What are the 10 diet experts at the cheese factory
Of course, they make cheese, but they are probably better known for their enormous portions. Here's what to eat that will not give you a size.

The Cheesecake factory is an excellent option for easy family dinner, a fun party with friends or a brunch spot at Go-Weekend.
But, thanks to large portions (not to mention that the mega-size cheese display is almost impossible to resist), eat healthy, there is not always as simple as you want. Here, 10 nutritionists on what they had ordered at the well-liked American restaurant and why.
Guacamole and salmon salad grass crust
"The Cheesecake factory is known for their amusing atmosphere, a huge portion and delicious desserts, and it can be difficult to control your appetite and make the healthiest decision in the face of all tempting options. The key is to compromise . I could order guacamole as an aperitif and divided with the table. Guacamole is a great way to get in healthy fat, potassium, fiber and vitamin E, found in lawyers. I would also ask for one side of Crus vegetables like carrots, celery and cucumbers so that I can limit myself to an ounce of chips (about 5). Even if the side of VEG will cost you extra, it's worth it if it means some additional bites of this Delicious Guac. After this little madness. After this little madness, I will balance my meal with a light salad packed with omega-3 rich proteins, such as the Tataki Searing salad or the salad of Salmon in grass crust, with dressing room on the side, of course! "-Lisa Moskovitz, Rd, CDN
Soft skinnylicious tacos
"If I had to eat at the Fromécakian factory, I serve Skinnylicious Tacos. They are filled with spicy chicken or shrimp, lawyer, tomato, onions, coriander and cream, and served with Escabeche vegetables. They come in an order of three, but I would eat only two (and no cream because of an allergy), making the clock of meals in about 400-500 calories. An additional bonus: l 'Counsel not only tastes greatly, but is also filled with healthy fats it helps keep me full (and keeping skin and hair in good health)! You will also keep simple with two poached eggs and an English muffin with one side From the green salad thrown from the menu Skinnylicious. It's about 550 calories in total! "- -Stephanie Middleberg, MS, Rd, CDN, founder ofNutrition Middleberg
"I would go for mild corn tortillas filled with shrimp, which are filled with lawyer (rich in healthy cardiac monounsaturated), tomato and coriander. Between seafood and all vegetables, this dish is filling, nutritious and worth every time bit. " -Liz Weiss, Ms, co-author rdNo groan with dinnerand The Moms Guide for Meal Transformations
EdaMame and Salad Seared Ahi Tataki
"The last time I was at the Frisecake factory, I ordered their new skinnylicious menu. I usually start with the steamed edamame or grilled artichoke. I like EdaMame because it takes a some time to eat and soy is of all its shape, high fiber and high protein, it satisfies my hunger without adding fat or calories. I choose not to have the sauce on the edamame because it is probable In sodium. The artichokes are slightly sweet, loaded with fiber, fun and low in calories. For my main course, I go for seared salad Ahi Tataki. The tuna is associated with a healthy heart and green lawyer mixed and ginger, which is a great anti-inflammatory. I ask them to go from light the vinaigrette 'so, I get all the flavor without the extra fat. Light but high in fiber and lean protein, this meal is guaranteed to fill me up rather than filling out. "- -Amy Shapiro MS, Rd, CDN,REAL NUTRITION NYC
Small house salad and chicken Tuscany skinnylicious
"When you eat outdoors - at the cheese plant or elsewhere, I always start with a salad so that I can fill me before the meal and not attempted to eat the dreaded bread basket! The factory of Cheesecake has a small house salad for less than 260 calories, but I can dress on the side to bring it to 200 or even a little less. For an entrance, I like the Tuscany Skinnyl chicken. The number of calories is 585 calories for the dish - but the game is great, and I do not always finish. The artichokes of the dish are packed with fibers to keep you full. Sometimes, I kept them in Farro and add vegetables to the extra steam to bring calories even further. "-Ilyse Schapiro MS, Rd, CDN, founder ofIlyse Schapiro Nutrition
Santa Fe salad
"One of my favorite salads at the cheese plant is the Santa Fe Perzing salad with 540 calories. I ask them to serve the bandage and cheese on the side so that I can decide how to use (usually much less It clear with), and it goes to the calories and fat quite easily without flavor sabotage. "-Toby Amidor, MS, RD Nutrition Expert and author ofThe Greek yogurt cuisine: more than 130 healthy and healthy recipes for every meal of the day,Founder ofToby amidor nutrition
Skinnylicious vegetable burger
