50 most managed things you touch every day, according to experts

Viruses are everywhere - including news! Read this to protect you.

The germs are literally - including in the titles, because the coronavirus spreads in the planet. (Get vaccinated if you do not have!) Although the only way to avoid coming into contact with bacteria, parasites and other germized objects reach diseases, and that it is in total insulation (which is obviously not realistic)There are some ordinary things that you enter into contact with that. Here are the 50 unhealthy things you touch every day.Read on and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSymptoms that everyone needs to know during this pandemic.



Restaurant customer waiting for the electronic guest pager to notify of an order status.

These plastic gizmos that you are given to what host uses to tell you that your table is ready, but they are also, well, affected by many hands. "Restaurant pagers are managed by countless people whose hands were probably not clean," saysStephen C. Schimpff, MD MACP. "Their cold or the flu becomes yours!"



holding menu

When the server gives us a menu, most of us do not think so much how many hands have touched it. "Do not get all the frenetic world, but the menus are rarely cleaned," says Dr. Schimpff. When they are, they are usually only non-disinfected wiped!


Auto-checkout kiosks

Close-up self service check in for flight or buying airplane tickets at airport

When the lines are long, it can save time to save you, but you can also check with germs, warns Thanu Jey, DC, Clinic Manager toYorkville Sports Medicine Clinic. "Studies have found that automatic order kiosks can be covered with germs, especially restaurants and fast food airports," says Dr. Jey. "Like kiosks are used by many successive people, in areas that follow the food and the bathroom, it makes it a bed for germs." Because they are constantly used, there is no possible way to clean them between the uses.


Gas station pumps

man pumping gas into car
Maridav / Shutterstock

Most of them are worried about getting gasoline on our hands at the gas station, when we should be worried about germs. "The pumps at the service station and their screens are used in continuity by people who lead, making it easier for the transfer of bacteria and germs," ​​says Dr. Jey. Since pumps are hard to clean up, make sure you do a good job to clean your hands after use.


Airport trays

Man Putting Shoes Into Tray For Airport Security Check

You know these trays at PSA where you put all your Junk - including dirty shoes, bags, hats and keys, before a flight? Think of all the germs that touch them. "The airport trays are covered with germs", keeps Mr. Jey. "This combined with the potential of germs around the world makes these trays all the more."


Library books

Laptop and book lying on a desk in classic library

People read and bear their books everywhere - from the room to the bathroom and kitchen. Imagine the life of a popular library book - all the hands it passes and the places that are installed. Germs, germs and more germs! "Books are also more difficult to clean because many pages can accommodate germs," ​​says Dr. Jey.


Your pet

young smiling african american woman in casual clothes sitting near dog while walking in park

We love our pets. They live, respiratory creatures that we like unconditionally. However, they are also animals running out, enter and sometimes even eat, poop. So, touch can contaminate you with all foodborne illnesses to parasitic worms, by theCDC.


Animals to caress zoos

Girl hugging lamb on the farm

Of course, it is fun to caress small animals adorable to caress zoos, fairs, aquariums and even this school school. However, according to the CDCThe animals sometimes wear germs that can make people sick. Starting from 2010-2015, about 100 epidemics of disease in animal-related people in public areas such as zoos, fairs and educational farms have been reported to public health officials. To avoid becoming a statistic, always wash your hands with soap and water directly after touching an animal or use a hand-based hand-based disinfectant.


Garden chickens

Happy young woman holding his chicken in the backyard

TheCDCAlso warn that court chickens - which have become very trendy in recent years - are huge carriers of germs. The most dangerous and the most common is Salmonella and the organization of health offers several tips on how to stay clearhere.


Reptiles and amphibians

Girls and turtle. Siblings are doing his homework for elementary school.

In addition to the chickens, your company serpent, your turtles, frogs or even lizards can make you seriously ill, by theCDC. In addition to touching them, you can get from Salmonella by touching anything in their habitat because their fecal materials probably come into contact with all of their aquariums to their food dishes.


Your phone

Female hands holding a mobile phone and wipe the screen cloth

When was the last time you washed your screen? Exactly. Use water and a lint-free striped-resistant cloth in soft blows.


A sponge

hand squeezing soap from blue sponge

Multiple studieshave found that the most managed element of your home is a sponge, because of the hot and wet environment it provides. Ato studyfound that in a single square inch of a sponge, a height of 200 million bacteria are present.


Tea towels

Woman in apron wiping her hands

For similar reasons,Towels of the kitchen handare also screened with dangerous bacteria.


Cutting boards

cross contamination on cutting board

Because cutting boards affect all of raw meat with fruits and vegetables, it is incredibly easy to become contaminated with germs. In reality,18%of them host dangerous bacteria.


