How do we stop the diet and grow hair female face using nutrient

Unwanted hair problems to face are facing daily many women. Women could not afford a Pimpalgaon on your face, then the face of the force is a serious problem.

Unwanted hair problems to face are facing daily many women. Women could not afford a Pimpalgaon on your face, then the face of the force is a serious problem. So that this article can help you if you are suffering from growing hair on his face.

If you are having problems of unwanted facial hair, you would have tried various measures such as shaving preparation, waxing or even laser hair removal.

But this is only a temporary solution. It will get to the root of the problem to find the right. And to find a permanent home.


Before finding the solution is why we would finally like to understand it. Because while we will not reach the depth of the problem we can not make the right treatment.

The way the hormone called testosterone causes of facial hair in men. It amounts to the same old well is when more, it can be hair, extra muscles and masculine shape on the face (square body). Too much estrogen that people's bodies are curvy.

A woman has a lot more sense simply to be testosterone that they have hormonal imbalances. When your hormones are unbalanced state, you'll see signs of all kinds, such as acne, hair loss, facial hair, weight problems (profit and loss), hot flashes and menstrual irregularity.


  • Hereditri
  • Health Problems
  • Kyusing syndrome
  • Lack of proper diet
  • Drug side effects


  • Soy, to stop taking hormonal meat and dairy and either to switch to eliminate meat or those that do not contain hormones.
  • Those harmful to undergo a full body Detox to get rid of the toxins that are causing your imbalances. Beginning Detox tea, a lot of Alklain water Take drink and Detox Bath.
  • You need to start eating more nutritious foods, which contain vitamins and minerals of various kinds. Is mainly spoken in vitamin B6 and vitamin e.
  • You should start taking herbal Smoothie which can provide balanced nutrition you well. You can use things like Iris Moss, Moringa, Spirulina, hemp powder Smoothie.
  • Also you can start taking banana, Hazelnut, hemp seed, flax seed, Cveenoa and Cikpij. It would prove to be helpful in preventing hair growth in women.


Also you can prove to be quite useful in some other way can also make that removal closely the hair of his face.

the householdPrescriptions

Figure on the face with a lemon juice and sugar solution also helps to a great extent. Also flour gram, put it on the face with a paste of turmeric and yogurt. Besides using papaya and turmeric is also effective.


This method is used by most women. Unwanted hair from yarn threading is removed. While shaving and waxing you can do yourself at home. It is effective to only a certain extent. You do it every time.


It is a sustainable alternative to a large extent. There by the laser light is removed hair closely. It may take a few months. In the same time, it is quite expensive.

Categories: Beauty
By: ari-notis
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