If your headache looks like this, call 911 immediately

Here's how to recognize a headache threatening by life, according to experts.

Whether stress, dehydration, migraine or viral disease, all of usHeadache from time to time. And although this fact can hang symptoms of headache, it is easier to get rid of as a "normal" disadvantage to support, experts warn that there is a type of headache that you should never reject . If you notice the defined features of this type of headache, call the 911 immediately to exclude multiple potentially fatal conditions. Read it to learn to recognize this type of headaches threatening by life, and why it is crucial to get help quickly.

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If you meet a "Thunderclap headache", call 911 immediately.


Although the vast majority of headaches are benign and resolves alone without treatment, some are considered to put life in danger, the Harvard Health blog explains. "ASudden-Headed Sudden Headache Known as Thunderclap headaches (TCH) is a medical emergency, very different from more common headache disorders such as migraine and tension headaches. If you expand TCH, you must call 911 or immediately go to the nearest hospital. "

The weather will be gas, because your doctors exclude the threatening causes of the life of a Thunderclap headache.Causes of a CCH May include bleeding in the brain, a tear in the mucosa of an artery, ablood clot In the brain, a dangerous altitude of blood pressure, stroke, encephalitis and more, according to the Mayo clinic. "TCH is associated with a variety of causes, ranging from benignant to potentially fatal. An urgent assessment in an emergency context is necessary to quickly identify and treat any underlying condition," said Harvard Health.

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Here's how to recognize a thunder headache.

Woman with a headache

Thunderclap headaches live in their name: they suddenly occur and with striking intensity. Typically, a Thunderclap headache will reachmaximum pain levels In a minute of appearance and will last at least five minutes before improving your symptoms.

According to the clinic of Cleveland, you can experimentAdditional symptoms In case of Thunderclap headaches. These may include numbness, a weakness, vocal difficulty, nausea or vomiting, convulsions, vision changes and new confusion.

You may be able to minimize your risks.

woman in her 60s wearing a fitness tracker and workout clothing, taking a break from exercising, opening a water bottle.

Thunderclap headaches appear without warning, which makes them difficult to prevent. However, by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing underlying conditions and avoiding specific triggers such as physical activity that is too intense, you may be able to reduce your chances of experimenting one, Cleveland's clinic.

People withHypertensionVascular problems, a high cholesterol or a family history of blood clots may be at increased risk for the conditions that cause Thunderclap headaches. Healthy diet, exercise, refrain from the use of tobacco and as a result of any treatment plan recommended by your doctor can help reduce your risks.

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Recurring Thunderclap headaches may have serious consequences.

Holding hand in hospital bed

Some CAS cases are considered idiopathic, which means they occur spontaneously without a known underlying cause. However, other patients have Thunderclap recurring headaches, which may occur within a short period of time. "In such cases, imaging invariably shows alternating shrinkage and expansion areas (the appearance is described as" a sausage on a chain ") multiple cerebral arteries," says Harvard Health. "This condition is called reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome or RCVs. RCVs can also develop in patients with single CHP."

Among the patients with RCVS, between 30 and 50% will eventually develop cerebral hemorrhage, stroke or brain swelling, warran the experts of Harvard. "Despite these possible complications, people with RCVs are generally good; the burst of TCHS usually refrains in a few days and arterial narrowing resolves to his side in a few weeks," they adds.

However, just because the condition can The resolution alone does not mean that you should try to support it alone. Call 911 For emergency medical assistance if you encounter Thunderclap headache. Do not do so fast can be fatal.

RELATED: If you feel it in your legs, call 911 immediately .

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