If you see eye floats, it could be a sign of this chronic condition

This common symptom can lead to permanent loss of vision, warn experts.

At one time or another, chances that you have seen "floats" in your field of view, dust-like stains that seem to move when your eyes move. But exactly, what are these fleeting forms and why are they appearing? The experts say that some reasons have some reasons could work their way in your sight and, although they are often harmless, they can also report a serious problem in some cases. Keep reading to find outwhat chronic condition Has been linked to the flatters of the eyes and what else could be to blame for these flaws strange to your view.

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Floats are common and can be a normal part of aging.

asian doctor examining woman's eye with flashlight
Shutterstock / Pormezz

Floats can take a variety of shapes: they are most often described as resembling points, circles, strands resembling wire, shadows or spiders. "Floaters are actually tiny tufts of gel or cells inside the glazed, the transparent fluid of frozen type that fills theinside your eye"Explains the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)." Although these objects look like what they are in front of your eye, they really float inside it. What you see are the shadows they sleep on the retina, the nerve layer on the back of the eye that detects light and allows you to see. "

According to the Clinic of Cleveland, many peopleFloat experience as normal result of aging. "They are usually not something you need to worry about," writes experts from the clinic. However, it is important to note that floats can also be a sign of a dangerous chronic disease that can possibly cause blindness. An ophthalmologist can help you determine if your case is caused by something serious.

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Seeing floats in your eyes can be a sign of diabetes.

man getting a diabetes test at the doctors office

Eye floats can be harmless for some, but for others, they can report diabetic retinopathy, a conditionExperienced by some diabetics. "Diabetic retinopathy is common but seriousComplication of diabetes This affects the blood vessels of the retina of the eye, "explains the consultants associated with the retina, an ophthalmology group based on Arizona." Diabetic retinopathy damages the blood vessels in retinal fabric, making them flee fluid and distort vision. The first signs of diabetic retinopathy are a blurred vision, floats, a central vision loss and black spots in the vision area, "they writes.

Floats are particularly common in the most advanced steps of diabetic retinopathy. The AAO explains that when the retina grows from new blood vessels in a process called "neovascularization", they can "purge often in the vitreux. If they do just bleed a little, you can see some dark flagres. S ' They bleed a lot, it could block all the vision, "the organization warns.

In the end, this process can lead to the eye can develop a scar tissue, which canDrive to a detached retina. This is considered a medical emergency that can lead to a permanent loss of vision, the Mayo clinic warns.

These factors can offer an index on your condition.

young man looking at his eye in the mirror
Shutterstock / BlueskyImage

Floats can occur in anyone, at any age. However, experts say that if you notice them before the age of 50, it could be a sign of a deeper problem. "For most people, Flanders of the eyes are starting to present themselves in their vision aged 50 to 70 years," says Cleveland Clinic. "You may want to register with your persistent floats ophthalmologist that you see at a youngest age because it could be a more serious eye sign."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If diabetic retinopathy is a suspected cause of your floats, you should also look forOther signs of diabetes. These include an excessive increase in thirst or hunger, frequent urination, fatigue, recurrent infections, unexplained weight loss, numbness in hands or feet and some skin symptoms, including Associated skin spots.

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People with diabetes need regular view exams.

Ophthalmologist examining patient's eyes

If you have beendiagnosed with diabetes And notice floats in your vision, it is important to get regular dilated eye exams. This will help your ophthalmologist tracking the progress of your condition and alert them if you start showing signs of retina detachment or scar tissue.

Experts say that you may be able to reverse some of the effects of diabetic retinopathy by managing your blood glucose andarterial pressure . By eating a low sodium diet, taking insulin or other drugs as prescribed, exercising and taking care of your health, it may be possible to "bring part of your vision," says AAO . More advanced cases of diabetic retinopathy may require drugs, laser treatment or even surgery.

Talk with your doctor if you notice persistent floats in your vision, especially if you believe you could also have pre-diabetes or diabetes.

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