It is worth knowing everyone: 15 food habits that continue life

You want not just longer to live, but also enjoy this time? Then it is necessary to learn the habits that will continue your life, at least so promise scientists.

It is proved that the main factor that determines how long you live is not genes, but a way of life. Of course, bad habits cause an instantaneous sense of pleasure, but it is not necessary in the context of longevity. Balanced eating, you will strengthen your health and lay the foundation for longevity. Start changing your life today, and this article will help you to make it systematically.

Seed 5 times a day.

Doctors claim that five meals are suitable for most people, because it minimizes the burden on the internal organs. Small portions - a guarantee of good health and harmony. For all those who struggle with excess weight are the least painful way to lose weight without much stress for the body.

The basis of the diet must make vegetable food.

Numerous scientific experiments show that the basis of the diet ideally - vegetable food. These are seasonal vegetables and fruits, greens. Best if they are grown in a person's residence. Also, we should not forget about citrus, which are the primary prophylaxis of many diseases, and also have an excess of vitamin C.

Follow the amount of meat in a diet and gradually go to a decrease.

An experiment was previously conducted, the results of which confirmed: people who are very fond of meat, live for 8 years fewer than those who prefer fish and seafood. This is a good drive to consume meat in a small amount, which will also play in favor of the movement of ethics and the ecological situation as a whole.

The body should receive a sufficient amount of protein.

The protein should be at least a third of the daily diet, since it is a building material for the body and accelerates the refreshing of cells. Protein is also young, energy, sieve sense. Find alternate protein sources. If you do not like meat, eat dishes with tofu, legumes, fish, seafood, etc.

Do not forget about Omega-3.

It is known that Omega-3 is not produced in the body, so these fatty acids should get to it with food. They improve the brain, hearts and vessels responsible for the condition of the skin and in general for youth. Therefore, take care that the menu has red fish, avocado, seafood, nuts, as well as certified nutritional supplements.

Control the level of vitamin D3.

The past few years scientists are called D3 not just a vitamin, but translate into the status of a hormone, so broad its functions. After conducted studies it is known that people with a low vitamin D have 3 times greater than the chances of dying than people with its normal level. Therefore, in order to live long, it is necessary to periodically blood to the analysis and, if necessary, to replenish D3, especially in the autumn-winter period.

Pay attention to the amount of bread consumption.

As if we did not like bread, this is a quick carbohydrate that has little benefits, especially baked products from refined flour. Long-lives say that in their diet prevails bread from whole-grain flour, or baked on the leaven. Such bread is considered alive and contains many useful components.

Do not forget about oil.

Many ignore the benefits of oil, but there are real record holders for the content of useful substances. Vegetable oils do not harm the figure, but help keep the body in tone, stimulate digestion and metabolism. We advise consuming hemp, linen and olive oil.

Make brightness in your menu due to bright colors of vegetables and fruits.

This food habit is responsible not only for health, but also for a good mood. Fruits and vegetables of the bright color contain a large amount of antioxidants and useful substances that help the body longer remain young.

Coffee and tea are indispensable drinks on the table. But an important dosage.

Many because of prejudice refuses to coffee, forgetting that this is a great antioxidant that supports youth and active metabolism. The drink trains the heart and vessel, increases cognitive functions and struggling with depression. However, of course, caffeine can not be abused. It also applies to tea. Daily teas reduce cholesterol levels, improve the mood and stimulate metabolism.

Consume food with minimal thermal finish.

The less effort was spent on cooking dishes, the more benefits in it remains. It is also worth refusing food with chemical additives, preservatives. The best fit products manufactured in your region and residence country. Usually there contains fewer harmful impurities than in imports.

Drink enough fresh drinking water without gas.

How much has already been announced about the benefits of clean water, which should not be stopped separately. Follow that it was high-quality and live water.

Give up sugar.

If you want to have good health and live longer, you should give up sugar. And it's not only about sweets. Refinable sugars are found in a store sausage, sausages, canned foods, semi-finished products, bread, juices and other. Remember to read labels on products before buying them.

Responsible to sleep.

Long-lives follow the quality of their sleep. The optimum time is from 6 to 8 hours a day. Thus, you can recover and rest well.

Not the food is only: put yourself an important vital purpose.

Of course, long and saturated life depends not only on food. Do an analysis of your life and find something that motivates you, captures, reveals talents. The purpose and a clear plan protect against stress and reduce the risk of disease development.

Compliance with these simple rules - a guarantee of your long life.

Categories: Food and Travel
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