28 Great reasons for being vegan

To prevent diabetes from reducing your carbon footprint, here are the main reasons why you should go vegan.

The vertanism was considered a hippie thing, but the way of life is totally traditional. If people have made the switch for their health or animals, there has been a600% increase among those who identify as avegan Since 2014. Not only has this change of work has been led to having vegan options in pretty much to all the restaurants you are going, but with the growing lifestyle, you also come all an assortment of new products that make it again Easier to use.

Since the Beyond Burger, which has been in the meat section of grocery stores in old dairy companies, moving to the production of herbal alternatives, it is clear that a revolution is happening. So why not be part of it? There is no better moment that now to rid products of animal origin of your life and here are 28 reasons could convince you to move today.


It keeps your heart in good health

Young woman clutching chest

One of the best ways to keep your heart healthy, so cut all the original products of your life. "Vegan regimes tend to reduce the risk of heart disease by helping to reduce Cholesterol LDL, HDL and non-LDL," said herbal nutritionistCourtney Pool. "A vegan diet also tends to reduce higher raised blood sugar levels, which also affects cardiovascular health." In fact, a 2017 study of theAmerican Heart Association I found that those who have eaten a diet basically based on the plant had a decrease of 42% risk of developing heart failure compared to those who did not do it.


It will help you to be more productive

Man in glasses working on laptop

If you want your overall productivity, whether in the office or in general life, you could use a boost, go Vegan could be the way to do it. In a four-month long-term study of theAmerican Journal of Health HealthResearchers have found that eating a vegan system not only helped workers lose books, but has also increased their productivity, which allows them to do better and excel their jobs.


It can help you stay young

Woman touching face

Unfortunately, there is still no youth fountain so you can jire and come back with a sunny glow. One way to help you agitate gracefully, however, eat a vegan diet. "If you are after an anti-aging effect, a vegan diet is your best bet," says the pool. "There is a tendency to be more antioxidants present in vegan food, as well as more minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients, which support all the radiantsskin, hair and eyes. "


You will reduce your risk of breast cancer

Woman talking to doctor

According toBreastscape.org, a woman on eight will develop him during their lives - and that means there will be about 330,000 new cases at the US threshold this year. One thing that can help reduce the risk is to do vegan: a2017 study Published inBMC Public Health Found cutting meat could help you protect yourself againstbreast cancer. Eating meat, on the other hand, was associated with a higher risk.


This can help keep your body to check

Woman on scale celebrating her weight loss

Instead of making a crazy diet, simply focus on plants will make your body well, inside and out. "Plants are ideal for maintaining a health and body mass index," says the pool. "Obviously, a lot of vegetation vegetation food exists now - which is better eaten with parsimony, but when you focus on the consumption of vegetables, fruits, greases, beans, legumes and other ingredients whole food, you will see excellent results. " And one2016 study The back in place, find non-meat consumers tended to weigh less than meat eaters.


It can help you live longer

Older woman

When you go vegan, you do not just save the lives of animals - you extend yours too. A2018 studyPublished inThe lancetI found that those who consumed animal-based diets had a shorter life expectancy than those who have eaten sources of protein and herbal grease. In fact, there was a 20% decrease of 20% of the risk of death.


This can improve your arthritis

Woman with arthritis

People with osteoarthritis - a type of arthritis-treats joint pain anywhere in their hands and layers on their backs and kneeling. In a2015 study Published in the newspaperArthritis, Those who were eating whole foods, a plant-based diet experienced a significant reduction in pain compared to those of a typical diet of meat. And get this: It only took two weeks to start feeling results. On top of that,another study Found a vegan diet could also help you reduce your risk of rheumatoid arthritis - a chronic inflammatory disorder that also affects the joints.


It can increase your antioxidant status of the disease


When you have good antioxidant status, your body is better able to fight disease, be it cancer or heart disease. And how do you get all these antioxidants? Go to vegan. Ato studypublished in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found a vegan meal significantly provided more antioxidants than a typical meat diet, which could lead to better health on the line.


