If you have more than 45 years and you have bad breath, this could be the real reason

If you are on a certain age, no amount of brushing can be sufficient.

It is an embarrassing problem to have - a nobody wants to admit. Nevertheless, everyone wonders from time to time this question: "Is my breath stink?" The paranoid especially between the United States may be used to transporting mentions, gums and even a trip toothbrush wherever we were going, and some have even been known to breathe in a love of confidence and ask them for truth. (Hey, you have to do what you have to do.)

Women over 45, especially, are prone tosuffering from bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis - and it may not have nothing to do with if they have eaten onions recently, or brushing their teeth sufficiently, or a mouthwash. If you have trouble with this problem, there is no reason to be ashamed; Unpleasant vapors coming from your mouth are probably not your fault at all. Read it to find out what could give you this stubborn dragon breath and how to fight it.

RELATED:If your breath feels like that, have your liver check, say experts.

Hormonal changes related to menopause can cause bad breath in women over 45 years old.

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Onions and garlic get a bad blow to cause bad breath, and although this is true, a dry mouth may be more often to blame. And for menopausal women, a "cotton mouth" comes with the territory because of the fall in estrogen levels during this period. This leads to notorious symptoms like hot flashes, nocturnal sweats, mood and a misty memory. But a less known side effect of this hormonal offset is decreased the production of saliva, which can leave you with a fault of breath.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"I had several patients experimenting dry mouth and bad breath because of menopause," saysWhitney Rose Difoggio, RDH, BS (also called YouTube's "Talk girl teeth")." This is mainly due to the lack of estrogen, which can have the side effect of xerostomy, also called dry mouth. "

Menopause is not the only time the hormones can play in Havoc with your breath, either. The appearance of menstruation, pregnancy and things like taking control of hormonal births can all affect your production of saliva - and so your breath. "The saliva is important for the health of the mouth, because it washes bacteria and food," explainsVENUS PATTI, DDS. "A dry mouth can cause bad breath and teeth problems."

Basically, at any time, your estrogen levels are out of Whack, you will notice your mouth in dry and your breath becomes a little stinky.

Disclose other causes of bad breath is important.

older white woman brushing her teeth in the mirror

While hormonal changesare A common culprit of halitosis, it is important not to assume that it is the cause, even if you are a woman who crosses menopause. OtherCauses of bad breath Include tonsil stones (it is at that moment that the food particles are stuck in your tonsils and harden in agonizing calcium deposits), gum diseases, diabetes, sinus infections and even cancer , according to the clinic of Cleveland.

Of course, the main reason for bad breath is a bad oral hygiene, so make sure that the first step you are taking in the fight against bad breath brushes your teeth at least twice a day, the dental silk regularly and The use of mouth mouth. You are not sure of your order to do all this?Todd Shatkin, DDS, saysToday thatDental silk should come firstAnd you should do it for five full minutes before brushing. However,Catrise Austin, DDS, says to the show that it does not matter. "I do not care about your order, do it," she says.

Bad breath is not the only dental concern of women crossing menopause.

older woman touching her jaw looking concerned
Studio ShotPrime / Shutterstock

Bad breath is boring and embarrassing, to be sure, but there are more serious problems for women passing through menopause. The decline in estrogen causes two main changes to concern for dentists,Patti explains: Dry mouth and bone loss. "Up to 25% of post-menopausal women face an increased risk of losing teeth," says Patti. "They are also at risk of gum disease and dental tooth".

Patti suggests that women speak to their doctor treatments to prevent the loss of teeth. "New research also indicates that hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) can help prevent many post-menopausal problems such as reduced bone density," she said. "This will help reduce the risk of loss of teeth and gum diseases."

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Here's how to fight a dry mouth and keep bad breath at the bay.

Woman at dentist

The gum and mint can not go so far to hide a case of halitosis driven by a hormonia. In addition to practicing good oral hygiene (dental, brushing, and using mouth rinse), drink plenty of water can help you keep hydrated and improve your dry mouth. "The water helps to lubricate your mouth and gives your body the liquid that it has to turn around and produce more saliva," explains Difoggio.

And of course, regular dental tours are essential. "Post-menopausal women should pay more attention to their oral health by regularly consulting their dentist and following the repair of fixing problems," said Patti. "In the case of diagnosing early with regard to gum or periodontal disease is essential to solve them."

HealTline advises that sleeping with your open mouth can alsocontribute to bad breath. In addition, stay away from tobacco, which is notorious to cause bad breath. If the problem persists, do not be embarrassed to bring it with your doctor or dentist. They can help!

RELATED:It's the worst absolute moment to brush the teeth, tell dentists.

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