Cellulite: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

What do you know about cellulite? Here are some causes, treatment and prevention of this condition that takes the sleep of many people.

Known for leaving the skin of the hip, thighs and butt beans and irregular, the cellulite is quite common as we aged. Although men also present it, it affects women more because of the different distributions of fat, muscle and connective tissues in each.

Cellulite happens when the skin on some regions with fat is pulled down from deeper tissues, which creates a misshapen surface. It is believed that cellulite occurs in 80 to 90% of women and it, by itself, is not harmful to health.


The exact cause of cellulite is unknown. Apparently, it is a result of the interaction between the fat layer and the connective tissues that are just above it and below the surface of the skin. When fat cells enter the skin layer, we see cellulite.

In women, fat cells and connective tissue are arranged vertically, while in men this structure is crossed. This can explain why they have less chances of developing this condition.

There are some other factors that can influence the appearance of cellulite, such as hormonal issues, age, genetic and lifestyle factors.


As cellulite can be the result of a wide variety of factors, your treatment is not not simple. For example, for some people, maintaining a balanced and healthy diet can help, since it decreases the inflammation of the body and keeps the weight.

There are also treatments and techniques that say be able to reduce the appearance of cellulite, but few have been proven. For example, acoustic wave therapy can help, but requires several sessions to take effect.

It is also possible to make a laser treatment, which has already shown to be able to improve cellulite for about a year. In it, the health professional inserts a small laser device under the skin, which breaks the connective fabric. This increases the production of collagen and thin some layers of the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite just below.

Other treatments involving the cutting of connective tissue also say they help with cellulite, although it has not been scientifically proven. For example, subcrise is a procedure in which a dermatologist puts a needle under the skin to break the connections of this tissue. A similar process can be done with a device containing small blades. The results of these procedures can last from 2 to 3 years.

It is worth mentioning that there are famous but completely useless procedures, at least from a scientific point of view, and which proved to be ineffective in reducing cellulite. Some of them are ultrasonic liposculpture, mesotherapy and cryolipolysis.


Because of so many causes and factors, it is impossible to be sure that you will not have cellulite. However, the good side is that there are ways to decrease the chances that it appears, taking some preventive measures.

If eating healthy is an example, as in addition to helping to maintain a healthy weight and prevent your fat cells from being protruding, a good feed causes your skin and connective fabric gain more strength and have a Best structure, which prevents cellulite from appearing. Some studies have already shown that aerobic and resistance exercise can also decrease the appearance of cellulite. This is because exercise improves blood circulation and tones muscles in prone areas to develop cellulite.

If you smoke, a way to prevent cellulite is to abandon the habit. In addition to affecting your health as a whole, increasing the chance for several diseases, smoking causes damage to your connective tissues, accelerating the aging process and, consequently, resulting in the appearance of your skin.

Another practical way of preventing cellulite is to consume rich foods in collagen or add supplements of this substance in your diet. Ingestion of collagen is crucial for healthy tissues, and studies show that it improves the appearance of the skin and decreases cellulite.

Categories: Beauty
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