Your cooking sink

pieces of food in sink

Most of us throw our sabais dishes into the kitchen sink and then go out to clean them. But according to ato studyA 45% fainting of kitchen sinks are contaminated with coliform bacteria, which includes Salmonella and E. coli.


Your toothbrush holder

Toothbrushes in a ceramic holder

You may be surprised to learn that one of the most lively things to touch in your bathroom is actually your toothbrush holder. Ato studyfound that 27% of toothbrush holders were soiled with coliforms.

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The toy of your pet

pug dog lying on concrete road with yellow chicken toy

Think of everything your dog's mouth touches - then all the places they can drop their toys. It will give you a little idea ofHow to sprout this toyor a bullet that belongs to Fido or Fluffy is actually. A study found that in 23% of households, STAPH, an indicator of MRSA, was detected on pet toys and that these items were more likely to wear it than others at home.


Socket bowls


The same study revealed that pet bowls were also one of the most managed things in the house.


Your remote control

Female hands with blue manicure wipe the remote control

How often do you clean your remote? Many of us fail to disinfect the gadget, despite the fact that we use them daily and that we touch them directly after contacting other germized objects.


Your keyboard of your computer

woman with a gray rag of a computer keyboard

For the same reason, our remote controls are germinated, as well as our computer keyboards.


Your video game controller

Man eating pizza having a takeaway at home relaxing resting

While 14% of positive test video game controllers for staph, themajorityof them-59% - are covered with yeast and mold.



Blue pen on counter for customers filling(writing) registration paper form.

Consider this:14%Household pens tested positive for staph. When using a pen, you find in public at the bank, at work or at school - who has been touched by many people, think about the potential of germs.


Your coffee machine

Beautiful woman making coffee for breakfast in the kitchen

The interior of your coffee machine is one of the most sprouts, hosting 548,270 microorganisms standardized by 10 m².

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Reusable grocery bags

Reusable Bags: Unpacking Meat From Fabric Bags

You may save the environment using reusable bags, but they could be covered with germs. According to one 2010to study, many have been contaminated by E. coli, because of the fact that they come into contact with contaminated foods.



Female hand giving dollars and card to cashier as payment

Most of us like to have a hand on money. However, your hard earned money could make you sick. One of 2017to studyI found that the average dollar pill hosted hundreds of microorganism species - ranging from those that cause acne and skin bacteria to vaginal bacteria, microbes of mouths, pet DNA, viruses and even drugs.


The cup of office coffee

Washing-up in office kitchen sink

The cup of office coffee can seem harmless. Despite the fact that many different people use a certain cup, it is washed between the uses. However, a to studyfound that up to 90% of office cooking cups are covered with germs and, welcome, 20% can wear fecal material. This is due to the fact that most desktop sponges are completely dirty.


Your laundry

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Of course, you know that your dirty are not really clean, but you probably have no idea how rough they are. In fact, even your fresh clothes of the dryer are hosting dangerous bacteria, due to imperfect cleaning methods. Ato studyfound that the average pair of incidents peculiar to at least 0.1 gram of feces and up to 10 grams.


Your scholarship

Young woman dropped a white purse and all contents have dropped on the floor

Most do not clean our handbags, but they go everywhere with us, occupy many fleeing objects, touch other contaminated objects, sit on dirty bathroom floors and offer dirty hands of our children. to the patcher. Does this give you an idea of ​​the germination of your handbag?



Close up of female hand entering PIN/pass code on ATM/bank machine keypad, she hides it with other hand for security purposes

In addition to the money being dirty, it is the dispensary where we get it. A recentto studyhave found that New York ATMs were significantly more contaminated than public toilets.



pushing grocery cart through store

How many people have rolled around the grocery basket that you have been using since the last time it has been cleaned? The answer is probably a lot. Ato studyI found that the average grocery carriage translates about 360 times more bacteria than a bathroom customs.

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Your gloves

Woman holding gloves and wearing an apron against sitting room

Many of us wear gloves to avoid touching germs, but the second that your hand touches your glove, it is probably contaminated. Think about all things that your gloves touch with the fact that most of us do not wash them every day.



Asian female right hand is turning on or off on grey light switch

When we clean our homes, we usually focus on areas such as the bathroom, kitchen and room. We can even wipe television, windows or other areas that look dirty. But most of us do not think of disinfecting every light switch - despite the fact that many dirty fingers touch them daily.


All on a plane

A woman sitting by a window seat is wiping down a germ laden dirty airplane tray with an antibacterial wipe

This is not a secret for the secret that planes are homes for bacteria caused by the disease. What is incredibly worrying is that many of the bad insects - such as E. coli and mrsa-candwellFrom your seat to your glass shadow for us at a week. Maybe the heavens are not so friendly to fly, after all!


