If you notice this at night, it may be a sign of first Alzheimer, the study says

What happens after struck the hay could be a red flag of the cognitive condition.

What happens when you sleep long on your health.Legs without rest could be a precursor of heart disease and excessive perspiration at night could be asymptom of cancer. But it can be difficult to detect these warning signs when you are in and out of conscience, there could be a specific red flag that appears after hitting the hay you might miss. If you want to know what to watch, and you arepredisposed to the development of dementiaYou will want to know some recent research published by the American Academy of Neurology. Scientists have found that if you notice struggles during the night, this can be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease. Read it to see what you should keep your eyes.

RELATED:If you can not feel that, it could be an early sign of dementia, the study says.

Having trouble sleeping could be an early sign of Alzheimer's disease.

middle aged woman awake in bed at night

Launch and turn in the middle of the night might not want to try to get comfortable. A 2018 study published in the American Academy of Neurology's JournalNeurology assembled 101 participants whose average age was 63. All were considered consideredRisk for Alzheimer's disease Due to the carriers of a specific gene that makes them more likely to develop symptoms of the disease.

Participants then completed surveys detailing theirSleep habits and all sleep problems They have regularly experienced, as well as spinal fluid samples to check the biological markers of neurological disease called amyloid plate and tau. The results revealed that those who reported being agitated at night, had a poor quality of sleep and were tired during the day had higher amounts of alzheimer's biomarkers in their system.

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But everyone has not reported having sleep problems carried the Alzheimer's biomarkers.

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The researchers pointed out that not being able to nail a good night's sleep did not prevent participants from having the Alzheimer's markers in their spinal fluid. But even when the results of the study have been adjusted to account for the body mass index, drug use, depression and education, the conclusions remained unchanged.

The researchers explained that their results could potentially mean some different things. "Previous evidence has shown that sleep can affect development orProgression of Alzheimer's disease in various ways, "Barbara B. Bendlin, PhD, the author of the study of the University of Wisconsin-Madison stated in a statement. "For example, disturbed sleep or lack of sleep can cause an amyloid plate accumulation because the brain clearance system begins at action during sleep. Our study looks not only for the amyloid, but Also for other biological markers in the spinal fluid. "

It is not clear if poor sleep can lead to Alzheimer or if the disease causes troubles to sleep.

A depressed senior man lying in bed cannot sleep from insomnia

In the end, the researchers concluded that more information was needed to determine the true cause and effect between sleeping sleep and disease. "It is still unclear if sleep can affect the development of the disease or if the disease affects the quality of sleep. More research is needed to further define the relationship between sleep and these biomarkers," said Bendlin in the statement. "There are already many effective ways to improve sleep. It may be possible that early intervention for people at risk of Alzheimer's disease can prevent or delay the appearance of the disease."

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Other studies have found that less than six hours of sleep can increase the risk of dementia.

Closeup of alarm clock with senior woman in deep sleep in background

Other recent research has found links between sleep and cognitive health. A great April study of the INSERM French Health Research Institute, published in the scientific journalNature Communications, found thisSleep six hours per night or lessOne night was linked to an increased risk of dementia among people aged 50 to 60 years.

Researchers analyzed data from a long-term study of the University College London, who followed 7,959 British between 1985 and 2016. They then compared the health of adults who do not have enough sleep to those who have slept the seven hours recommended. Researchers found 30%Increased risk of dementia In those who have constantly chick in up to six hours a night in the 50s and 60s.

"Many of us have had a bad night's sleep and probably know that this can have an impact on our memory and think in the short term, but an intriguing question is whether long-term sleep patterns can affect our risk of dementia ", Sara Imarisio , PhD, Alzheimer's Research Manager U.K., said in a statement in response to the April study. "We know that the Diseases that cause dementia Start up two decades before the symptoms such as memory loss begins to demonstrate, mid-life is a crucial period for risk factor research. "

RELATED: 40 habits to reduce your risk of dementia after 40 .

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