Viparita Karan, bent or out candles: solid reasons to learn all this asana
Even if you do not like exercise, you should definitely try inverted posture candles. The benefits and technique read on.

Given that the trend of a healthy lifestyle is still actively going on, but most people follow through pandemic health at home, we decided to talk about another way to feel good and look good. Read more about the pros and cons posture bent candles and technique Read more in our article
What Viparita Karan or bent out candles?
This is one of the most popular and useful asanas in yoga, in particular - in hatha yoga. It turned out that just as useful as birches outside, but less traumatic. In general, its main function is therefore to relieve the spine to remove the pain in the back and legs (but not all good, talk about it more later). This experience needs to anyone intelligent work and requires considerable seats in one place. An important condition in order to feel the effect of exercise - Regular its execution and deliberate approach to ensure that this time you will feel physically and mentally.

How to perform asanas Viparita Karan?
There are several levels of performance, each more difficult than the last. First you enough for the first place, if only you have mastered the technique and not repelled a desire to do this in the future. This exercise against the wall.

- You need to lie on your back, legs should be raised perpendicular to the floor and his hands along the body should pull down.
- Vprit down the wall and lift the pelvis to the desired level.
- If there discomfort, Put under the pillow or folded towels.
- If the pelvis is difficult to raise, try to lift his feet.
- Do not allow to support your point shifted to the neck and head, it is not just wrong, and even dangerous.
- The exercise will be effective only if that position can breathe easily, freely, feeling his body as much as possible.
And so is more difficult asanas level.

Benefits posture bent candles
You ask, what is the benefit of this asana. And we answer, based on years of experience of those who practice exercise, and after medical research. So Viparita Karan helps:
- Rejuvenation by saturation of the brain and pituitary blood;
- Improving blood flow and movement of lymph in the body because the body some time been inverted condition;
- Reducing the level of toxins in the body. This contributes to the fact that the intestines and other organs descend to the diaphragm;
- Improving varices legs, pelvis, and hemorrhoids. It is noticed that people are starting to feel much better already 2 months of the exercise;
- Correcting posture;
- The development of hand strength;
- Reduce swelling of extremities;
- Enhance the vitality of the body, improve mood;
- Relieve stress, anxiety, fear. It promotes itself out, and proper breathing during its execution.

Who should not do the exercise?
It should refrain from performing asanas if:
- There are temperature, signs of poisoning or intoxication;
- Menstruation;
- Pregnancy and also does not look like exercise;
- The increased pressure at the time of execution;
- Otitis media, sinusitis or rhinitis, not to enhance pain;
- Serious injuries of the neck and back;
- Taking medication and antibiotics;
- There are problems with the heart or thyroid gland - in these cases, you should definitely consult a doctor;
- You just ate. It is necessary to practice exercise at least 3 hours after eating.

Remember that asana Viparita Carano will only benefit your physical and mental health if you do it properly and systematically. Of course, in the beginning may be some discomfort, because the body is not accustomed to this kind of load, but generally spasms and eventually blocks will - and you'll feel like you exercise is good. When you will only learn to master the exercise, record the position for 30-60 seconds. Subsequently try increasing the time period of 3-5 minutes. If you're doing an exercise near the wall can stand even 20 minutes, but must follow the breath and do it consciously.
Please be assured that this new experience will bring into your life positive change. Try!