This is the one you should never shoot, the experts say

The much malignant plant can actually be very beneficial for your garden and your garden.

Any green thumb can tell you thatKeep a healthy garden Well maintained is not without difficulty. In addition to being sure to fertilize, prunes and water, there is also the constant threat of aInfestation of destructive parasites or unwanted plants germinating and ruined your hard work. But while your intestine instinct may be to get rid of any pervasive organization your grass or your flowerbed, experts say that there is a bad grass that you should never shoot. Read it to see which well-known plant may be better for your garden you do.

RELATED:5 easy hacks to save the plants from your house that gardeners swear by.

Traditional weed killers can be bad for more than your garden and your environment.

A closeup of a hand applying a bottle of Roundup weed killer on a grass lawn

Treating with a problem of weeds in your garden can be a frustrating experience. But when you try to eliminate the plant invaders, you may want to remember to reach a bottle of traditional weed killer. According to a 2009 study ofNational Biotechnology Information CenterAssembly evidence shows that products can seriously affect your garden and your health in the long term. And in 2020, the German chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer was forced to pay $ 10 billion in legal action after itsRoundup Weed Killer was linked to cancer in customers.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Fortunately, experts point out that there is anatural method To get rid of unwanted plants that can offer a safer alternative to hard chemicals.John La Puma, the designer behindBiological farm certified in an urban environment The Puma Farms recommends filling a spray bottle with horticultural vinegar and adding a tablespoon of dishes. The mixture will dehydrate the plant while breaking it faster, which facilitates suppression without affecting the soil or the environment of the vegetation.

Be that as it may, experts recommend letting a common grass grow.

A closeup of dandelions on a lawn

As much as they can arouse joy in young children who find them, dandelions are undoubtedly near the top of the list of public enemies for gardeners. theFlower weeds may seem impossible to avoid or remove entirely due to their deep roots and their biennial growth cycle. But according to experts, the omnipresent yellow flowers may not deserve the bad reputation they have.

"Pissengions can actually be beneficial for your court"Chris Garrett fromEvergreen Lawn & Pest control revealBetter life. "Pissengions attract bees, which are important pollinators. They also attract other beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and laces. And dandelions are a good source of food for birds."

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Disclosure can benefit from other plants and growing grass in your garden.

Dandelion Random Obscure Facts

Unlike popular belief, common weeds can actually have a positive impact on your garden or garden by solving a problem that you may not have realized that you had. "The dandelion roots are known to reach 10 to 15 feet in the ground, contributing to the conditions such as compacted dirt or too much humidity in the ground, which can prevent healthy herbs from growing", "Jeremy Griffin fromJust good lawns In Texas tellsBetter life. "They essentially averse the soil naturally and can help with excess pooling of water, which can cause root rot in other plants."

In some cases, the malignant yellow flower can even transform difficult dirt spots in a more lush landscape. "Pissengions are good for your soil. These are robust plants"Ragar Trent, Owner ofControl of natural state pestssaidBetter life. "They can survive in almost all types of soil, and they are very tolerant of drought. So, if you have a dry lawn problem, pandelions could really help keep it alive!"

It can be easier to slow down the spread of dandelions with a simple tip.

A dandelion scattering seeds into the wind

Experts also point out that, in addition to providing soil advantages, they can always be an aesthetically pleasant option when everything else fails in your courtyard. "Although it was not a common practice in the world of perfectly handled lawns, dandelions are sometimes used as an environmentally friendly alternative to fill bare soil areas"Glenn Phillips fromControl of pests of southern Greens In Florida tellsBetter life. "They are able to grow in difficult conditions, they therefore offer a pretty alternative to flowering and rapid growth in naked dirt."

Fortunately, you also don't have to worry about them by taking your court too quickly if you follow a simple tactic. "Pissengions are only propagated by seed"Erika Johnson, Coordinator of the University of Washington State Clark County's Master Gardenerer Program, saysOregonian . "You can only leave them as long as they are not defined with seeds. Since I mowed my dandelions before being able to define seeds, they do not do much in terms of reproduction."

RELATED: If your plants die, this simple thing will revive them .

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