"When I dine at the cheese plant, I almost always ordered the Burger Veggie Skinnylicious served with a side salad. I do not choose it because it's on the skinlyl menu, but it has an incredible flavor and is filled with nutrients. This Veggie burger is a step above the norm because it is made with whole grains such as ingredients rich in Farro and antioxidants such as mushrooms, black beans and onions. I jump the mayo to make it an even healthier choice. "-GINA CONSALVO, MA, RD, LDN, CDE, NCC, founder ofEating well with Gina, LLC
Lettuce wraps with chicken and mushrooms
"At the Cheesecake factory, Toa Tataki Sear's salad is a defined favorite; he is filled and tasty, but I still leave room for me to take a glass of wine and even share an Edamame aperitif with The table. You can reduce calories and fats even further using only half of the vinaigrette. Chicken lettuce and mushroom envelopes are another favorite. The number of calories is balanced with about 27 grams of carbohydrates, 23 grams of protein and 16 grams of fat per plate. This also leaves the room to enjoy a glass of wine with my meal without overweight. However, the sodium content is quite high (915 mg), so make sure you make sure to drink plenty of water with your meal. "-Heather Mangieri, Ms, rd, cssd
Kale and Quinoa salad
"At the cheese plant, the cabbage and quinoa salad offers a balanced meal that satisfies my hunger, even the days I want something more substantial than a salad. I usually hung an hour later when I have a salad like a meal, but this satisfying dish of the texture, the sauquinesse and the flavor of this dish holds me fully annoyed. Baked Al Dente, the quinoa rich in protein and the rich in fiber (8,14 Grams of protein and 5.2 grams per cup) contrasted with the crisp Kale, tender red peppers and sweet grapes make a bright luminous of the Lemonics that will support me and will live throughout the afternoon. " -LIBBY MOULINS, Mrs., RDN, LDN, National spokesman of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietary
Lean grilled turkey burger
"Sometimes it's nice to engage in a juicy hamburger during the restoration. I discovered that the grilled turkey burglass burglass satisfies my desire for a hamburger, plus a green salad will keep you fully distracted from Eating all the bread they bring you! This is available in 520 calories, 8 grams of fat, 38 grams of carbohydrates and 28 grams of protein. "- -Jim White, Rd, CRSM Health Fitness Specialist, Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics Spokesperson, Owner,Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios
Sheila chicken and lawyer salad
"When I eat at the Factory of Fromescake, I love Sheila's chicken and lawyer salad (no tolling tapes or canvas on the side) because of the mixture of tasty and sweet flavors, healthy greases of avocado and cashew, splashing of the flavor of Cilantro and vitamins A, C, E and K of mixed greens, carrots and cilantro! In addition, I am a big fan of salmon salad in crust in Grass (dressing on the side). I love this for its good Omega 3 fats, a generous portion and a mixture of the vegetables and global ingredients weak for a satisfactory but not overwhelming dish. "- - - - - -Lauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN,Lauren Minchen Nutrition, PLLC
Tuscany chicken skinnylicious
"As an alternative to my usual orders, I sometimes go for the Tuscan chicken of the Skinnylicious menu. It's full of flavor and an excellent source of lean protein and vegetable fibers flavors and herbs! I leave the Farro on the plate to reduce calories and keep this extra skinny meal. Another good option is the creation of your own omelette. I like omelettes for any meals, especially in a restaurant! With this option, you can choose the ingredients and have the possibility to keep calories under control. I order an omelette (whole eggs for vitamins and phytonutrients!) With mushrooms, spinach, tomato and a lawyer for a healthy dose of vitamins B, vitamins A, C and E, Fibers, phytonutrients and healthy fat! "-Lauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN
"Tuscan chicken is my number one choice to get a balanced meal without going too much. The Tuscany chicken contains tomatoes, artichokes, capers, a fresh basil and a balsamic vinaigrette on fresh vegetables and Farro. This meal contains A lean protein, whole grain and vegetables it is perfect for having and staying on the right track! It is 585 calories, 24 grams of fat, 35 grams of carbohydrates and 45 grams of protein. "- -Jim White, Rd, Fitness Condition Specialist ACSM
As for the dessert, all these glutinous and delicious choices at the Factory of Fromescake are super high calories. I will share an article with my table and I will take a few bites just to satisfy my sweet teeth - they are known for their cheese, after all!. The Cheesecake factory is excellent with doggystyle bags, so I tend to take homes for my children or eating at a later date. "- Toby Amidor, MS, RD