He will keep your bones strong

Xray bones

Since you are small, you are told to drink milk to have solid bones. Unfortunately,calcium Animal products proves to be doing the opposite, despite what everyone who "had milk?" Claim for ads. Ato study Published inTopics in integrative health care Fruits and vegetables found are all you need for healthy bones and osteoporosis, the disease that weakens the bones and makes them fragile, is actually "more widespread in developed countries where dairy products are abundant and well. used by the population ". If you want a quality calcium that will do your body well, you can get as much with your greens. In fact, 100 grams of cabbage are more calcium than 100 grams of milk. Crazy, huh?


You will see an increase in your energy levels


If you feel tired and lethargic all the time, change your plan could help you go back to normal again. "If you suffer from lowenergy Or energy fluctuations, a plant-based diet can improve this problem: "The pool says". Meat, dairy production and eggs tend to demand more energy to digest that plant-based products, which means that your body has less energy to power your body, brain, and your day. "


It could help put an end to global hunger

Grass-fed cows

If you want to be part of a real change, Vegan is an easy way to do it. On ato study Published inEnvironmental research lettersThe researchers discovered cows, pigs, chickens and other animals raised for food, use a lot of cultures that can be used to feed humans. If these crops were strictly grown to feed humans instead of grilling livestock for meat, it could feed four billion more people.


You will save a lot of water


No, like a lot. Of course, take shorter showers is one thing. But if you really want to play your role, go vegan. To create asimple book Beef that you see on store shelves takes about 1,800 gallons alone - and it's just an isolated book from one of the many animals eaten. As crazy as possible, agriculture in the United States uses80 percent ofall the water. So I guess how much could be saved if people did not eat more of the meat.


You will save animals

chickens roaming around

Most people do not realize the amount of trouble to produce meat. By vegan, you could save thousands of animals over the years - and stop contributing to all the pain and suffering they cross to go to people's plates. "The vast majority of chickens, cows, pigs and turkeys spend their lives on massive plant farms where they are kept in hanging or crowded cages. They have neared natural for them," saysAshley Byrne, a campaign specialist toPETA.

"The pigs never push to take a breath of fresh air or feed their young, the cows are in such a terrible form they often collapse during their turn to the slaughterhouse where they are pushed or trailed of the trucks, often causing the rupture of their bones. They struck on the ground. The hens and turkeys are piled up in congested hanging with tens of thousands of other birds where the disease, being muffled or that heart attacks are all common. These are all intelligent and sensitive animals that feel pain, just like our dogs and cats. "


You can help stop global warming

Climate change

Seeing hungry polar bear images because of their homes that melt because of global warming is devastating. Change is not going to come from cycling at work instead of driving, however: transport is only responsible for a small fraction of the problem. According toreports, Animal agriculture is behind 18% of all greenhouse gas emissions - and put this into perspective, it is more than the combined exhaust of each mode of transport. If you really want to see the change, Vegan is the way to do it.


You will better health

Man holding stomach

When your intestine is healthy, you will feel better mentally and physically: these tiny bacteria play a role in all your digestion to your immune system and mood. According to a magazine 2014 published in the magazineNutrients, compared to diets with meat and even vegetarian, vegansGUT profiles A higher notch with less caused by the disease and species of more protective bacteria, as well as lower inflammation levels.


You can stop diabetes in his tracks

Woman testing insulin levels

Whether you tried to prevent diabetes or reduce diabetic symptoms, you can make a big difference. "Studies have shown that a vegan system can support the reduction ofDiabetes Medications, lower levels of hemoglobin A1C and improve the number of sugar in the blood, "says the pool." There are innumerable anecdotes of those using a herbal diet to treat diabetes. "


You will be happier

Woman relaxing

When you go vegan, you will not feel good to know that you do not do any more living creatures injury for your food. You will also have a mood atmosphere from the diet alone. In ato study ofAmerican Journal of Health HealthThe researchers discovered that those who went to plants had improvements to their symptoms of depression and anxiety, which make them happier and more comfortable.


