90% of cervical cancer cases have this in common, says CDC

There is an easy way to prevent this serious form of cancer.

Cervical cancer is a serious illness that affects the uterine cells, the lowest part of the uterus. Until recently, it was the leading cause of cancer death among US women, but the progress of prevention and testing helped to stimulate current survival rates. However, far away, we have come to fight this common cancer, experts say that there is always progress to be done. This is because more than 90% of cervical cancer cases are caused by a thing - and by addressing it, we could all eradicate the diseases of the United States. Read it to find out what nine cervical cancer business have in common and learn how you can protect yourself from this form of threatening cancer.

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Ninety percent of all cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV.

Woman talking with her doctor

Human Papillomavirus (HPV), a virus group of more than 200 related viruses, is the most commonly transmitted sexually transmitted infection in the United States, with more than three million new cases each year. Although HPV can cause warts on various parts of your body, including genitals, it can also be an invisible disease without apparent symptoms.

When disease control and prevention centers (CDC) conducted a study using population-based data to estimate the percentage of cancers probably caused by HPV, they found that a shocking91% of cases of cervical cancer can be traced to HPV infection.

Experts say this statistic keeps the key to preventing cervical cancer. If 0over 90% of the cases are caused by HPV, it means that nine cases out of 10 on 10 cervical cancers could be prevented with the rapid vaccination of HPV.

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HPV can cause six different types of cancer.

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Although cervical cancer is by far the best knownCancer caused by HPVThere are other other types of cancer that may result from HPV infection:Anal CancerVulvary and vaginal cancer, penis cancer and oropharygic cancer. Together, these represent 36,500 new diagnoses each year, which means that 3,700 cases could potentially be prevented from vaccination, the CDC says.

These figures do not charge in another significant demographics: people with pre-cancer. The CDC refers to cases of cervical cancer as "just the tip of Iceberg", believing that 196,000 additional patients develop cervical cancer each year.

The HPV vaccine is the most effective during adolescence.


Experts say the best time to getvaccinated against HPV is at the beginning of adolescence. The CDC recommends that all children receive their first dose of the vaccine between 11 and 12 years old, although it can be given at nine years. A follow-up dose must be administered from six to twelve months after the first.

The CDC Consultative Advisory Committee on Vaccination Practices (ACIP) also recommends vaccination against HPV for every 26 years or less if they were not vaccinated in childhood. For people over the age of 26, however, the board is a little different.

"Vaccination is not recommended for everyone over the age of 26," explains the CDC. "Some adults aged 27 and 45 could decide to obtain the HPV vaccine according to the discussion with their clinician, if they have not vaccinated adequately when they were younger. Vaccination against the HPP of people in this range of age offers fewer benefits, for several reasons, including more reasons that more people in this age range have already been exposed to HPV. "AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

If you have not already been vaccinated against HPV, contact your doctor to determine if this vaccine is suitable for you.

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Get regular projections for cervical cancer is important.

Woman at the gynecologist

There is no routine screening for many types of cancer caused by HPV, which usually diagnose once a patient starts showing symptoms. However, the CDC indicates the visit of your gynecologist for regular PAP and HPV tests can help them identifycervical cancer or pre-cancers alerting them to cell changes likely to become cancerous if they are not treated.

Experts say women should go for regular projections from 21 years old and continue to receive them every three years to achieve normal results. "Women aged 30 and over should haveTests for human papillomavirus (HPV) with their PAP smear, "a method called co-test, declares Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Finally, make sure to talk with your doctor if you think they have symptoms that can indicate cervical cancer or pre-cancer. These symptoms include Bleeding between periods, longer or heavier periods than usual, an increased discharge, sex pain, bleeding after menopause or pelvic pain, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

RELATED: If you do this when you sleep, check cancer, say experts .

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