A sure sign that you caught the mutated covidon
There is an easy way to know if you have what researchers have Dubbed G614.

This week, it has been confirmed that there is a new form of coronavirus that has spread from Europe in the United States and is more contagious than the first. Now, the question on many of our minds is: how do we know if we are infected with that? According to experts, the answer is both simple and complicated.
According to a study published in the medical newspaperCell,The only major difference between the new coronavirus and the old one, is that the newer version is more likely to infect people. However, with regard to symptoms and their severity, there does not seem to be a difference. All symptoms, including dry cough, shortness of breath, fever, fatigue - stay the same. According to experts, if you encounter one of these symptoms, you are actually infected with the new version. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.
"It's now the dominant form"
"It is now the dominant form infecting people", Erica Ollmann sapphire from the Institute of Jolla of Immunology and the Coronavirus Immunotherapy Consortium, who worked on a study, saidCnnearlier this summer. "It's now the virus."
Saphire argues that the new virus, what researchers have Dubbed G614, is "Fitter", but that "does not look at the first glance as if it is worse."
"Our global follow-up data show that SPIKE's G614 variant has spread faster than the D614", "Theoretical Bette Corporate Theoretical Los Alamos and Colleagues wrote in their report." We interpret this to say that the virus is likely to be more infectious. Interestingly, we have not found proof of the impact of the G614 on the severity of diseases. "
The researchers say it has almost completely replaced the initial strain. The mutation affects the SPIKE protein - the structure that the virus uses to enter the cells it infects. Researchers are now trying to learn if this new strain can be controlled by a vaccine.
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Three to nine times more infectious
Researchers retain that the new version multiplies much faster in the upper respiratory tract, which makes three to nine times more infectious. However, the symptoms and severity of both remain the same.
Although these results suggest that this mutated form of the virus is more easily transmitted than the original form, the same prevention methods are suggested by the authors of the study. "That this conclusion be finally confirmed, it highlights the value of what already good ideas were: wearing masks and maintaining social distancing," Korber said in a statement. So, wear your face mask when you are around people you do not enter, practice social distance, wash your hands frequently, watch your health andGo through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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