7 Reasons for causing us to drink lemongrass water regularly
Humans take advantage of herbs. For use as a medicine since the previous period And there are various herbs Which if we miss herbs with the benefits of the top Lemongrass is probably the name that comes into the top roster.

Humans take advantage of herbs. For use as a medicine since the previous period And there are various herbs Which if we miss herbs with the benefits of the top Lemongrass is probably the name that comes into the top list. And drinking lemongrass tea is already very popular And in this article We have gathered various benefits of Takhrai to share.
1.Help in the excretory system
Lemongrass has direct feature in the digestive system. Because helping to relieve nausea, constipation, flatulence and comfort As well as causing the digestive system to proceed to normal as well In addition, there are additional research that reports that lemongrass has the properties to reduce stomach acid.

2.Help in the blood circulation system
With the lemongrass as a herb with high potassium content Therefore, it helps in the production of Yuri in the body. Therefore, with this feature, helping the lemongrass can help in the matter of rotating blood well. And also helps to reduce the pressure of blood as well

3.Help in weight control
Mememaid tea can be used in detoxification. And helps in increasing the body's metabolic rate as well In the research found that In the lemongrass, can poly phenols And caffeine that has the properties of weight control well

4.Resist cancer
According to the research, it was found that in the lemongrass filled with antioxidants that can help fight with cancer. And also help slow down the substances that make us old as well

5.Helps reduce anxiety
Lemongrass is a herb that helps to reduce stress. And the anxiety is very good With the smell of fragrant, which affects direct stress relief

6.Helps relieve cholesterol levelsAnd nourish the heart
For example, people take advantage of lemongrass in the field of helping to reduce cholesterol levels. And nourish the work of the heart By which this property There are research results for support as well.

7.Helps stimulate the rebirth of the hair
Lemongrass has a substance that helps to stimulate hair growth. And also helps to reduce the obstruction of the pores In the hair roots as well Where the lemongrass has a high amount of vitamin A and SC, which directly affects the skin and hair. It also helps nourish the scalp. And reduce hair loss

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