If you get migraines, your risk of this double cardiac condition

These headaches can affect your overall health issue.

If you suffer from migraines, you know how debilitating they can be. Now, studies reveal new surprising links between thesesevere headaches and other health conditions. In particular, a study suggests that people who undergo migraines are more likely to develop a serious and potentially fatal heart disease. Read on how migraines could put your heart to more risks and what you can do about it.

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If you get migraines, your risk of cardiac attack can double, a new study indicates.

Young black woman having migraine
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Studies have already established that people who undergo migraines - especially migraines with aura (ma) -art to aIncreased risk. Building on this search, a2016 study published in theBritish medical newspaper (BMJ) sought to better understand the full range of heart conditions that can be associated with migraines.

Using data of 115,541 women aged 25 to 42 people free of angina and cardiovascular disease (CVD) at the baseline base, the team determined that migraines were associated with increased risk for the Grand CVD. , and more precisely, the heart attack. Corroborating research estimates that recurring migraines can evendoubling the risk.

theBmj The authors of the study noted that, in addition to making aheart attack More likely, migraines also make "cardiovascular mortality" more likely - in other words, the death of a cardiac episode.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

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Women are not the only ones to risk.

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theBmj study (and several others) understood only female subjects, probably because women arethree times more likely Experience migraines compared to men. However, the experts say that men and women can be at risk of a risk also increasedcardiovascular event If they feel repeated migraines with aura. "Although many preliminary studies have shown increased risks in women with migraine with aura, an emergent evidence is showingsimilar risks in men, "says a 2008 study published in the Medical ReviewCurrent reports of atherosclerosis.

However, a possible risk factor for composition does not affect women: take oral contraceptives. For this reason, women who have migraines several times with aura can wish to talk about their doctor about alternative forms of birth control, the study suggests.

Researchers work to understand what is behind this link.

doctor is using a stethoscope listen to the heartbeat of the elderly patient.

Experts from the US Foundation of Migraine (AMF) indicate that there are "strong evidence that migraineIncreases the risk of heart disease, like myocardial infarction (heart attacks) and angina. »(Angina ischest pain This is caused by a reduction in the blood flow in the heart.) However, they are still working to understand the exact relationship between migraine and coronary conditions.

"The mechanisms are unknown, but probably involve inflammation, coagulation and dysfunction of the endothelial mucosa of arteries," says the organization of health.

A 2018 study published in the journalCepharé found that women who suffer from migraines have an increaserisk of developing hypertensionor high blood pressure, than those who do not. Since arterial hypertension is a known risk factor for the heart attack, this can contribute more to increased risk.

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This can help reduce your risk of cardiac attack.

Older couple exercising lifting weights

Experts do not yet know whether the treatment or prevention of migraines can reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular disease or having aheart attack. "In the end, it will be important to determine whether MA is an editable risk factor for the CVD and if the preventive medicines of migraine or anti-platelet therapy can reduce the risk of CVD in patients with MA".says a 2009 study Published in the newspaperNeurology.

Until we know more, the experts recommend that people who are undergoing migraines, especially those who see an aura - focus on factors they havedo Have control and have been proven to help cardiac health. These include refining from the use of tobacco, maintaining a healthy diet and obtain regular exercise. It is also important to handle your blood pressure, blood glucose, cholesterol and stress levels.

If you encounter repeated migraines, especially migraines with aura, talk to your neurologist or other health professional on the impact that could have on your overall health.

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