of the problem causing your bread, "According to the experts at Mount Sinai's Health Library." The important thing to know about Abdominal Pain is when you needMEDICAL MEDICAL CARE. "

Explanations for your bread can put from one mild to severe illness. While Some People Will Experience Pain Resulting from Mild to Moderate Causes Such As Gas, A Stomach Virus, Food Poisoning, Or Allergies, Others Will Experience Bread With Life-Threating Underlying Causes. These may include appendicitis, colon cancer, abdominal aortic aneurysm, or a bowel blockage, among other thing.

RELATED:Never ignores Pain in This One Body Part, Warn Experts.

If you Notice Pain in this part of your stomach, Seek Medical Immondelly attention.

Close up of a senior man experiencing stomach pain while having breakfast with his wife

With So many possible explanations for stomach bread,medical emergencies Are sometimes Dismoysed as Something Less concerning. However, Say it's important expert to call 911 IMMOSIELY IF YOU EXPERIENCE SUDDEN, SEVERE PAIN THAT STARTS AT YOUR BELLY Button and Progresss TOWARD THE LOWER Right Quadrant Of Your Lower Right Abdomen.

That's because this particular symptom can indicate appendicitis, a serious condition which the appendix becomes inflamed. "As inflammation Worsens,APPENDICISTIS BREAD Typically Increases and Eventually Becomes Severe, "Explains the Mayo Clinic." It's not Until theMoves Down bread To the right side and is persisted over a period of six to 12 hours that appendicitis is more likely, "General SurgeonWilliam O'Brien, MD TELLS The Cleveland Clinic.

This symptom may manifest as pelvic, hip, gold ray bread.

Older man with stomach pain

Some people Experiencing Signs of Appendicitis May think they are experienced an orthopedic problem. That's because the rental of this particular bread canAppear to be in the pelvis,,Hip, gold band, Seemingly Reflecting a Musculoskeletal Issue Rather than an organ out.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Tracking Your Pain May Help You Distinguish Between the Two. Bread from appendicitis will progressively Worsen, While OrthopeDic from May Remain consist for some time, or Even Improve. If you Notice your symptoms Quickly Wersening Over the Course of Hours or Days, It's important to seek medical care. While Some Cases of Appendicitis can be treated with intravenous fluids and antibiotics if Caught Early, this condition usually requires surgery to prevent the appendix from Bursting.

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Look out for these other signs of appendicitis.

man checking his temperature and making a phone call

In Addition to Lower Right Quadrant Pain, there are Several Other Symptoms Which Could Signal Appendicitis. According to the Mayo Clinic, Those include nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, a progressive low-grade fever, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, and abdominal bloating.

"Appendicitis is a serious condition, and it's always an emergency," Says O'Brien. Seek Medical Attention Right Away If you Believe You Are Experiencing Signs of This Life-Threating Illness.

RELATED:If you feel this in your legs, call 911 Immoredelly.

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