You will save tropical forests


Forget everything you have already heard about the destruction of the tropical forest, because the main cause could surprise you:animal farming. In fact, he is responsible for 91% of the destruction of the Amazon. To help save animals facing extinction - Tigers in Oranguan - Stop eating animal products. Even a person can help make a difference.


There are great food options (and delicious!)

Impossible Burger
Instagram / @ conscientityChris

Years ago, it was more difficult to find herbal alternatives to your preferred foods prepared and ready to go to the grocery store. Now, vegans have a lot of options. There are realistic fusion cheeses,Burgers who bleedCreamy ice cream creams, non-products made of nuts, fluffy eggs, you name it. Basically, everything you liked before going vegan, you can find a way to do it without causing animal harm.


It will help get rid of acne


Get rid of acne can be really difficult. If you have tried every product on store shelves in vain, you may want to try to make you vegan. Not only will all these additional vitamins and nutrients will be glowing your skin, but that milk departure could do wonders for these zits.Multiple studies Have shown that the consumption of milk from cows - no matter the type - was positively associated with acne, so eliminating it from your diet could help things clarify for good.


It has never been so easy

girl eating salad

Often, people think that vegan is difficult. This is not the case, although especially with all available resources. "It has never been so easy to be vegan and the food has never been so delicious," says Byrne. "In addition, there are so many resources for people who want transition. Even if you are traveling, there are apps like a happy cow that will allow you to see all the options available around you."


You will sleep better

Sleeping woman

The key to a good night's sleep is probably not counting sheep - he has just helped (and other animals!) By vegan. Aold study You have found those who have taken the vegetation improved their sleep quality, which makes the switch that can allow you to get more from this time devoted to rest - and take your days with all this extra energy because of that.


You will be less stressed

Woman stressed

Feel stressed is not fun for anyone. But you guessed! - Vegan could help reduce your levels. In a survey of 620 participants, all vegan fruit and vegetable vegetables gave them levels of stress and anxiety lower than non-vegetables. And all these positive vibrations helped participating women eat lower candy catches.


You join a cool community

Natalie portman

Believe it or not, the vegan community is not frightening: it is full of people in the heart who do not want to cause pain or suffering to a living creature. And there are many familiar names you could recognize. The list of Vegan celebrities is quite long, but a handful of many Madonna, Ariana Grande, Gisele Bündchen, Miley Cyrus, Woody Harrelson, Alicia Silverstone, James Cameron, Liam Hemsworth, Ellie Goulding, Natalie Portman and Peter Dinklage.


It can reduce your risk of colon cancer

Doctor and patient

Do you want to keep your colon in good shape? Global go is a great way to do it. It turns out if you devour meat on the regular, you really push your luck: research shows those who eat treated orRed meat The 50% are they more likely to suffer from colon cancer than non-meats. Instead, replace this animal protein with healthier forms of vegetable proteins, such as tofu, tempeh, chickpeas and seitan.


You will feel better

Woman spraying perfume

You can spray as much perfume or Cologne as you like, but everyone always has their own personal perfume under everything - and vegan can make a very good smell. In ato study Published in the newspaperEvolution and human behaviorResearchers have discovered people who have eaten higher fruit and vegetable sockets-aka something vegans are totally fields. -Had a sweat much more enjoyable than those who do not have it.


You will be involved in a new exciting change

Almond milk

The world changes and Vegan will now you will let be at the forefront of what is happening instead of being left in the dust. "The delicious vegan options are available everywhere, that you talk about many restaurants that have added delicious vegetable vegetable chicken burgers to their menus or cafes that have a wide range ofNon-dairy optionsAlready soy, coconut and oats, "said Byrne". Even higher ice cream brands - like Ben & Jerry's and Breyers - came out with non-dairy options. Everything is around us now. "


It could help treat asthma

Woman taking deep breath

Anyone who is tired of wearing around a 24-hour inhaler and 7/7 could benefit greatly from vegan. After a group ofto studyParticipants with serious asthma problems (who had been taking medications for about 12 years!) Eated a vegan diet for a year, almost all had barely symptoms and have been able to get rid or reduce their medications.

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