Products that help in combating acne

Beauty, health and youth of the skin is a consequence of our lifestyle. And meals in this context - in the first place.

Specialists in one vote say that the diet directly affects the state of the skin: on the number of rashes and the production of sebum. Of course, the situation may be associated with hormones, but this is a topic for another article. Today we will tell which products to be in the menu so that your skin shone health and you have forgotten hate pimples. However, let's turn your attention to what it is necessary to give up if you have problem skin. Let's start with the refusal of bad habits: among them the use of alcohol and smoking. It should also be removed from the diet sugar, boiled pastry, carbonated drinks, sharp dishes and high glycemic index products. Do not worry that you will not have what to eat. Then divide the list of products that should be in the menu so you forgot about pimples.


A million articles are written about the incredible benefits of avocado. But in the context of combating rashes, this vegetable plays in your favor. In its composition there are vitamins C and E, which will help the problem of combating acne.

Green leafy vegetables

In order to face the face and the body did not appear acne, it should be drawn on green leafy vegetables. They provide the elasticity of the skin, its strength and impede the formation of acne. All thanks to chlorophyll, which increases the amount of collagen. In addition, the antioxidant properties of green vegetables protect the skin from dangerous sun rays, which is why the skin is not so fast old. And the normalization of the robot can be separately and not talking. All this in aggregate is the basis for the beauty and health of the skin.


Many do not love broccoli, but this kind of cabbage is extremely useful for leather - including. It contains vitamins of group A, B and K, which are responsible for upgrading and beautiful appearance. But to eat broccoli trail or in raw form, or slightly by coping with boiling water.


Fruits, consisting of a lot of vitamin C, are extremely useful for the skin. Thus, this vitamin is a connecting component for the type of amino acids involved in the formation of a proline preceding the formation of direct collagen. Also, vitamin C takes the body from the toxins from the environment, leaving a negative trail on the skin in the form of a rash.


This morning porridge helps from acne that in its composition a lot of magnesium. Therefore, specialists consider oatmeal as one of the best products in combating acne.


Red fish that are rich in fatty acids, must be in your menu, since their antibacterial activity helps reduce the appearance of acne.


These red vegetables are not only delicious, but also extremely useful. The thing is that in their composition is Lycopin. This antioxidant substance keeps the skin from harmful sun rays. Also stimulates collagen development and improves the overall skin immunity. Because of this you can later be proud of healthy skin.


Remember the crazy benefit of berries in the summer, when it is time to replenish stocks, but do not forget to add berries to its menu and in the cold period of the year in frozen form. In their composition, there is such a need for the body and skin health in the whole substance - elago acid. It leads to a norm of metabolism, which is why slags are quickly displayed and not postponed through the skin on the body. Therefore, the effects of berries on beauty you will notice very quickly.

Pumpkin seeds

One of the budget and accessible to all ways to look great - more to consume pumpkin seeds. It contains a lot of zinc that is a necessary element of beautiful skin.

Dark chocolate

Despite the fact that everyone says to abandon chocolate to have a beautiful skin, specialists say that real qualitative dark chocolate not only does not hurt, but will help. There is little sugar, but there are antioxidants and zinc that you need in combating acne.

Low-fat meat

If there were no rashes, it is better to use more low-fat meat. The best if dishes will be cooked for a pair without a large number of spices. This has a connection with skin moisturizing.

High-quality drinking water

No matter how banally, advice about what should be drinked - always very relevant. However, this water should be high-quality. From the amount of water depends on the level of skin moisturizing and, accordingly, the emergence or absence of rashes. Drink a glass of clean water with lemon in the morning, as well as half an hour before each meal.

Categories: Beauty
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