Everything in a hotel room

Tired business woman watching tv in hotel room

So many of us fall sick after a trip, blaming him on the plane. However, staying in a hotel room is probably as risky when it comes to germs. A surprisingto studyfound that over 80% of the hotel's room surfaces have been positive for fecal matter. Of them, the worst absolute delinquent was the remote.

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Your makeup brushes

Vanity table with makeup brushes and mirror

Even if you launch your makeup by the recommended dates and regularly clean your makeup brushes, you expose yourself to dangerous bacteria.BydieRecently conducted a recent study, test makeup brushes that had been cleaned regularly. Guess what? Most of them contain harmful bacteria.


Your bottle of water

reuseable water bottle

Reusable bottles of water are crucial to help save the planet. But keep in mind that harmful bacteria are hiding inside and outside your bottle of water. Think of all the places where you define your bottle of water and the potential germs it could pick up. A to studyI found that 83% used plastic bottles in gyms were contaminated with bacteria. Make sure to completely wash your bottle of water between uses - inside and out!


Lift buttons

finger presses the elevator button

It is almost impossible to avoid pressing the elevator buttons, but try keeping in mind that the number of bacteria present on an elevator button is almost 40 times higher than one toilet seat. public, according to ato studyHospital elevators.

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The sandbox

curly african american little child playing with plastic scoop and bucket in sandbox at playground

Children love to play in the sandbox, but just touch sand grains inside them can be seriously dangerous for your health. NSF International Sampled 26 Miscellaneous items found in public places - including toys in doctors' offices, children's library books and gambling sandbaskets. Out of all the breeders of potential germs, theyfindThese sand bins were cesspools for germs, offering nearly 2,000 times more bacteria, yeasts and molds per square inch that the handles of the public toilet door. In addition, they can be contaminated with feces and parasites.


All at the gym

woman doing lunges at the gym wearing n95 face mask

Your gym can help you achieve your health goals in many ways. However, it can also make you sick. Ato studyI found that harmful bacteria are hiding everywhere in the average public gymnastics, your free weights and the treadmill.


Water fountains

Close up image of a young mixed race girl busy drinking water from a fixed water fountain station with beautiful copy space

If you are thirsty, you may want to consider avoiding the fountain to drink. The harmful bacteria are hiding in and around moisturizing gear. AinvestigationEven they found themselves more sprouted than dog bowls!

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Woman holding cabbage in store.

Whether you are at the grocery store or the farmer's market, touching unwashed products can put you at risk offood poisoning.


Your face

a gentleman with a beard scratching his eyes with glasses

If you want to avoid getting sick, the main thing you should stop touching is your face. A recentto studyI found that when people touch their faces and their noses, they transfer bacteria via a "self-inoculation" - which is the main way to transfer germs of contaminated surfaces.


The disposition of the garbage

garbage disposal

How many times have you contacted in your garbage elimination to check and see what is there? In addition to your old food, there is Probable harmful bacteriaHide there - including E. coli!

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Your welcome mat

doormat before the door in the hall

At one time or another, you will reject and recover your input mat or your welcome mat. But keep in mind that a lot of a dirty foot touched me - andthese germsCould land on your hands!


Auto seat of your child

little girl eating chocolate donuts in car

The car seat of your child is essentially a petri dish of bacteria. Ato studyRealized at the University of Birmingham discovered an average of 100 bacteria and potentially dangerous mushrooms per square centimeter of a car seat - twice as many germs than toilet seats!


Toilet door handles

open the bathroom door, go to toilet

You may have washed your hands after being turned on to the bathroom, but many others did not do it, saysStephen C. Schimpff, MDMACP. He suggests avoiding germs using your paper towel to open the door.

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Bathroom faucets

Water faucet Sink decoration in bathroom

Someone goes to the bathroom, then go to the tap to wash your hands. Dr Schimpff emphasizes that when they touch this handle for the first time, their hands can be contaminated. The safest way to transform a bathroom valve with a paper towel when you touch it.


Toilet handles

woman hand flush toilet after using

It should go without saying that the toilet handles are dirty for the same reasons as door handles and faucets. (And in this case, it could also have shoe dirt on it.) Use toilet paper to flush.

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The soil of the bathroom


Shards of used toilet paper, urine splashing that miss the basin, and other unsmeases can be on the floor of the bathroom. Still, many of us place our business on this when we use the toilet. Just not! There are hooks on the doors of the bathroom for a reason.

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Bathroom stand slats

Public toilet partition door panel and stainless steel door lock.

Okay, public toilets - and just about everything in them - are simply gross. Dr. Schimpff invites you to think about the stall of the stall of the bathroom. Make sure you wash your hands after you leave the stall - no matter what you were there for! And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss: This supplement can increase your risk of cancer, tell experts .

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