7 "malicious" men that you should avoid!
No one is perfect. So you can accept some bad habits of their "half". However, if the person you are dating belongs to the men's treasures below, you should consider stopping.

No one is perfect. So you can accept some bad habits of their "half". However, if the person you are dating belongs to the men's treasures below, you should consider stopping.
If you are dating a man who only knows the casual, indifferent in career, all day wine, play, dummy, even if he owns the "ruffled" property block, you also Do not get into it. This will be a man who will only know yourself and will be irresponsible in life with you later. Therefore, if your life suddenly falls into extreme circumstances, miserable, this man's model cannot be a place based for you.

Always make you work
If you are dating a man that makes you always happy and comfortable when I'm next to congratulate you, this may be the man you should consider choosing. On the contrary, if the man you are dating always only makes you stressed or wary of the opponent's eyes, you must definitely stay away from him. In the long run, when in this man's model, you must always force yourself, have to deal with other people's expression. Gradually, you will lose your own values and fall into a state of inhibitory, fatigue. This will be the reason why you cannot be happy long in this relationship.

Think prejudice and enjoy control
The pattern of men who always like to control "the other half", always finding ways to make their woman implement the standards he given is also a kind of man that you should not continue to date. This type of man often wants to know all the relationships of "the other" and watching his girlfriend's actions anytime, anywhere. This is a man who will make your marriage relationship suffered, stressed.

Vu Phu
The male model likes to use force to talk to the woman they dating as a bad man that you must give up. Although it is just a slap in a quarrel, you also need to be seriously thinking about whether to extend the relationship with this Vu Phu man. Don't because of the super moment after this man's sweet apology after the argument that you ignore for his behavior. If actually approaches the type of person who likes to hand with women, not only whom your children will suffer heavy psychological effects for domestic violence!

"Clean her mother's skirt"
"Mama Boy" is a phrase used to refer to the samples of "clinging to the mother's skirt". Although he was adulthood, this man still shows the weakness and depends on his mother. You should note that the boundary to distinguish a man who loves parents and a man "clinging to the mother" is often very fragile. If your "other half" always mentioned his mother but still has enough political and bravery to decide on every big thing, having a strong enough psychology to protect family members, who is a man Do not ignore. However, if you encounter a lack of responsibility, lack of politics, always rely on your mother to make a decision, you are really alert!

One of the men's samples you need to stay away is that man has selfishness. If you want to go further in a male and female relationship, respect and understanding is the leading factor. So when I encountered a man's model, I only care about my ego, then surely you should "remove" him right from the first round because this will not be "shoulder" carrying cover for you throughout my life rest.

The men that you really have to think seriously before long-term sticking is a man with a woman. These types of men often calculate Chi Li, prefer to speak long, talk about a small problem, or scene, peace of other people's chips, or toughness, v.v .. If you are dating With this type of man, you should "high run away from flying" because it will probably suffer much disadvantage in the next life!

The former teenager star will never come back successful: "A section of my life that I have deleted."