The dollar tree is under the fire of these main controversies
The Dollar store faced a considerable countercond in recent months.

While anyone who would be in a hurry to convey a good deal during his purchases, few retailers are getting closer to the offer of dollars. These stores continue to grow exponentially throughout the nation, even if other retailers have beenforced to close places during the last years. After paving his path as one of the most prolific dollar companies, the dollar tree operatesMore than 16,000 stores across the United States and Canada, and the company is already taken to open 590 new stores in 2022. But the planned growth of retail could be at risk, because the company found its name splashed more and more Recent - and not for good reasons. . In recent months, the dollar tree has been entangled in several major controversies, which have attracted a significant reaction and calls for a potential boycott. For a chronological summary on the recent disorders of society, read on.
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Dollar Tree made a controversial change to its pricing structure in November.

For years, the dollar tree had been revered to be one of the only dollar stores to stay true to its name by selling its products for only $ 1. But in 2019, the company made its first departure of this price when it started opening new dollar shops, which offered sections of items from $ 3 to $ 5. On November 2021, afterHigher price test to some of its original stores, just from previous months, a dollar treeShocked customers By announcing that this would increase the cost of most of its products in all stores at $ 1.25.
"For 35 years, the dollar tree has succeeded by inflationary periods to maintain the dollar philosophy that the distinguished dollar tree and made it one of the mostSuccessful retail concepts For three decades, "the discount chain said in an ad." However ... the company believes that it is the right moment to move the price constraints of $ 1.00 ".
Not surprisingly, theDREW CRITICAL DECISION From a number of its loyal purchases, CNN reported on January 20th. Some customers went so far as to say that rising prices made them "sick to [their] stomachs", according to the taking of news. "We all have, in the Dollar tree community, hoped that it would not happen:" A retail blogger spent by name Scent Maven said to CNN, saying that $ 1 was a price "you could count on".
RELATED:Never buy this one at the dollar tree, employees warn.
The company was struck with an FDA survey at the beginning of the year.

The dollar tree does not only offer cheap stores on its own name. The company also has a family dollar after acquiring the brand in 2015 and at the beginning of this year, several family dollars stores were at the center of a survey by theUS Food and Medicine Administration (FDA).AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
Following a consumer complaint, the Agency launched an inspection of the family dollar distribution facility in West Memphis, Arkansas, January 20. According to the FDA, the inspection revealed a number of unhealthy conditions in the establishment, including a major infestation of rodents where more than 1,100 dead rodents were discovered as a result of fumigation.
"Families are based on shops such as family dollar for products such as food and medicine. They deserve safe products", Associate FDA Commissioner for Regulatory AffairsJudith McMeekin, PharMD, stated in the February 18 statement. "No one should be subject to products stored in the type of unacceptable conditions we found in this family dollar distribution facility. These conditions seem to be violations of the federal law that could endanger the health of families. We will continue to work to protect consumers. "
The company had to temporarily close hundreds of stores in February.

According toThe New York Times, Dollar Tree Inc. confirmed on February 19 that, as a result of the FDA investigation, it hadtemporarily closed More than 400 family dollar stores on six states: Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee. "The conditions observed during the inspection included living rodents, dead rodents in various decomposition states, fecal materials of rodents and urine, evidence of gnawing, nesting and rodent gnawing odors. Establishment, dead birds and drops of birds, and products stored under conditions that have not protected against contamination, "the FDA declared in an alert to consumption.
But that's not all. On February 18, the company also launched a voluntary reminder of several products stored and shipped from the distribution center to West Memphis to the stores in the six states. Family Dollar SpokespersonKayleigh Campbell said in a statement that the Company "temporarily closed the affected stores to competently conduct the voluntary recall".
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Buyers started to threaten to boycott the company in March.

Dollar treestarted to reopen slowly Family dollar stores closed in March, the information site based by Memphis the reported commercial call. But according to the outlet, a group of buyers who serve as community leaders in Memphis began to call apotential boycott against society at the same time. The ministerial association of Memphis Baptiste organized a press conference on March 1st where leaders like the rev.Rickey dugger sr. andPatricia Rogers Said that the dollar tree will have to do more tangible actions to regain the confidence of the community after the FDA investigation.
"We ask them to make a collective effort to clean up and clean their act," said Dugger, adding that they do not yet call a real boycott of the company's stores, but that they advise the Congregations to be aware of what they buy.
This month, the dollar tree had to remember more than a million units of a product.

The most recent controversy of dollar tree also involves amassive and rendered recall. The Consumer Products Safety Board (CPAC) announced on April 14 that society hadissued a reminder With more than one million Crafter square glue ranges sold in dollar and family dollar shops across the United States until March 20th.
According to the CPSC announcement, the dollar tree issued the recall after the discovery of glue guns that can be dysfunction when connected, pose a serious burning risk and a fire hazard. And the product has already done some damage. The company reported receiving seven electrical dysfunction ratios involving glue guns, four of which were a fire and a skin irritation ratio. Consumers have been advised to disconnect immediately and stop using their glue gun and the dollar offering a complete refund for the product.

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